Thursday, May 13, 2004

Almost done with finals. Gonna update with a new attitude soon! For real this time!

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Took out the tagboard and sitemeter thing. For some reason when I try to view it with IE it doesn't show all of the page. It stops right below the tagboard. Fixed it now though. Better. I'll post more soon, just gotta sleep first.


Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I have a paper due in two days. 5 pages. Comparison between the autobiography of Malcolm X and NSC-68. Won't be fun. But 5 pages isn't much.

Thinking about skipping all of my classes today so I can work exclusively on it. But I don't think I'll skip history. Or psychology.

Am worried about the Mavs. But the next three games determine a lot. Who has the will to make it to the next round? I sure hope the Mavs pul it together and start giving Dirk 30 shots. KS took 30 shots, made 13, and no one said anything about that. Of course, it also helped that Cassell went for 40. It's nice to have someone at your side.

Dark and cloudy outside. I want to play ball. So I hope the weather clears up.

Alright, time to start working.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Things going well, at least as well as they can. I'm happy about basketball, and it's really been the high point for this week or so.

I ate way too much tonight. Had a Monte Cristo from Bennigan's. I feel like I just swallowed 50 bags of skittles whole, then washed them down with a gallon of water. That's how full I feel.

It was funny though. They served this red stuff with some appetizer, they were onions or something. Well, E couldn't figure out what it was. I took a couple of tastes, and said, "It's ketchup mixed with Jack Daniels." He thought about it and agreed with me. It's funny what I remember from my drinking days.

Haven't had a drink in 8 months. Don't miss it. Well, I do miss it a little, but not enough for me to act on it.

Mavs - Sac, first round. Yes! Total greatness.

Monday, April 12, 2004

My hair is so soft. Yes!

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

In case you missed what I said on Monday at 1:03AM, I declared that both UCONN Men and Women's basketball teams would win the championship. I said "Trust me, I gamble, and I'm good at it." Unfortunately, I didn't bet. I should have...

Didn't post for Tuesday night because I got back late from my brother's. Fun stuff. Plenty of yelling. All in good fun yelling though.

Weird dreams again. This time some mythical creature was converting regular animals to it's form. I didn't understand it. I also saw young adult cats playing with small birds, a turtle on its back, and an airport located on a swamp. Really, don't know what it all meant.

Government test tomorrow, and I still have to study. Great. I better jump on it.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Which would you rather have?

As much as I love basketball, I can't choose against it in this case.

Sunday, April 04, 2004

Don't have much to say tonight. Got back from my fun weekend, and I'm a little low on sleep. Really, I am exhausted. And I still have at least one test this week that I know of. This will be fun...

Well over here it's been like thunderstorm crazy. It's supposed to rain the next three days or something. I love it. I love it when it rains. Th only bad thing is getting to and from class. But I can handle it. I just have to avoid wearing a white shirt.

I took a sneak peak at the ESPN power rankings for the NBA. Stein has the Mavs sitting at number 8. Hello! 4-game win streak! Averaging over 130 points over those games too. Who in this league can score 130 points without burning out first? No one...

I was hoping that San Antonio would lose today to the Lakers, but I was dissapointed. Speaking of which, more than 24 hours before the Final Four started, I said to my brother, "You know, those Oklahoma State fans are going to be upset after tomorrow night." Sure enough, I was right. I also have picked both UCONNs to win it all. Put your money on them. Trust me, I gamble, and I'm good at it.

Raffles, card games, it doesn't matter. Lady Luck is always on my side. It's something I can't explain, but I don't really need to know why either. I just know it's something special with me.

Alright, I gotta get to bed. I'm gonna pass out soon.

Saturday, April 03, 2004

Going to my Bro's in hours. I need to sleep in between though.

There's some people shouting in the hallway outside of my door. It's pissing me off. Oh well, they're kids. What are you gonna do?

I want to play more basketball. I wanted to play today, but it rained. I've played on those courts when they were wet. I ended up slipping and falling on my ass. Fun stuff.

I have regained my ear for Tool. Maynard's voice is just hard to get away from. Doesn't help that I listen to A Perfect Circle everyday.

Why does Woody Paige always have to get eliminated? I want him to win every time. He obviously brings the humor to the show, and he's not afraid to drop some inappropriate words every once in a while. Sort of like an older version of me.

I have a mini-hoop in my room. I have the matching mini-basketball as well. Those shots are falling like crazy! There should be an indoor league with small goals on doors. I'd be king.

The white text idea...good? Bad? What...oh, it already says that below. Ha!

I hope I never hook up with some controlling woman who burps and doesn't say excuse me, among other things.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Saw Hellboy. Not bad. Could be better. Worth 8 bucks? I'll have to say, "no." But I saw it for free. Ha!

OOh, gonna get some Mavs highlights on Sportscenter. I might just stay up a bit longer.

If a diamond can make a girl shiver with pleasure, I need to learn how to crap out diamonds. Then I can be king of all that is good.

Actually fixed up my hair today. Turned out nicely. I think I need to add spikes to it again though. If I don't, it looks flat. I don't want to look flat. I want to look good. "Let's start looking good."

I've decided that for today, I don't want a relationship. Tune in tomorrow to see if it changes!

Well, the highlights came and left. I'm done.

What if I start using white text? I could hide messages. But now everyone will know. Hmm...


Wednesday, March 31, 2004

I've decided to come back for the mean time. I don't have much to say really. I just don't want to wear out my creativity.

It's April Fools Day. Great. I'm asking for it by stepping outside my door.

If the world blew up tomorrow, the 2nd, I would want to feel it in slow-motion. Gradually move further and further from everyone on this planet.

Wow, what I said is true. "Some guys want to be used."

My hair is so soft right now. Run fingers through it, close your eyes. It's like running across a plain with a southern wind grazing the back of your neck. Delicious!

Either way, we'll see where this leads me. Sleep for now.

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

It's just not working.

Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Oh wow.

Tim Legler was just talking on NBA Fastbreak. Kevin Fraser and Legler were talking about the Pistons and the NBA Finals.

"That's fine, it [defense but no offense] might get you out of the East, but when you start playing teams like Sacramento, the Lakers, Minnesota, and Dallas in the Finals, it doesn't matter."

He mentioned Dallas and NBA Finals in the same sentence. Also, he left out San Antonio. Greatness. I'm going to start reading his columns just because of that.

Oh oh oh! Again. They showed the match-ups for Wednesday night on ESPN, Dallas at Indiana and Kings at Lakers. Legler said, "Hey! Those are four great teams right there."

Thank you Legler. Thank you for giving some props to the Mavs. Good to see not everyone in the media bashes the Mavs.

By the way, I keep trying to post questions on the chats with Bill Walton and such analysts. None of them have made it though. The question I always pose is, "Why is it so cool to bash the Mavs? What does everyone have against them?"

My whole example was when they played Phoenix the first time this month. The post-game highlights on ESPN heavily featured the Suns, with only one shot going to Dirk. The Suns LOST! Why highlight a losing team?
What fun!

Red Blood Cell Mass Count. This is what happens...

They draw blood from your right arm, mix it with Chromium-51 for 30 minutes. Then they inject it back into your left arm and let that circulate for 20 minutes. Then they draw blood again from your right arm. The injection needle is thin and doesn't hurt much. The drawing needle is thick as hell and does hurt. Not enough to make me cry, but enough for me to say, "ooh."

Skipped the liver 'scan' because it takes two hours, and I was definitely not prepared for that. That also involves more injections. Still went to the stomach doctor, and pretty much I'm fine now in that area. Says I got a little bit of the reflux, but not enough to do something drastic.

So yea, today has been real fun. And really, I was planning to play basketball this afternoon. Even at 5, I still thought about at least shooting around. Gonna play tomorrow hopefully. Supposed to rain or something. I played on a wet court once, and it's not fun by any measure.

Received my fashion help, and it has been determined that I finally need to break down and buy some jeans. I hate jeans. I really do. But if I can look better in them, and be able to wear my new shoes, then I'm all for it.

When it comes to fashion, I'm your typical khakis with a blue shirt kind of guy. I stick with it because I know I look decent in it. Brighter colors don't usually mix well with my skin tone. Dark blues and blacks mix well though. There are two types of mexicans. Those who can wear gold, and those who can wear other, like silver or platinum. I am the latter. So of course, my basic outfit is dark khakis, dark blue shirt, silver chain, and my oh-so-favorite titanium ring. Cap it off with some navy blue shoes, and I'm good. Although, I need to think about getting some brown boots. I saw some Lugz that really caught my attention. The brown and white ones. Real nice. I could go all ghetto. Huge baggy pants, my white shoes, and my Nowitski jersey with the white shirt underneath. Eh, that's not real "Urban." Maybe if I had a Mavericks cap also. But I don't wear caps because my hair needs to flow freely. OOOOooooh. I got this gel/dye that spikes hair and turns it blue. Real sweet. Already tried the red one.

Really don't have much else to say. Maybe I should take a break.

Monday, March 22, 2004

Nevermind, I'm going to bed. But before that, some panties will be placed on my door with a message for whomever left them. Yes!
I don't know why I thought about this, but I figure it might be a shred of evidence that I really am that damn great and perfect and what-not.

At the beginning of the summer last year, an ex of mine dropped by my house while I was alone and sleeping. She dropped a note at the doorstep, informing me that I was going to call her on her cell. First of all, for those who don't know, do not, I repeat, do not tell me what I am going to do if I have a choice. I will pick the other option just because I don't want to give you the satisfaction of being right.

But yes, this same chic stalked me for quite some time. I thought it was funny...and flattering. I still have the note but I don't know why. I guess it's just in case I need to show some authority figure. Oh, and the best part...

We were only together for a month.

Wait, actually, it was one day short of a month. I remember because I thought it made everything hilarious. I had to dump her because it just wasn't working for me. She was all happy and cheery, but relationships that involve me also involve my feelings.

She was a nice girl. A little crazy, but still nice. 29 days of being with me drove her to being my very own stalker. I'll admit, if I had been awake and noticed she was at my door, I would have asked her in for some 'fun.' No doubt. I'm a guy, I need lovin' too.

