Thursday, March 11, 2004

Terribly sorry I didn't post all of Thursday, except for that one word at 11:59PM.

Woke up at 6:40, shower, dressed, wait for the bus. Get to the doctor's office at 8:30, fill out paperwork, sit around. Get called back, doctor gets previous history and results from past lab tests. Wants to keep an eye on me, so orders another blood lab right away, and another in three months. Get my blood taken, and I leave. Waited an hour for a bus that didn't come, decided to eat some McDonald's instead. As soon as I get my food, I am told that the bus I was originally waiting for, yea, it's gonna be here in 2 minutes. I shove two cheeseburgers down my throat, run out the door, and watch the bus drive past me. That's when I just gave up. Took the bus route going north instead. That led me to another bus that I could take back to campus. So, I managed to get back to the dorm by going the opposite direction, and changing routes three times. All this with about a pint of blood still gone, and I was getting more frustrated by the second.

It's past midnight, and I actually managed to take a 10 minute nap. Watched the Mavs game (well, most of it) and that didn't help. Playing catch up every game is not the way to win. But oh well, I'm not the coach. I'm back at the dorm, I want to sleep, but I can't. Oh, I still gotta pack for my Spring Break. I might do that tomorrow. Today. Then a 3 1/2 hour bus ride where I might get seated next to some stinky guy. Or maybe a pretty girl. I hope for the latter.

Overall, I'm still on the downside of my 'fortune' wave. The only brightness in the past 2 1/2 weeks was the change in environment brought around by ... since I'm using initials, I'll just say T.P. Really broke out of the oridinary, if only for a little bit. I think it helped me get along with the 'ass' better. Too bad D wasn't around much. The verbal beatdowns on the 'ass' would have made me smile.

One night, and I'm back home. I'm going to relax as much as possible. I really need this vacation.