Wednesday, February 11, 2004

American Idol...

I think this is the worst thing for the music industry. It takes random losers with some talent and places them in front of a bubble gum audience to see what the next pop song hit will be. Yes, there are occasionally a few talented people. But for some reason, the audience wouldn't know quality if it bit them on the ass. This is the same crowd that truly believes Spears can sing.

Oh yea, there's a winner. It ain't me though. Pretty much because they all suck, the one who sucks the least gets a contract. In the process of becoming the next American Idol, they get to do covers of great songs so they can seem better. If I sing "Superstition" by Stevie Wonder, it doesn't matter if I miss 3 or 4 notes, because it's a good song, and people will say, "Hey! At least he's trying." Well 3 or 4 notes missed is too bad.

Why do we want an American Idol when there's 50 billion pop artists out there? And wouldn't making a 3rd season just take away from whoever won the first two? American Idol is singular, so there can be only one, right?

This crap of a show teaches kids (and parents) that if you train (your children) to sing and buy plastic surgery, you can be a music icon.

Madonna didn't have this, Dave Groehl didn't have this, Stevie Wonder didn't have this, and Norah Jones didn't have this. These people are stars and idols, not because they took the easy road, but because they worked their asses off. You don't need a show to prove your good, as long as you are good and original. Bring something different to the table. Don't give me whack-ass arpeggios and wild vibrato. Give me quality.

The hardest thing for a singer to do is to hold a note steady, in tune, with no vibrato. One note, in tune, that's all.

I hate that show. Don't blame your CD sales drop on downloading music, blame it on American Idol.