My voice is all weird. I sound like Barry White with a cold. Well, maybe not that deep, but close. Can't explain it either. Oh well. I think I may post more later.
It's been a while since I've added anyone to my link list on the right. But, I did check out this blog, and it's well-written. Maybe it's just that the unicorn story makes me wish I had a unicorn of my own. Female unicorn of course. Someone from far away just to make out with. No strings attached. Either way, check it out maybe.

I did find out when my appointments are. Get this. I'm having a blood lab done in the morning, a liver 'scan' and a doctor's appointment afterwards. Three medical dates. Woo hoo. Tomorrow is going to be plenty of fun.

The 'ass' did come clean before I even asked about what was up with my bed. That's respectable. Still, I don't want any guy sleeping in my bed other than me. Females, it's fine because to me, they are cleaner and smell better. If some hot model wanted to sleep on my bed, no doubt about it.

Damnit, that damn song is stuck in my head, and it sucks so damn much. Which? "I Believe In A Thing Called Love." The Darkness. SO gay. Really. Oh, and then throw in my head that damn Incubus song. Yes, the new one, "Megalomaniac." Now I just want to blow my brains out. Ladies, fine, if you like Incubus because the lead singer is good looking, fine, go ahead. But don't even try to tell me with a straight face that you like the music they make.

So yea, more later.
Alright people, Andy needs some fashion help.

I'm a noob to white shoes, and I just bought some really sweet T-Macs. They're white, with a little silver. I wear nothing but khakis since I hate jeans so much. The thing is, I don't know where to draw the line on shirts. I tried out wearing khaki carpenter pants, the white shoes, and a dark blue shirt. I felt awkward. I tried wearing a red shirt with the bottom half. Still felt awkward. What do I do?

I still have my blue Vans to fall back on, so I won't be too hurt if I can't wear them just yet. Of everything I know about fashion and what not to wear, this one has me stumped.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Ok, my alarm clock isn't working, and my blanket is laying a bit different than how I left it. Should I assume the obvious? And if so, should I kick someone's ass for it?

Maybe I am just being over-paranoid. It's possible, I guess. I'm going to ask, and if I feel like I'm being lied to, then someone is going to hurt.

If there's one thing I just don't allow, it's someone F'ing around with my stuff. That's where the line is, and if it's crossed, you can bet there's going to be hell to pay.

I'm back in the dorm and I have been looking forward to it, but I feel like this last stretch is going to be rougher than I expected. If that's the case, then I'm really going to be an angry person for a long time. If I was mad before, then this is going to be a whole new feeling. People will cry, some will hurt more than others, and even more could possibly bleed. I mean it. I don't feel guilty about making someone hurt. Especially if they do deserve it.

I'm really not a mean person. But it is somewhere in me. I try my best to be nice, courteous, and such. But if you keep poking the bear, you're gonna get hurt. That's just the way it works. There are people in my past who can affirm that. There are people today who don't have a clue. I guess I should put a sign outside my door.

Alright, it's getting late, and tomorrow is the first class day after Spring Break. I better get some sleep in. Last night, I was up until 4, and my Mom woke me up at 9. Yea, it's been rough today. The hot dogs I ate today are giving me horrible acid reflux. Oh well. If I go to sleep, I'll be fine.

Friday, March 19, 2004

How weird. Blogger changed. Oh well. They could have at least told me before they did it.

But yea, it was just Friday, and I'm feeling decent. Stupid hospital called me up, asking about my appointment, and they tell me that it's for Tuesday (I didn't set the appointment, the hematologist did). I already have another doctor's appointment that day, so I gotta make sure they don't have some time conflict. This is gona suck, because the place is far north too.

Talking more about getting an apartment. This could be good. Something about E wanting to move in with us as well. It'll be weird, but I guess itcould be fun also. I wonder how my sis-in-law likes it though.

Haircut tomorrow morning. I might try to get my hair lightened up a bit. I need to shave.

Tomorrow afternoon I'll be back in Austin. Only saw two of my school friends, and one other outside that circle. There were a few people I would have liked to have visited, but I'll just have to clean out my little black book later. It's getting around that time where I go through my list of friends and check off the good ones and 'x' out the bad ones. Don't bother asking which you are. If you have to ask, then you should know the answer.

Still have a little bit of work to do on this computer, so I'm gonna do that right now. I'll try to post Sunday, because I doubt I will get a chance tomorrow. Oooh, gonna get my shoes tomorrow, gonna have me some fun, I'm gonna be realy happy. I mean, new shoes, haircut, a good clean shave, I'm going to be so hot. Hahahaha...

Thursday, March 18, 2004

By the way, I notice that sometimes it doesn't load anything below the tagboard. But, if you highlight the URL and hit 'enter' again, it'll load right. I don't know what's up, but I'll look more into it tomorrow.
Well, didn't have a post for yesterday. Sorry. I spent last night in Arlington hanging out with some good friends. Had plenty of fun.

This afternoon I played basketball with P and my dad. Unfortunately, I did not win. I decided to play "catch up" and eventually I ran out of energy. The final score was 25 for P, 23 for my dad, and 21 for me. At one point I was down by 8 points, but I finally caught fire with my outside shot. But yea, this was my first real game since October, and it's good to see I haven't lost all of my stamina.

Weird dream last night. I wanted a blueberry and cream cheese danish, but the damn store wouldn't take my money. Bastards.

No new thoughts about chics. Didn't really think about any. I was more focused on what was coming up next week in my classes and what I was doing out on the court. I think I think too much. Hmm....I believe I think too much. I will talk about how one day I want a chic, the next day I don't want one, after that there isn't any thought about it. Although, that dream is still in my head. Still remember the details. I actually remember something, and that's just amazing.

Tomorrow the father leaves for his hometown to visit the family. Good thing I'm not going. I would just end up making people cry or something. Just as an example of why I don't visit them out of my own will...

When they came down to Austin, I think just to go to San Antonio, they didn't ask how I was. Instead, they asked, "If we bring our computer down, can you upgrade it for us?" That's all they want from me. That's fine. It gives me a reason to stay away from them, a reason to skip out on my cousin's graduation, a reason for me to leave the state and not have a care.

Also, this baby is on the way in May, the graduation is in May, so I've chosen to help out my bro. They are going to need extra eyes, and I'd rather help with a nephew than see some cousin graduate. Might sound harsh, but he bugs me anyway. I don't think I know anyone more annoying than him.

Oh great. Now I'm complaining. That's not the purpose of my posts.

By the which, just as I thought about leaving this state, I thought about, "What if...?" When my bro left for college, he had a woman back home. 212 miles between them, and they made it work. It'd be cool to think, "Wow, back home is a chic waiting to share my bed, to spend time with me." But then again, I hate the idea of long-distance relationships.

I've got a new idea. I'm going to start drawing again. And I'm going to post my crap pictures here every once in a while. That could be fun.

Hahahaha...flip-flop. Now I want to punch stuff again. I don't get it. Oh well. Probably post tomorrow night, don't know about Saturday night, but I'll be back full-time Sunday. I'm gonna go dream about naked women and water slides. Yea, right. If only I could...

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

I know, it's late. But this dream is stuck in me. A lot like that one I posted a while back. I think it's just that, for a minute during the dream I realized it was all fake. But that didn't stop me from enjoying it. It felt so real, and I didn't want it to end. The whole idea that I was happy again, and people were so happy that pictures were taken, it just blows my mind away.

For one thing, I hate pictures and I hate being in them even more. I usually don't care what the situation is or whatever. If it involves me smiling or something, I try my best to avoid it. Yet, in my dream, I was sitting down just posing. Smiling. Everything was so good, it didn't bother me. She sat with me, arms around my neck, looking into the cameras. She was smiling. And she looked as good as ever.

Walking through the hallways afterward, I was still hanging my arm on her and thinking about what possibly could have caused this. Even though I couldn't find an answer, I didn't feel confused. It felt so right. Crowds were splitting for us as we walked, and they were smiling as well. This all took place in my old high school, so I figure the crowd was all of my old classmates. And they would have to know about the relationship to begin with. So this narrows it down even further.

When I look back on it now, I feel as if it was a hint at the life the famous lead. Spotted in the same room as a past love, the paparazzi all show up and start heating up their flashes. Pictures have to be taken for tabloids all over the world. I know my smile wasn't fake, but what if her's was? It could have been, but on the other hand it could also have been genuine. What's with the photos and what-not? Would it really be such a big deal? I guess those who know the circumstances would find it hard to believe, but certainly not worthy of that kind of attention.

If it were to happen in real life, I must say that a huge burden would be lifted from my shoulders. I have this bit of guilt that's hanging with me everywhere I go. And to think that I wouldn't have to "hunt" any more, that would definitely help me heal faster. Stress would leave, internal problems would leave, my frustration, anger, and stubbornness would all vanish. I would become an even better person. A step closer to perfection.

But that doesn't appear to be my path. Only in my dreams. That's fine, though.
OK, yea, fixed the problem. It was just a missing closing tag in the html. Wow, for a second there, I sounded kind of smart.

By the which, I owe a great big thank you to D for introducing me to the music of Metric. Stuff also gave them award in their April issue for "Band you haven't heard of but should."
OK, yea, with Netscape and Mozilla, this blog looks fine. But when you use IE or some off-brand browser, it stops at the bottom of the tag board. So, I'm going to try to fix that by removing the tag-board.

It's Tuesday and already I'm looking forward to going back to Austin. I've been fixing this computer up for my parents, and my padre is not giving me the time I need. I've got a headache just thinking about it.

On a lighter note, I had a wonderful dream last night. A past love of mine showed up in my dreams and was so happy to see me. No, again, it wasn't one of those dreams. I could only wish. But she did hug me and was all clingy(?) to me. She didn't let me go, not even once. At one point, we were posing for cameras or something. Everyone seemed so intrigued with what was going on. I sorta sat there and just smiled. I was reunited with the one person in my life (so far) that actually ... well, I don't know the word, but she has been the only one that I shared a special bond with. And not one of those physical bonds, you perverts! I mean, it's what I'm looking for. She provided everything I wanted. And now, because of my dumbass mistakes, I have to find a second person that can do the same. Ha! Wish me luck.

