Sunday, February 22, 2004

Just got back from 6th street, and if you know Austin, you've heard the stories. Well, today was some Mardi Gras thing. Or Mardi Gras Saturday....something.

It was actually pretty tame. Few flashers, and the ones that did were mobbed by guys. I didn't see much. Still, it's nice to be able to say, "Hey, I was there."

Today was alright. Woke up at noon. Ate some cereal. Ate at Gatti's about an hour later. Pizza and cereal don't go real well together. I'm learning that right now. Came back to the dorm, looked for some stuff, then went over to my bro's. Played some NCAA, E told us he was sick. Cold or something. That just sucks, because I get extremely pissed when I'm sick, or when I think someone might get me sick. I lived through it, and we'll find out if I caught anything in a week or two. Came back to the dorm. Roomie and some of his friends were here. Got talked into 6th street. It was fun. I'm glad I went, and didn't stay inside these walls. The bus ride over there sucked. There was this one blonde on the bus, she was talking on her phone, and she was talking about her being pissed and that she's not going to go now. I don't know. Pointless.

I was hoping maybe I could find me a hot chic for the mean time. I bailed on the idea. I'm not really meant for that kinda thing. I like development. And yes, I didn't realize that until about a week ago.

Now I'm extremely tired. I can't believe I am this tired. I still wanted to post something though. Alright, I'm beat.