Saturday, March 06, 2004

I don't know exactly what I'm feeling right now.

I watched a recording of people in the UT Longhorn Band explaining what all they do before games and what they enjoy about it. I miss it. I miss marching. I miss playing my instruments. The charts they were given and the coordinate sheets were exactly like what I got in high school. The singing through songs right before getting on the field, I also did that. I'm seriously considering getting into the band. I have no doubt I can get in, even though there's limited space. I was definitely one of the best marchers from my school (if not the best), and I don't jack around. I take everything seriously. Give me instructions, and they get followed. I would fit into the band with ease. The only thing is that I'm pretty anti-social. I'll have to fix that.

Tomorrow, waking up at 9, even though it's Sunday. Me and my bro are going to get some free sneak preview movie passes. They're for the new Jim Carrey movie. Afterwards I don't know what the plans are, but I hope they involve basketball. I need to play more. Speaking of basketball, I just bought some new T-Macs online. They were on sale, and I couldn't resist. Ha! I'm a guy, and I'm going crazy over a pair of shoes.

See. I could go clothes shopping with a chic I was interested in. I would even help her find things. If any guy in this world knows how to shop, it's me. I can walk into a store, find what I want, and move to the next thing. And I mean I can scan through clothes faster than you can say 'what.' When I'm with other people, I usually try to push my influence on them. I know what shirts are good, and I know what to stay away from. Put me in the business clothes section, and I can make anyone look like a pro. Reminds me, I need to buy more button-up shirts. And ties. I don't dress up nearly enough. Throughout high school, every other day was dress up day for me. My black slacks, a nice shirt, and my skechers. Irresistable I say!

Spray on my cologne, fix my hair, shave, and what not. It's over. No woman can resist me when I'm fancied up. OK, maybe some. But I doubt it.

Speaking of which, I need to get a hair cut soon. It's almost been a month. And my hair grows fast. I think I'm going to put some more streaks in it. Or at least I'm going to lighten it up.

More basketball means more muscle. If I can get my shoulders more developed, I'll be happy.

Went to the mall with the ass and some of his friends. It went well. 'Cept for 'the woman' being a little tipsy. Sunshine is always cool to hang out with though. Sunshine is a guy, that's not his real name, and I'm not sure how he got that nickname. Beh. But yea, some certain people shouldn't act rebellious when they are really not wild by any standards. Very timid. Stick with what you have. Don't change your personality.

I think that's why I'm hatin' the ass so much lately. Seems like he just assimilates everyone around him. That and he has to say things that are a bit extreme. Calling things 'genius' and 'awesome.' Don't go overboard.

But what I mean by assimilation is that he does things he doesn't normally do because his friends do it. That's an awkward sentence. He mimics his friends actions. I don't get this new thing about him drinking gatorade more. Before, I drank powerade like water. It was the only thing I could really drink. Now he's on the sports drink thing. He's following all of the fashion trends. He gets way too emotional over sports, he tries to throw input between me and my bro's conversations, but what we're talking about is way over his head. I'll be the first to admit that if he talks circuits to me, it'll be over my head. But I'm not going to talk about something I know nothing about. And I'm not the biggest sports person. Sometimes my bro will say things over my head. But I can hang most of the time.

Don't say good play if someone makes a shot. Say good play if the screen is perfect, the 20-ft jumper falls, and the other team had no chance of stopping it. Don't say nice shot if someone makes a 10-ft jumper. Say good shot if someone hits a 26-ft jumper. Don't say nice pass if it only went 2-ft. You get what I'm saying...

By the which, don't say a shot is tough, unless you have actually tried taking that same shot. It'd be like me saying 'that was a hard test' to someone in Bio-chem. I don't know crap about Bio-chem, so what position am I in to form an opinion?

Basketball is my realm. I play it, I watch it when I can, I acknowledge the past, and I try my best to appreciate every aspect. After the Mavs game tomorrow, I'll probably watch the Lakers. Not because I like the Lakers, but because it's basketball. I have to watch basketball. It's almost like water to me.

Alright. I better get to sleep. Gotta wake up soon.