Actually, I think it's not too far off. I've got this weird feeling that everything will fall through to it's right place soon. It's almost as if I can see the future, just not in detail.

I'm really going to try posting more. It is Spring Break, but I like blogging. I still need to generate a wider audience.

By the which, you're right, I should be in Cancun or somewhere right now. Being home is nice, but it's definitely not the most fun thing. Oooh, if I was in Cancun, my stomach would be in such bad shape. I need to go to Ireland. Bunch of red head chics. Yea!

Monday, March 15, 2004

Well, been here for the weekend. Home, that is. Everything is how I remembered it when I left. Nothing new, nothing strange. I still hate standing outside because I really don't want to run into someone I know. I've graduated, and I am trying to move forward. I don't even know if I'll go to my high school reunion. Probably, depending on if I have a lot of money by then or not.

I hate this computer. It's not that old, but it feels old. Maybe it's just that my computer is so great.

I'm really relaxing here. I'm still thinking about the future, and that's still messing up my stomach. It's sad when I can't even go home to get away from my troubles. If I could drink right now, I would. No doubt a couple of shots of rum or such would help stimulate my forgetfulness. But unfortunately, drinks would do more harm than good.

I haven't really talked to anyone since Friday. This is fine, although there are people out there who I really don't mind having a conversation with. I don't know. When I'm surrounded by people, I want to be alone, and when I'm alone, I want someone to be there with me. Conflicts, conflicts. And we all know how I try my hardest to avoid conflicts.

My shoes should be getting in Austin on Friday. The Recovery CD for my parents' computer should be getting here soon as well. Once I get the CD, I can restore it to brand new condition. They would really like that. Saturday a haircut, and then it's back to Austin I go. I miss my ethernet.

Sad. It's only Monday, and I'm already talking about going back. I really can't get a vacation. Oh well.

P did come by today, and that was really surprising. I haven't seen him since January or so. It's good to hear he's getting away from the light drugs and what-not. Working out and playing ball is a great way to get back in shape. Said that Thursday or something I am going to play ball with him. That'd be fun. Except for when hegets mad and walks off the court. Hopefully that won't happen.

This is one slow ass computer, and I'm ready to calm down for the evening. I'm gonna watch some TV, and then go to bed. Good plans.

Sorry for the lack of posting these last two days. It is Spring Break after all.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

Q: Why do some guys openly say "I'm a nice guy" whether they are or not?

A: As far as I know, they do it as a defense mechanism. From a guy's perspective, if a guy feels rejected, or feels that they are about to be rejected, they will make one last play to save their effort. This could be anything from a very general compliment to a statement such as, "I'm a nice guy." Chics want nice guys, right?

I don't know. I'm openly saying I'm a nice guy. Quite possibly the nicest that you will meet. Then again, don't catch me on one of my bad days when the bus doesn't come. Even on those days, I smile, listen, and see to one's comfort. For some, I'll gladly give up my bed, especially if their other option isn't 'fun.' That doesn't sound right, but don't take it dirty-mindedly, or some word meaning that. For others, I will gladly listen to whatever you need to say. For others, I'll buy you things, surprise you with compliments, and make you feel like royalty. No matter what, as long as I don't hate you, I'll help you.

With that being said, I am single. Supposedly my friend E is going to set me up with some chic, but I don't think he knows how to set people up. It wouldn't exactly be a blind date, because I know what she looks like. Date? What?

It's just that, from all the movies we've watched, all the TV we've watched, and all the stories we've heard, we have learned that nice guys get hot chics, or nice girls at the very least. So if we advertise ourselves as such, we should obtain the same results. Of course, from experience I have concluded that the previously mentioned information is false. Nice guys do not always get the prize. In fact, nice guys usually finish last.

Any guy who plays that card, that last ace up their sleeve, is obviously desperate. Don't do it. Don't fall for it hot chics out there.

By the way, I'm a nice guy.

(This answer is made possible through A's curious mind. Please thank her.)
Terribly sorry I didn't post all of Thursday, except for that one word at 11:59PM.

Woke up at 6:40, shower, dressed, wait for the bus. Get to the doctor's office at 8:30, fill out paperwork, sit around. Get called back, doctor gets previous history and results from past lab tests. Wants to keep an eye on me, so orders another blood lab right away, and another in three months. Get my blood taken, and I leave. Waited an hour for a bus that didn't come, decided to eat some McDonald's instead. As soon as I get my food, I am told that the bus I was originally waiting for, yea, it's gonna be here in 2 minutes. I shove two cheeseburgers down my throat, run out the door, and watch the bus drive past me. That's when I just gave up. Took the bus route going north instead. That led me to another bus that I could take back to campus. So, I managed to get back to the dorm by going the opposite direction, and changing routes three times. All this with about a pint of blood still gone, and I was getting more frustrated by the second.

It's past midnight, and I actually managed to take a 10 minute nap. Watched the Mavs game (well, most of it) and that didn't help. Playing catch up every game is not the way to win. But oh well, I'm not the coach. I'm back at the dorm, I want to sleep, but I can't. Oh, I still gotta pack for my Spring Break. I might do that tomorrow. Today. Then a 3 1/2 hour bus ride where I might get seated next to some stinky guy. Or maybe a pretty girl. I hope for the latter.

Overall, I'm still on the downside of my 'fortune' wave. The only brightness in the past 2 1/2 weeks was the change in environment brought around by ... since I'm using initials, I'll just say T.P. Really broke out of the oridinary, if only for a little bit. I think it helped me get along with the 'ass' better. Too bad D wasn't around much. The verbal beatdowns on the 'ass' would have made me smile.

One night, and I'm back home. I'm going to relax as much as possible. I really need this vacation.

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Picture, funny. The 'ass' in all his glory.

Just now hearing some 3 Doors Down song. Good lor this sucks! When a rock band runs out of energy, they just start singing about the chic who got away. Horrible, and unoriginal.
Quick award.

Worst voice that people actually like (And I don't count those crap voices from Slipknot, and other death metal garbage)...

That guy from The Darkness!!!

Definitely overrated. Definitely sucks. I'd rather jam unsharpened pencils into my ear than listen to him. Maybe he just needs some extra testosterone. Doesn't matter, he still gets this award.
People, lend me your ear!

I have listened to some up-and-coming bands do Radiohead covers. I am amazed with one particular version. Here is a link to the main site where you can download the album (legally). The song I am referring to is "Lucky" by Unusable Signal. If my research is correct, these are some younger teens. Two guys, guitar, drums. The singer has a great voice, and he can hit the right pitches. The only thing is that I'm afraid for when his voice changes. There's no way he can be post-pubescent with THAT voice.

I listen to it, and I'm blown away. That's talent.

Makes me want to record my own covers. Problem is I need more people so they can play the instruments. Unless I buy some fancy expensive keyboard. And recording equipment.

I might...

Monday, March 08, 2004

Stein kept the Mavs in the top five in his power rankings. I'm surprised. Really. Three losses to teams on the road isn't as bad as three home losses, but it's just the wrong time to have a bad streak. A week ago, we were the third seed. Now, we are the fifth seed. It's sad. But who knows?

The way I see it right now, the Mavs want to play San Antonio in the first round. And the only way to do that is to land the sixth seed. That means letting Memphis jump ahead of them. That's not a bad idea, because Memphis is very capable of pulling off an upset in the first round. And if they were the fifth seed, their first round opponent would be the Lakers. Minnesota would play Houston in the first round, and Houston just got a win over them in Minny. Maybe there's something to the playoffs this year. The midwest division is tougher than ever, and maybe its set up for seeds 2 - 4 to fall. I don't think Sacto will lose to whomever the eighth seed is. If it's Denver, they will get killed.

Something's up, I just don't know what. I wouldn't mind playing San Antonio in the first round. I think we are very capable of pulling it off. Win your home games, and 1 out of 4 road games in a series, and you win the series. I think the Mavs can win 25% of their road games. And if I am correct that Dallas falls to six, then the second round would be the winner of Minny and Houston. Houston in the second round would be sweet. And then it would be setup for the Kings in the conference finals. Yea!

Now I really want that 6th seed.

By the way, the last team to win a championship with a low seeding, was Houston. They were the sixth seed.
Made a 94 on my C S test. That's a positive thing...

Sunday, March 07, 2004

The Mavs loss has really brought me down. Along with this morning. So I'm going to turn out the lights, throw on some of The Cure, and think about the "gaping void left in my major blood organ."
I don't know what to say.

I hated coming home from school and having to talk on the phone. I hated going to sleep with someone on my mind. I hated feeling guilty about thinking of other girls. I hated going somewhere after class just to meet for 10 minutes or so. I hated having to write someone to explain how much I liked them. I hated thinking of new things to do together,

But damnit....I miss it so much.

Saturday, March 06, 2004

I don't know exactly what I'm feeling right now.

I watched a recording of people in the UT Longhorn Band explaining what all they do before games and what they enjoy about it. I miss it. I miss marching. I miss playing my instruments. The charts they were given and the coordinate sheets were exactly like what I got in high school. The singing through songs right before getting on the field, I also did that. I'm seriously considering getting into the band. I have no doubt I can get in, even though there's limited space. I was definitely one of the best marchers from my school (if not the best), and I don't jack around. I take everything seriously. Give me instructions, and they get followed. I would fit into the band with ease. The only thing is that I'm pretty anti-social. I'll have to fix that.

Tomorrow, waking up at 9, even though it's Sunday. Me and my bro are going to get some free sneak preview movie passes. They're for the new Jim Carrey movie. Afterwards I don't know what the plans are, but I hope they involve basketball. I need to play more. Speaking of basketball, I just bought some new T-Macs online. They were on sale, and I couldn't resist. Ha! I'm a guy, and I'm going crazy over a pair of shoes.

See. I could go clothes shopping with a chic I was interested in. I would even help her find things. If any guy in this world knows how to shop, it's me. I can walk into a store, find what I want, and move to the next thing. And I mean I can scan through clothes faster than you can say 'what.' When I'm with other people, I usually try to push my influence on them. I know what shirts are good, and I know what to stay away from. Put me in the business clothes section, and I can make anyone look like a pro. Reminds me, I need to buy more button-up shirts. And ties. I don't dress up nearly enough. Throughout high school, every other day was dress up day for me. My black slacks, a nice shirt, and my skechers. Irresistable I say!

Spray on my cologne, fix my hair, shave, and what not. It's over. No woman can resist me when I'm fancied up. OK, maybe some. But I doubt it.

Speaking of which, I need to get a hair cut soon. It's almost been a month. And my hair grows fast. I think I'm going to put some more streaks in it. Or at least I'm going to lighten it up.

More basketball means more muscle. If I can get my shoulders more developed, I'll be happy.

Went to the mall with the ass and some of his friends. It went well. 'Cept for 'the woman' being a little tipsy. Sunshine is always cool to hang out with though. Sunshine is a guy, that's not his real name, and I'm not sure how he got that nickname. Beh. But yea, some certain people shouldn't act rebellious when they are really not wild by any standards. Very timid. Stick with what you have. Don't change your personality.

I think that's why I'm hatin' the ass so much lately. Seems like he just assimilates everyone around him. That and he has to say things that are a bit extreme. Calling things 'genius' and 'awesome.' Don't go overboard.

But what I mean by assimilation is that he does things he doesn't normally do because his friends do it. That's an awkward sentence. He mimics his friends actions. I don't get this new thing about him drinking gatorade more. Before, I drank powerade like water. It was the only thing I could really drink. Now he's on the sports drink thing. He's following all of the fashion trends. He gets way too emotional over sports, he tries to throw input between me and my bro's conversations, but what we're talking about is way over his head. I'll be the first to admit that if he talks circuits to me, it'll be over my head. But I'm not going to talk about something I know nothing about. And I'm not the biggest sports person. Sometimes my bro will say things over my head. But I can hang most of the time.

Don't say good play if someone makes a shot. Say good play if the screen is perfect, the 20-ft jumper falls, and the other team had no chance of stopping it. Don't say nice shot if someone makes a 10-ft jumper. Say good shot if someone hits a 26-ft jumper. Don't say nice pass if it only went 2-ft. You get what I'm saying...

By the which, don't say a shot is tough, unless you have actually tried taking that same shot. It'd be like me saying 'that was a hard test' to someone in Bio-chem. I don't know crap about Bio-chem, so what position am I in to form an opinion?

Basketball is my realm. I play it, I watch it when I can, I acknowledge the past, and I try my best to appreciate every aspect. After the Mavs game tomorrow, I'll probably watch the Lakers. Not because I like the Lakers, but because it's basketball. I have to watch basketball. It's almost like water to me.

Alright. I better get to sleep. Gotta wake up soon.
Mavs game, even though they lost, was still entertaining.

Nellie got thrown out, Finley threw a very uncharacteristic elbow, and techs were handed out like free ice cream. Mavs cut the lead from 28 to 5. I really thought they were going to pull it off. Unfortunately, a stupid foul on Malik Rose killed that shot. If you are going to foul someone, make sure the ball never goes above the rim. That simple. Don't just give a little shove. Send him to the ground.

Bowen had it coming. I admired his defense once, but now I realize he really is a dirty player. I hope he gets a suspension. Everyone knows Finley is going to. I hope this really lights the fire under Dallas' ass. If we could just run the tables from here on out, it'd be amazing.

Spent the day at my bro's. Played NCAA 2004, watched the game, followed it with more NCAA. Fun stuff. Almost lost my voice from yelling all night tonight. Tomorrow I think my bro is going to come up to campus to play some ball. I'd be up for it. Even with the lack of sleep and such, I'd still play.

Speaking of which, I should get some sleep right now.

Thursday, March 04, 2004

Funny...kinda true...

I am Nothing!

Which Enemy of the Christian Church Are You?

Take More of Robert & Tim's Quizzes
Watch Robert & Tim's Cartoons

New night, new date, thought I'd want a post here too.
11:36, I could be going to bed, but I've decided to stay up a bit longer and play some games. It'll help me relieve some stress.

I wonder if anyone will ever understand just how much I hate Incubus/3 Doors Down/Nickelback/Good Charlotte and such. I hate it when people even compare Incubus to A Perfect Circle. They sound nothing alike! Nothing! Nickelback has the singer that whines the lyrics, doesn't sing. Good Charlotte talks out things that teens want to hear. 3 Doors Down is just crap.

I better get another good dream.

You know what sucks? Today I posed questions to myself, such as "Which would you rather have standing next to you as you wait for the bus, as a girlfriend, Girl A or Girl B?" Maybe that's not the best wording. "Which former potential girlfriend would you rather have with you at this moment" is better. Girl A was an ex of mine that I really had strong feelings for, and it was mutual. Things went sour, I ended things in not the greatest manner. I almost regret that. Girl B is this chic who had a thing for me which I found out after graduation. By the which, she was near perfect for me. Smart, yet dingy. Really pretty (notice I didn't say she was hot or cute. Hot is for girls, cute is for people you wouldn't date. This was actually, 'pretty'). About my height. Everything I want. Just too late for me to act on it, seeing as how she was still in high school back home while I started my first year in Austin. No, it wasn't a 4 year difference either. I am very specific about what age range I'll consider.

It sucked because it made me realize things. Things, such as 'I need that someone special' but 'I don't want that someone special yet.' It sucks when you don't want what you need. Like immunizations, or doctor's appointments. Knowing my luck and misfortune as of late, I'm bound to make a bad decision. It's really weird, 'cause usually Lady Luck is on my side. I guess it's become exclusive to gambling purposes.

But as I waited for the bus this morning, I wondered which would be best to have by my side at that moment. Hard decision. But it passed the time, and made me smile a bit.

I like to do a ton of those "what if" questions. I like playing out scenarios in my head.

I want questions, so I can answer them.
I hope me and the 'ass' play basketball sometime soon. If he keeps contradicting everything I say, I'll be able to take it out on him during the game. I play very physical basketball, elbows flyin' and shoulders lowerin'. It's streetball. There are no fouls. You play right, or you leave. If you want to call foul, leave. If you foul all the time, leave. It's that easy.

I don't foul intentionally. Everyone who has played ball with me knows this. I don't call fouls. I'll go over to the guy and laugh while saying, "Man, you really hacked me on that one." But it's not like, "You [expletive deleted]!" Well, sometimes. Depends on how bad they fouled. If you pull a 'Shaq on Yao' swat to the head, you're asking for it.

Hopefully I'll have my brother there too. If that happens to be the case, then no doubt the 'ass' will leave the court bleeding. Hey, I've dripped my fair share of blood on the court. I broke my arm playin' ball, my bro broke his ankle playin' ball, my dad has numerous scars and chipped front teeth from playin' ball. I don't cry about it. So if he starts crying, you can bet we'll never let it down. Everyday, a new name for him.

If you can't handle the heat, don't bother coming into this kitchen.

Like all of the sudden he knows good music/good trumpet playing/good basketball skills. I can't wait to make him fall on his ass when we play ball. He better not wuss out either. That will only make me angrier.
I give up.

My friend, E, dropped me off at the address given to me. I walk in, find the room, and walk in. Doctor's office, just like I expected. Start filling out the paperwork. Chic at the counter asks what doctor I have an appointment with. I tell her, and she tells me that I have the wrong building. The building I want to be at, well, it's about 5 miles away. Rescheduled it for next thursday.

Walk out of the building, I'm pissed, and the rain really starts pouring down. Walk a couple of blocks, make it to a bus stop. Take it back to the dorm, and here I am.

I'm tired, my clothes are partially wet, and I've lost it.

Oh yea, tornado watch here.

Will it ever end?
Woke up at 7:30, shower, left the dorm at 8, got to my appointment about 45 minutes too early. That took all of...20 minutes. Rode the bus back to the dorm. Put my music on, and put my head down. Couldn't take a nap though. Pick my head back up at 12:15, go to Matrices. Gets too damn boring in there, so I leave at 1. Considered taking a nap, played basketball instead. Got back at 2, took a shower, and now I'm about ready to go see the blood taking/analyzing doctor. I'm going to be way tired when I get back. Too bad ATH and PTI will be on. No naps for Andy, because afterwards I have to do a program. Then Bball on TNT, TV at 11, go to sleep at 1. What a day I have had, and what a day I'm going to have.

I don't do naps anyway.

Wednesday, March 03, 2004

By the which, don't get me started on the Mavs loss.

I feel good about the test I took tonight. I think I did make an 'A.'

Sleep time.
Sorry guys, but I have a doctor's appointment at 9:15, class at 12:30, and another appointment at 3:45. I gotta go to sleep soon.

The second doctor appointment is with a hematologist. That means for sure that blood is going to be drawn. I'm going to be drained tomorrow afternoon. Still, I might go to the gym later that night. Gotta get healthy, gotta work on my game.

You're right Lora, I need sleep. Since the beginning of the semester, I have restricted myself to 7 hours of sleep or less a night. I adjust on weekends by getting about 9 hours a night.

Throw into the mix doctor's appointments, tests, and rainy days, and I'm just ready to explode. I'm 19, but my parents call me 'grandpa.' I have had more experience than any person my age. I have had more stress than anyone my age. Well, maybe there's a few cases out there that are the exception. But when people start complaining about things, I just have to stop and think, "Wow, these people wouldn't last a week as me." I don't fault them for it. I just realize that I am older than what I should be. Body of a 19 year old (in most places, definitely not my knees) and 40 in my mind. I could give a list of all the crapful events, but I don't want to waste that much space. No doubt I will hit my midlife crisis when I'm 24.

Let's just say that every event has me permanently desensitized. And I really mean it. Not like these teens who think they're desensitized to violence. Have them really watch someone get shot, stabbed, or such, and they will start crying. If they are desensitized, it's to violence on TV, not violence in general. I'm not saying I wouldn't freak out, I'm just saying I really do mean desensitized. Not fully, just partially.

I still have feelings, I can still care for people. But I don't let spilt milk get to me. I move forward, because even glimpsing behind you is not progress.

But yes, same office tomorrow morning. Got some walking to do, at 8:30 in the morn. It'll be like band practice, only different.
What a dream...

It gave me everything I needed. When I woke up, I felt great, untouchable. One of those dreams where you want to sleep again just to continue it.

No, not one of those dreams. You perv...

Tuesday, March 02, 2004

Alright people. I give up. I succumb to the powers that be.

No, I'm not giving up my blog. It's the only way I can share my opinions.

I realize today that there is someone, something, more powerful than I, that enjoys seeing me twist in the wind. It's like a 10 year old with a magnifying glass near an ant pile. I am the ant.

I'm not going to curse any supreme being. I don't do that kind of thing. I'm just going to say this.

I'm ready for it to end, any day now. Let me find fortune, or at least something not horrible. A step up, even if only to the 6th layer of hell, is still progress.

I'm gonna go to sleep. 3 tests in 3 days. This is the last one. Give me an 'A.'
By the which...

With Webber's line for tonight's game, I am truly scared of the Kings. They are complete, they put points on the board, and they do have a deep bench. Really, what they did tonight, it scares me. I don't want to face them in the playoffs. I know I know, I've been saying all along that I want to see a Kings Mavs showdown, but now I'm not so sure. Ask me again after this three game road trip the Mavs are starting.
You know what I miss?

I miss the "boob cam" that they did during basketball games. It wasn't really called that, but it did earn that nickname. When someone made a crazy shot or something, the hetwork would switch cameras. Whatever camera they switched automatically found the hottest girl with the best rack and watched them jump up and down.

Wait, was basketball the sport they did it for? I forgot already. I don't think it was football. And basketball is the only other thing I watch. Could someone tell me what sport had the boob cam?
This past week, well, it qualifies as a front runner for worst week of my life.

The previous champion is my Spring Break of 2003. For my week of vacation, I got to go to El Paso and get stressed out by my family.

What happened this past week, you ask?

ER visit, two missed tests, stuck to oatmeal and bananas with nothing but water, rough sunday night, two make-up tests on Monday, and what happened today.

Let's set the base. Doctor appointment at 3, and I like to arrive at least one hour early. I found out that the place is a good 3 or 4 miles away from my dorm. There's a bus that takes me right to the intersection I need to be at.

20 minutes before I decide it's time to leave, it starts raining. I wait for it to lighten up, and it does eventually. 12:40. I get to the bus stop at 12:55. I check the time table, and it shows up every 20 minutes, one at 1:07 and one at 1:27. I wait until 1:30, and no bus. I really have to use the bathroom too. I walk back to another bus I know of, the number one, and it will take me about...8 blocks away from the place. I have to run to catch up to it, because there are two lined up, and they are far ahead of me. Heart beating pretty fast. Get off the bus, now I REALLY have to use the bathroom. I run across 4 lanes of traffic and make it to a decent bathroom. 8 blocks of walking, and I make it to the intersection. As soon as I arrive, the bus I was originally waiting for showed up. I stand for 10 minutes waiting for the walk sign to light up, and cussing up a storm because of that damn bus. I make it to the place, get bombarded by paperwork, and surrounded by old people. I'm 19, and the average age was 55. End up calling my parents to get more information I need to write. Finally get called up, find out I lost 8 pounds in two months, which isn't good, and wait in the room for 10 minutes. The only bright note was that the doctor's assistant was really cute. She was really nice. But it's very difficult and awkward to compliment someone when you're describing your digestive system to them. She was probably 7 - 10 years older than me too. Doctor come in, asks these crazy questions, I figure he was trying to play psychiatrist or something. Didn't work, not with me. He listened, but he wasn't interested. Told me to set up another appointment. He left. Cute chic came back in, explained some new medicine for me to try out. Set up another appointment for Thursday and the Monday after Spring Break. When I walked out of the place, the rain stopped. Still had to walk though. I missed ATH. This ate up 4 hours today.

That makes three appointments in 3 weeks, two this Thursday. One is going to involve a ton of bloodwork, so that'll be fun. Woo-hoo...

Monday, March 01, 2004

To the one with a letter for a name (D), but all may read:

The 'ass' is starting to piss me off more than ever. No idea or concept of what courtesy is. I've been rather nice lately, and that's about to stop. No more letting him think he's right when he's wrong. No more letting do something that annoys me.

Last night, went to bed, and the main overhead light was on for the 'ass.' I let it go, rolled over, and just tried to sleep. Even with two make-up tests the next day.

Tonight, light on. He's going to sleep first. Turns off the light. All lights are off. Left in the dark, and I'm pissed. No asking "is this ok" and what not. NO CONCEPT of what COURTESY is. True bastard. I don't know why I put up with it, but it eases my frustration knowing there's only three months left. If that. It's more like two and a half.

This is exactly why I want out of the dorms. I seem to be the last male of my generation who understands what it's like to be a truly nice person WITH manners. Complete, all around, gentleman. I am ashamed of the males close to my age, and this explains why I generally hang out with people eight years older than me. I'm anti-social, but it only applies to people my age. Males my age. I like chics my age. Well, most. Alright, some. I can't stand the 'gimme' chics who want stuff all the time. I'll get you stuff, but only when I think it's deserving.

Oh man, if I really like a chic, all of my finances go to gifts for her. It's a big weakness of mine.

What girl wouldn't want that, grouped together with manners, smarts (to an extent), and actual taste?

You might ask, "actual taste?" People would kill for my speakers. I can only wear long sleeve shirts from one particular store. I will never buy a computer, because I like to know my computers inside-out. I don't down Everclear, I make my drinks and enjoy each flavor. I can appreciate a damn good Midori Sour. I know how to make Martinis. I aim for higher than Coors, or Bud. Even if I can't drink anymore. I actually think, "Will this towel look good in my bathroom?" When I'm shopping for clothes I think, "What will this go best with?" I actually look forward to creating my home. Yes, as I've said many times, I'm absolutely straight. I'm probably the most straight guy you will ever meet.

My goals are up there. I'm a safe bet. I don't drink, I don't smoke, no drugs here. I watch my language when surrounded with people who might be offended. Includes children and women. I understand that some nights, it's just not the right night. I provide everything a chic would want. Too bad I'm quiet. The word will never get out.

By the which, I am not asking you (D) to talk to him. I just wanted to vent a bit.
San Antonio lost tonight to Memphis. This makes me happy because...

Dallas is now the number three seed. Lakers are the four seed. And the Spurs are the five seed.
Norm Chad on PTI just said this.

"I'm not setting my alarm for 8AM unless it involves a lap dance."

Hilarious. Him, Kornheiser, Woody Paige, and Walton are just too good for sports.
Went to the NBA message boards, and the people there are way too childish for me to even consider writing a post for them. Name calling and references to anatomical parts are everywhere, and it's just too much. I'd much rather just write my sports editorial here.

Dallas is a threat to win the championship. Just like the Kings, Lakers, Wolves, and Spurs. No love for the east. 7 games against the West would probably kill (literally) half the guys on any eastern team. They are lucky in the way that they only have to play their western conference opponents twice per season.

The Kings are probably the biggest threat. Their window is closing, and desperation is about to kick in. If they feel that they are in a downhill slide, they will do everything in their power to counter it quickly. Whether it's benching Vlade in the 4th, or giving more minutes to Songaila, they'll find something. Add to that the probable number one seed, and it makes the road that much easier. They are top 5 in defending their court. You win your home games, you win the series.

The Lakers are a threat just because this may be their last real run at it. Kobe is leaving, GP wants out, and ol' Malone is falling apart. They are going to have to want it bad to get there. And if that becomes the case, the other teams better watch out. A motivated Lakers team is lethal.

The Wolves are also a threat because KG wants his rewards now. When you look at his current stats, your jaw drops. But just imagine how much he'll step it up when playoffs get here. It's no secret that the elite players of the game let it all out once the first game kicks off. Dirk was going 20 - 10 last year, and then stepped it up to about 30 - 15 during the playoffs. Two games against the Blazers had him over 40 points. KG will probably average 40 - 20. It sounds too good, but I definitely wouldn't be surprised. If he does accomplish that, there is no doubt the Wolves will win it all.

Before I move on to the Mavs, let's discuss the San Antonio Duncans. Spurs. This team is Duncan and company. Duncan is going to show up. I don't know if the company is going to show up. They might have the more recent experience, but experience is way overrated. If experience was such a heavy factor, expansion teams would never have a chance. But back to the Spurs, their defense is great and all. No doubt that they can stop a team if they play their heart out. Too bad they can't do the same on the offensive side of the game. 85 points a night doesn't cut it anymore. Maybe against college teams, but not real NBA teams. Sure, if you're playing Toronto or the Bulls. But if you look at the Elite 4 in the West, they all have guys who can put the ball in the hoop, usually more than one. Lakers have 4, Minnesota has 3, Mavs have 5, and the Kings have a bajillion. Spurs have one. One consistent player. That's it.

The Mavs can win it all. Last year, they were on injury away from getting to the Finals. People like to make the argument that Dallas got lucky because Webber went down. Newsflash. Spurs got lucky twice then, because Dirk went down, and Webber went down. Do you really think the Spurs would have made it to the Finals if Sac won the series against the Mavs? If on one side you had a healthy Spurs team, and on the other you had a healthy Kings and healthy Mavs battling over who gets to move on, do you really put your money on the Spurs?

The way things are shaping up, Dallas will only have to play two elite teams to make it to the Finals. One in the second round, and one in the conference finals. Take your pick. Any two. We don't have a losing record with any of them. Give us home court advantage, should we get the 2 seed, and it's pretty much gauranteed we are getting to the conference finals.

Don't count out any of the top five in the West. Well, pretty much count out whoever finshes at the 5 seed. Someone has to pull the short straw.

I dunno. Just felt like I should really lay down some concrete.

Sunday, February 29, 2004

Following Leticia, I figure this could be fun.

The Holy Empire of FBombAndy

Check it out.
How's like a sign or something.

Just now, 2:30AM...some chics called my room. Said, "Is this a taxi cab service?" Knew it had to be a wrong number. "Would you be willing to help some oklahome girls out?" SO I looked up the famous Roy's Taxi service in Austin. Got them the number. But they said something about coming over you my place or something, I dunno. If I had an apartment, oh man would I. But, the stupid dorm has ID checks after 12.

Wait....Sooner girls!?!?! Never...I'm a Longhorn all the way. intention with that one.

Saturday, February 28, 2004

This day does not exist.

Which reminds me, I want to have all of my anniverseries on this date. Should I ever get married, it will have to be on the 29th of February.

Friday, February 27, 2004

After a couple of days off, I'm finally up to posting again. It's not like a ton of things have happened during my break, but I figure I should at least write something.

Both of the tests I missed are rescheduled for Monday. This is good. E is having some party thing tomorrow night, well, tonight really since it's already saturday. He wants me to come because I know how to bartend. He says that all the youngens there drink Everclear and just get trashed. I know what he means. People here that I know just drink to get drunk. No class, no sophistication. Back in the day when I could drink, it was strictly for relaxation purposes. I would never get smashed or such. And I didn't do shots as fast as possible to get a 'buzz.' I had a pace and I had a style. I know how to drink, and it's a shame I can't use that knowledge.

But yea, he doesn't like the idea that the people there are going to make crap stuff. He doesn't want to just throw up his guts and feel crappy the next morning. He wants to enjoy every moment to the max. It's understandable. So he wants me there to make drinks and to possibly meet some of the more interesting chics. That's what I would do this for. That'd be the main reason. Go to some party, chics love the bartender, and I'm good. Of course, I'm not going to drink. I can't. And with the new medication, alcohol is just off limits no matter what. I don't give in to peer pressure, so that's in my favor.

Either way. No other plans for this weekend, except for some heavy study on Sunday. I want to make As on these tests. It would definitely help me heal faster.

By the which, Mavs and Sacto both won Thursday night. To all those NBA 'analysts' out there, you can eat my ass. You don't need the top defense to win games. All the time, ESPN is talking about how the Spurs can repeat because of their superior defense. That number one defense couldn't stop the Mavs. Sac, another offensive heavy team, won their game. You don't need pure defense. You just have to outplay the other team. Sac and Mavs are destined to meet in the Western finals. I want the score to be tied in game 7. I want 35 seconds on the clock. I want Peja to hit a jumper with his foot on the 3-point line. With 10 seconds left, I want to see the ball in Dirk's hands for the game-winning 3. I don't care if it falls or not, that's just ideal to me.

I'm all the way for the Mavs. I appreciate Sac and what they have brought to the table. I understand the greatness of both teams. It's just like, my favorite player isn't in Dallas. Even though his team is losing, my fave player is still Tracy McGrady. Number two is Dirk. Number three is Peja. I have my T-Mac Bball shoes, and I have the Nowitski jersey. I don't have anything belonging to Peja. Except for his game style. I love spotting at the 3, I love trying my reverse layup, and I love it when people fear my outside shot.

Last time I played a full-court game, I took the first shot for my team, and I sank it. College 3-point line. Nothing but net. I didn't make another shot after that. I didn't get the ball much after that. But that guy opposite me stuck with me the rest of the game. It's about respect. I want people to say, "Crap, I need to guard him." I like that.

Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Spent last night in the ER. Really sucked. Had to have the IV input and what not. Blood drawn, blood pressure, played 20 questions with the nurses. Got a ride in an ambulance. They were really nice to me. My friends and family here in Austin showed up a bit after I made it to the hospital. It really made me feel tons better. Had to wear that gown with the back showing. That sucked.

Stress, frustration, it finally all oveflowed. Now I'm taking two medications for the next week or so. Missed two midterms today as well. I'm trying to contact my professors to schedule a make-up exam. Still no word from them. One class tomorrow, and it's not 'til after noon. So I'll be able to rest.

Diet is changed again. Doctor wanted me to start with jello and water, and slowly build my way up. Only thing I've eaten today is chicken soup without the chicken. Snacking on some cheddar goldfish. Drinking water like it's....water.

So yea. I just gotta relax even more. That's going to be something else, because I already relax all the time.

Otherwise, nothing new. I'm done though. I've learned. And knowing is half the battle.

Still early, I may write more. Don't know yet.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Checked out this Googlism and it was actually funny...some of it.

(They all start with _____ is...)
"Andy is a naughty boy.
Andy is dandy. <<<< I hate that one. But it's a coincidence.
Andy is a gambling man. <<<< So true...really. I love to gamble.
Andy is not a pimp but he knows one.
Andy is tearing my shower curtain liner.
Andy is a very lovable guy.
Andy is one gorgeous boy - no one can deny that.
Andy is for sale."

There were other hilarious ones, but I can't mention those here. Might be kids passing through.
I should probably elaborate on my busted knuckle. I don't really tell that story.

Putting together a computer, knuckle hits something hard. Next thing I know, I can't move it very well. I take a look, and big bubble has formed. Turned purple, and it was kinda weird. Woke up my Dad, he decided I should go to the ER, just t make sure nothing was broken. X-rays came back, nothing broken, so the doctor 'prescribed' some ice and pain killers. Pathetic. I could have just stayed home and been fine. That knuckle was purple for a while, and it's still visible where there's some blood left. I laugh it off now.

I have this titanium ring that I wear on my right middle finger. It's my reminder to never punch things again. Or to never hurt my hand. Put that along with my messed up right hand index finger, and it's a wonder I'm still shooting well (Bball).

The index finger. I don't remember exactly how it happened. But I think it happened playing ball, the ball hit my finger kinda weird, and I think it got jamed pretty bad. Usualy when a finger gets jammed, it's right at the base knuckle. This was the second knucle, located in the middle of a finger. I don't know the medical terms and what not, so just imagine. But ever since then, that joint will hurt if it's bent in any awkward direction no matter how light a force is applied. That explains why I wear those finger sleeves when I'm playing ball. They really help. I'm breaking two new ones in right now.

My need to scream is based on my frustration. I know my own potential academically, and I'm not meeting it. Each semester is getting better, but I'm the type that likes to see results right away. I was good in math for quite some time, but now I'm stumbling at that. History has always been a B class for me, so I'm used to that. I figure I can make As in Government and my computer science class. I was warned, it's not what I expect. I still like it, but I tend to fall asleep in there because the professor talks just like Ozzy, and he's just as old. Not the best combination.

I understand that there are people out there who would love to be in my shoes. I know there are people out there who would kill to make some of my grades (definitely not all). No, I'm not trying to make myself out to be some genius or something. Tell me I'm smart, and I'll just shy away from the subject. If I make an A on a test, you won't know unless you ask. Only my family knows what I made on the SAT. I'm sure some others have asked, but I usually just mumble out some number. I'm fairly certain they don't hear me.

This brings me to an interesting issue.

The 'gifted' and 'bright' kids who hate being called smart. Who hate the 'high expectations' of others. Who hate being labeled a 'brain.'

I hit that phase a while back. Completely hated talking about it. Hated being asked questions just because "Hey! You're smart, you should know." In high school, I found that you didn't have to live through that every day if you kept to yourself. Go to your AP classes, but outside of that, keep quiet. Let people come to you and talk. Discuss what they want to talk about, even if it's as simple as "What do you think of this teacher?" Don't discuss things you just learned in Calc.

The worst feeling I have ever had was when a female friend of mine said, "When I'm around you, I feel so...dumb." That broke me. She tried to make it better by saying, "It's not your fault though." Still sucked. And that changed everything. I don't remember if I tried to discuss Physics or something, but whatever it was, I stopped. I'm sure it must have been something like me helping her with homework, explaining the basics of Trig. I have patience when I'm trying to teach someone something. And I've been told that I'm good at explaining things. Still...I stopped.

I went through high school wondering what it was like to be the kid who brought home Cs and Bs. The kid who worked 5 hours a night on homework just to get a chance at an A-.

Now I know.

Monday, February 23, 2004

What to say, what to say....

I'm a bit happier today, although I have two tests Wednesday. Whatever happy feelings were on the way, well, they're turning around right now. I don't like tests at all. Luckily these are tests in Government and Psychology. I should do fine, or at least well enough. I think I'll spend most of tomorrow studying. Well, bro said he might visit after my classes, so I'll take that into consideration as well.

You're absolutely right. A hot chic or two. It's exactly what I need. Now I just have to put forth some effort, at least more than usual. My confidence wave is on the rise again, so soon enough. I am in college. This is supposed to be the time when I just go wacky crazy.

Still thinking about what to do in this college thing. I was thinking maybe I should double major in Computer Science and Music Composition. Those two combined are pretty promising for my future.

It's weird though. The two things I would love to do are A.) be a music producer or B.) be a music talent scout. Sis-in-law used to work for Warner-Electra-Atlantic. She doesn't anymore, so there goes my easy way in. I am in Austin, live music capital of world, nation, something. But the music here isn't in the group of genres I am well-knowledged in. Alternative, Jazz, and Rock. That's it. Don't give me folk, country or such. If there's anything I hate, it's a single guy with a guitar singing love songs. Totally makes me want to punch them in the face. The only exceptions are those who model themselves after James Taylor. Even then, get something original.

I still want to scream. I used to punch things, walls or doors, but because I busted my right middle knuckle, I can't anymore. Busted a vein or something. I'll bust it again by punching stuff. I've got all sorts of problems.

Radiohead - How I made My Millions

Quite possibly the most beautiful song I have ever heard.

I'm out.

Sunday, February 22, 2004

"They were using a lot of strategy against me that I didn't really like," Yao said. "They were doing a lot of hitting. I didn't like the way they were playing me."

courtesy of

That's exactly what I want to see Yao do. Go for 41 points, 16 rebounds and 7 assists. And then say those exact things. Make the other team know you don't like it when they hit you. And when they do hit you, you're going to make them pay. Way to go, Yao.
My stomach has been really terrible lately. Anytime I eat, I get real bad acid reflux. I'm definitely going to have to see the doctor.

I want to scream. I just want to yell. Not at anyone, but into the air. Not one of those stupid screeches. I want to just take a deep breath, and be as loud as I can.

I'm almost at my breaking point. That's when I just go crazy for a while. Real moody and what not. I don't want it to happen, but things just suck.

I want to go to an island with no one there. I want to be alone. Where I can just spend my time thinking about things that fascinate me. When I don't have to answer to anyone.

I'm so tired of thinking about people that don't think about me. I'm done. I'm just going to have to move on.

That's something I like about Austin. Yea, I'll bug friends to come down and visit. But it's rare if someone does. And it means that I can focus more on the few people I need to. If I lived in Dallas still, the drama would destroy me. Makes me so much happier to be here.

I think I'm really certain about living here in Austin from now on. When I go back home, I see my parents and all, but that's it. And with this nephew on the way, my parents are going to be traveling to Austin more. So there's no use in going back. I've got no strings attached. The only reason I ever do go home is to get my hair cut. My hair stylist is so good. She's knows exactly what I like, what I don't like, and she's so sweet. She's only been cutting my hair for about 2 years or so, but still. It's nice to have one thing static.

It's late, I should probably be going to bed. The more sleep I get, the more likely I am to feel better.
Just got back from 6th street, and if you know Austin, you've heard the stories. Well, today was some Mardi Gras thing. Or Mardi Gras Saturday....something.

It was actually pretty tame. Few flashers, and the ones that did were mobbed by guys. I didn't see much. Still, it's nice to be able to say, "Hey, I was there."

Today was alright. Woke up at noon. Ate some cereal. Ate at Gatti's about an hour later. Pizza and cereal don't go real well together. I'm learning that right now. Came back to the dorm, looked for some stuff, then went over to my bro's. Played some NCAA, E told us he was sick. Cold or something. That just sucks, because I get extremely pissed when I'm sick, or when I think someone might get me sick. I lived through it, and we'll find out if I caught anything in a week or two. Came back to the dorm. Roomie and some of his friends were here. Got talked into 6th street. It was fun. I'm glad I went, and didn't stay inside these walls. The bus ride over there sucked. There was this one blonde on the bus, she was talking on her phone, and she was talking about her being pissed and that she's not going to go now. I don't know. Pointless.

I was hoping maybe I could find me a hot chic for the mean time. I bailed on the idea. I'm not really meant for that kinda thing. I like development. And yes, I didn't realize that until about a week ago.

Now I'm extremely tired. I can't believe I am this tired. I still wanted to post something though. Alright, I'm beat.

Friday, February 20, 2004

I saw this other person's blog. They dedicated an entire post to why they appreciated a certain person. A list of compliments, things that they like, and just the greatness of it all. What this person wrote was deep, personal, and sincere. Even though there were typos and grammar mistakes, it was one of the best reads. It made me smile, and that's no easy task.

I can't do that. Anyone who reads this, I don't know well enough. And those who don't read this, well, I guess it wouldn't be worthwhile to dedicate something to them. It almost saddens me.

Oh well.
I forgot to mention this dream I had a while back...

(This is just the part I remember the best.)

The key details are that I had just woken up and I was laying in my bed. I moved my leg and felt something next to it. I sat up in my sheets, and saw this girl. Her head was at my feet, and my head was at her feet. But she said something weird, about how she wasn't going to let me go. Her eyes turned red, and her teeth turned into fangs. I quickly grabbed for her throat and started choking her. But she said something like, "It's too late, I already have you soul, and now I'm going to take you with me..." Right then and there, I woke up.

Awake and back in reality, I sat up in my bed and reflected on the dream. I was really freaked out. I couldn't make sense of it at all. But it kept me awake for an extra 30 mins.

I don't get nightmares. I tend to laugh it off in my dream. Skeletons, zombies and such make me laugh in my dreams. I end up punching them, or setting them on fire. I stand back, and just smile at them as they hurt. For 12 years, I didn't have one bad dream. That includes the 40 or so where I've been stabbed, shot, cut up, smashed, and fallen to my death. They say that if you don't wake up before you hit the surface, you actually die. I am living proof that this is not accurate. Fell out of an airplane, landed on some house and went right through. Dream went black. I woke up when my alarm went off. When I was shot to death, the dream continued into the future where doctors had fixed me up. It was just weird.

But this dream actually disturbed me. For the following 3 days, I was constantly thinking about it. It really freaked me out. But I can live with one bad dream per 12 years. That's fine.

Most of my other dreams are pretty sweet. Swimsuit supermodels begging me to date them and what not. OK ok, not really. But maybe tonight will be the night. I can hope.

By the way, I've learned that if I realize I am dreaming, I can control my actions and the setting. Can anyone else do this? I haven't found anyone else that can. And I don't mean once. I can do this about every other dream. It's weird too.
"We all know the monkey can jump on the desk, but he has to learn to rollerskate! Is it that hard?!"
- Tony Kornheiser

Thursday, February 19, 2004

"Baby take off your cool,
I wanna see you, I wanna see you.
Baby don't be so cool,
I wanna see you, I wanna see you

Baby take off your cool,
I want to get to know you."

OutKast with Norah Jones - "Take Off Your Cool."
I didn't post much for yesterday, but I really wasn't up to it. I was helping people out, and I didn't have anything left. I really give it my all when I have my sights set on something. When I help someone, I help them the best that I can.

"Personal Counselor", "Woman's Self-Help Book", these are things I've been called. And I have to say I'm happy with that. I might be the guy sitting alone in the corner, with the lights dimmed, but I'm not a bad guy. I just keep to myself. If you're interested, come sit down next to me. Conversations are bound to be good, and troubles will disappear.

A few called me mysterious in high school. I didn't really like it, but it was nice to know some people thought of me. As someone pointed out so well the other night, I am a loner. Or I was. I might still be, I dunno. But in high school, it was rare that I met new people. I was happy enough with the people I knew. Then they'd introduce me to their friends, and such. I remember this one girl. Her best friend was a friend of mine as well. Though, we never talked except for a few small occasions. Later I found out that she thought I was scary. So I approached her, and just laid it out. The way I was, the way I thought and etc. Next thing I know, she's doing the whole "running the finger down my chest" thing. I think she was geniunely interested. Looking back, it puts a smile on my face. I just wish more people would have gotten to know me. Doesn't happen without effort from both sides though.

I don't know if I'll go to my high school reunion. I know I know, it's 8 years away. But still, I like to think ahead to those things. If I went, I'm sure some people would want to know where I've been and what I'm doing. On the other hand, I wouldn't be happy to meet someone I hated and find out they are better off than me. My motivation for success is to show it at that reunion. I want to walk up to the people that turned their back on me, rejected me, and hated me. I want to tell them how happy I am, and say it with a huge grin. I want them to dislike me even more. Then I'll walk to the people that actually said "Hey, he's got potential." I want to put my arm around them, show them their gifts and offer my help anytime.

When I first got into high school, I didn't know a bunch of people. But the first thing on my mind was the group of people I care about. I would tell my parents about how I wanted to buy an island just for the people I love, and have them live there without working. Or to have a big mansion. Just somewhere private for everyone. I wanted everyone around me to be comfortable. That was my motivation for quite some time. I still think about it, but I know that to produce those results, I'm going to have to cure something or create a new software.

My motivation flickers off and on, and that's what kills me the most during classes. I'll lose my motivation for weeks at a time, and everything will feel hopeless. Then it hits me again, and I really get things rolling.

Right now I'm at the high point of my sine wave. Or I'm close to it. Sorry for the trig reference.

But either way, I'm going to sleep. Can't believe I got my program finished already. It felt too easy. Maybe I should look over it...

You know what? It'd make me feel great if everyone would put together their two words that describe me. Stuff like "personal counselor" or "dumb ass" (isn't that one word?). It would keep me at my peek for a bit longer. Comment!

Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Gary Payton trying to pull a Mike Tyson on Speedy Claxton.....great drama. I love it.
Bill Walton - "Did you get any of that cake during half-time? Man, that was the best birthday cake ever."
Greatest commentator today. Doesn't have to talk about basketball, it just matters that he's speaking. Greatness.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Yes, that does say "Nude Golf" and "Flight Fantasies." This picture was taken well over 8 years ago, and it's still hilarious. Enjoy!

Damn ham sandwiches keeping me awake.
I want to sleep, right now. But the thing is, if I get 8 hours of sleep or more, I will wake up feeling more tired than now. This is why I try to force myself to sleep only 7 to 7 1/2 hours. Plus, it will force me to adjust to long days and such. I know when I graduate and get a job, I'll have to get into the schedule of sleepless nights and such. I'll be ready. It'll also force me to get healthier. I'll start going to the gym more often and for longer periods of time. When I'm playing basketball 5 times a week, and I'm playing for about 3 hours at a time, I'll be happy.

I'm getting into the habit of eating Ham sandwiches for lunch everyday. They are so good. I can't stop. I almost had one for dinner as well. Walking back from my matrices homework, and I just got a taste for that cheddar. Decided to grab some Cheetos instead. I am almost back on track for 3 meals a day. Last year I was pretty much eating one big meal a day, and this semester I'm eating two large meals a day. I can't eat breakfast, so I'll be stuck with lunch, supper, and dinner. Ha!

"Breakfast, brunch, lunch, dunch, dinner, dupper, supper, and seakfast. Last night I couldn't get out of bed, so I ate my bean bag." - Fake Greggo.

I love that. Hilarious. 1310AM The Ticket.

Man, just sitting here and I want that sandwich. Damn. So yea, did my homework, still have to start my program. That's gonna suck. Its a program about matrices!

OK, nevermind, I am tired, so I'm going to sleep.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Ahh, just read a comment...

Things did not end as well as they should have. I closed the door behind me, thinking I'd never want to be there again. I made a mistake. There are things in my past I regret. But I can live with my regrets. They are few and far in between. Also, I guess we (I) decided not to talk again, and that has lasted all of...three years and a month.

I don't know what I miss exactly. It's more of a "what could have been?" For all I know, it could have been one of those relationships that actually lasts after high school. Or it could have ended the next day regardless. I don't know. And that curiousity kills me.

And for my third paragraph, I will state that she probably has moved on, and she probably doesn't even think about it anymore. I don't know. I don't want to know how she feels. Those aren't my questions.

I must say, that this path I am currently on is going just fine for me. I'm at UT, no strings attached in Dallas (by that I mean girlfriend or such), and I'm single. It takes a lot to make things work with such distance. I've seen it with my own eyes. Going home every other weekend takes its toll. But if you can stick it out long enough, it doesn't matter. It pays.

Sure, you can list scenarios. But I guess all that matters is reality. And what I know is that it's in the past, and there's no use crying over spilled milk. Or the past in this case.

I need to buy that movie on DVD. And I need to pay more attention to the score. Man, a freakin' bear! Greatness.
Four classes. Went by alright. I have to actually go to my TA session for my computer science class. Apparently they don't like the way I write code. They can kiss my ass.

Two classes then tomorrow. That's not too bad. I have a break from 11 to 12:30. That'll give me time to eat or whatever. It's not enough time to go to the gym though. Those are the best hours to go, because no one is there. I went today at around 5, and all the courts were full. I wasn't up for a real game, I just wanted to shoot around. I decided to just spend an hour carrying the ball and dribbling every now and then. I got reacquainted with the ball. It's been a month since I last played, so it's good just to get my hands back.

I should probably start my homework. If I get it done early, I can spend more time at the courts. Thursdays are when I plan to wake up at 9, go to the courts by 10, and play until 11:30. That's a good solid hour and a half. It'll give me time to shower (I like to smell good. My shampoo smells like oranges) and to eat a brief lunch.

If Max isn't going to be back at ATH, then I know just who should replace him. Jay Mohr. He's funny, and he knows his sports. It would be quite a show.

I did stock up on those hearts. I've already eaten one package. Well, I don't like the white ones, so I don't eat those.

If there's any sandwich I could spend the rest of my life eating, it would be a smoked ham, cheddar, and mayo sandwich. Mayo on one side, and not the Miracle Whip crap. I'm talking Kraft Mayonaisse. I hope I spelled that right. Miracle Whip has this sweetness to it that I hate. And no other mayonaisse tastes as good as Kraft's. Cheddar has become my favorite. And there's nothing like smoked ham. I like smoked cheddar, and smoked gouda, but I feel that I prefer that smokiness in the meat. It's part of how picky I am. For instance, this has to be the exact order of my sandwich, or I won't like it (I'll still eat it, just not with the same satisfaction)

Starting from the bottom: bread, mayo, ham, cheddar, bread.

Yes, I can tell the difference, without looking, if the mayo is on both sides, or if it's next to the cheese. Mayo and cheese produce a distinctive flavor. So if that's not the order, I get mad.

I like creamed corn. Didn't try it until Super Bowl weekend, but I just got a craving for it.

Well, either way, I'm going to get ready for bed. I've had a long day. 8:45 to now. Straight. No naps. I don't believe in naps, unless I'm sick. I think that's the only excuse. Oh, well, I guess it's important for older people. And by older, I mean older than me. My dad is older than me, and I think it's fine for him to take a nap. He works too hard. If you're a baby, then yea, I guess it's ok for you to take a nap. But if you can't stay awake for 16 hours straight, it's time to see the doctor. Unless, like I said, you are older than me, sick, or you are a baby.

Yea. Bed...

Sunday, February 15, 2004

I don't know what to say. I feel as though a giant weight has been taken off of my shoulders. I feel like a new person again. I don't know why.

I feel human. I realize that I am not in control over everything I do. If I stress out, it's not in my control. I just have to accept it, and move on. Last week was quite possibly the hardest week I have had in the past 2 years. Sunday was quite possibly the hardest day in 3 years. But I survived.

I showed up at my home away from home, and when my parents saw me, this is what they said...

Mother - "You look so tired. You look older than what you are. Do you even sleep anymore?"

Father - "You do look tired, but you look good, son."

I am tired. Not physically. Mentally. I am burnt out. Well, I was.

I couldn't concentrate on anything as close as 36 hours ago. When I got back to my dorm, I watched the NBA All Star game, and cleaned up my half. And out of nowhere, I got my energy back. I can think again. Something gave me that lift I need. I still don't know what.

Why was Sunday so hard for me? Because Feb. 15th is a special day. No, not because it's the day after V-day. It's the birthday of past love. I never got to spend it with her, but that's ok. So long as I make it through that day, I am well. Yet, the more I try to forget, the more it becomes embedded in my memory. It will haunt me for the rest of my life. I can live with that. The good memories out-number the bad ones. I made it past that day, and I can look forward to another good 364 days.

Got my basketball shoes finally. Also got some new finger sleeves. Legends of the Fall is on right now, but I need to get sleep. Night.

Thursday, February 12, 2004

I was just thinknig to myself...

Everyone out there that's getting hits like crazy have one thing in common. They are all original and creative. I must say, I don't know if I have either.

Sure, there's only one 'me' so I guess that counts towards originality. But what do I bring to the table from a creative perspective? What do I bring that someone else hasn't?

So I was just now thinking about how I could start trying to write non-sensical things and call it a creative overflow. But then it hit me...I don't have my creativity anymore. I can't write fiction, poetry, or short stories. I can't.

Give me a topic, and I can write a column for you. That's it. It made me think about switching majors to Journalism, but then people told me that if I wanted to get into sports, I'd have to start at the bottom. That would mean the lesser sports, such as golf, or Nascar. My area of knowledge only extends to football and basketball, more so to basketball. I understand the pick and roll. I know how to do post moves. I know how to shoot. For football, I can throw a ball pretty well, I can catch almost anything thrown in my direction, and I can run pretty fast. No lateral movement though, because these knees are older than me. A t least, that's how it feels. Yes, those are examples of actually playing the game, but I can set up plays, manage player rotations, and I know what to do in special situations.

Those broadcast announcers echo exactly what I say, even though they can't hear me. It'll be like, "Why'd he throw to Galloway? Bryant had the slant!" and then the announcers would say, "Well, looking at this replay, Quincy just made a bad decision. Galloway had too much coverage, and Bryant was wide open." For real, I have witnesses.

Either way, going back home tomorrow. So I probably won't have a post for Saturday. Sorry. But yea, I've only had one question asked so far, and I'm going to need more. Even if you are just joking. Well, gonna go to two classes (I'm skipping two others so me and my friend can avoid traffic and weather) but unfortunately, they are my two morning classes. Oh, wait. No CS tomorrow, 'cause he cancelled. YES! One class, and I'm done.

Off to my dreams. Gonna sleep.
What if I do use F-bombs, but put them in a white color font? Then, if you want to be offended, you could just highlight the text. For instance, I think Spears can buy my computer.

How many people actually highlighted that? Vote now! Good idea? Bad idea? How do you feel?
I don't know if anyone else feels this way, but...

I seriously thing walking around bare foot is horrible. Even if you're at home. The only exception in my mind is when you first wake up. Otherwise, I feel that socks should be worn at all times. This also leads to my hate for sandals. Nothing good can happen from wearing sandals.

Spears, yes she sucks. And just like a whore, she gets paid for it.

Sweet, a friend of mine is going to let me borrow his PS2. He's been working real hard, and he doesn't play it much. I'm going to hook it up to my computer and I'll be even happier.

Some might call me a 'nerd' (Every test I've taken though considers me to be a jock....weird) and I really don't care. There are different levels of nerdiness. A guy who does computer programming for a living is less of a nerd than a guy who does it for fun on friday nights. A guy who can build a computer but school you in B-ball, is less of a nerd than a guy who has a human size robot to satiate his physical desires. I don't know where I came up with that...

My point is, fine, call me a nerd, but chances are you're a bigger nerd than me.

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Got all my homework done today. I feel good. I don't have to wake up early tomorrow, so I'm staying up late being bored. HA!

So yea, I want more questions. I feel that it will put me back on the right track. I was looking through my archives, and I realized that I've written a lot. And I know remember a lot from those months. Weird that August doesn't show up. It was only two posts anyway.

I had somethig to say, but I've already forgotten. I'm so forgetful.

2 days, 3 days, I'm done. I get to go to Albertson's and get those huge bags of candy hearts at half-price. Then I get to stop thinking about holidays. Spring Break coming up. Don't know what I'm going to do yet. I might just sleep that week away.

I'm not kidding....some lucky girl will hear me sing, and be like, "Why aren't you trying out for American Idol?"

(Wishful thinking for a music contract.)
American Idol...

I think this is the worst thing for the music industry. It takes random losers with some talent and places them in front of a bubble gum audience to see what the next pop song hit will be. Yes, there are occasionally a few talented people. But for some reason, the audience wouldn't know quality if it bit them on the ass. This is the same crowd that truly believes Spears can sing.

Oh yea, there's a winner. It ain't me though. Pretty much because they all suck, the one who sucks the least gets a contract. In the process of becoming the next American Idol, they get to do covers of great songs so they can seem better. If I sing "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder, it doesn't matter if I miss 3 or 4 notes, because it's a good song, and people will say, "Hey! At least he's trying." Well 3 or 4 notes missed is too bad.

Why do we want an American Idol when there's 50 billion pop artists out there? And wouldn't making a 3rd season just take away from whoever won the first two? American Idol is singular, so there can be only one, right?

This crap of a show teaches kids (and parents) that if you train (your children) to sing and buy plastic surgery, you can be a music icon.

Madonna didn't have this, Dave Groehl didn't have this, Stevie Wonder didn't have this, and Norah Jones didn't have this. These people are stars and idols, not because they took the easy road, but because they worked their asses off. You don't need a show to prove your good, as long as you are good and original. Bring something different to the table. Don't give me whack-ass arpeggios and wild vibrato. Give me quality.

The hardest thing for a singer to do is to hold a note steady, in tune, with no vibrato. One note, in tune, that's all.

I hate that show. Don't blame your CD sales drop on downloading music, blame it on American Idol.