Friday, February 20, 2004

I forgot to mention this dream I had a while back...

(This is just the part I remember the best.)

The key details are that I had just woken up and I was laying in my bed. I moved my leg and felt something next to it. I sat up in my sheets, and saw this girl. Her head was at my feet, and my head was at her feet. But she said something weird, about how she wasn't going to let me go. Her eyes turned red, and her teeth turned into fangs. I quickly grabbed for her throat and started choking her. But she said something like, "It's too late, I already have you soul, and now I'm going to take you with me..." Right then and there, I woke up.

Awake and back in reality, I sat up in my bed and reflected on the dream. I was really freaked out. I couldn't make sense of it at all. But it kept me awake for an extra 30 mins.

I don't get nightmares. I tend to laugh it off in my dream. Skeletons, zombies and such make me laugh in my dreams. I end up punching them, or setting them on fire. I stand back, and just smile at them as they hurt. For 12 years, I didn't have one bad dream. That includes the 40 or so where I've been stabbed, shot, cut up, smashed, and fallen to my death. They say that if you don't wake up before you hit the surface, you actually die. I am living proof that this is not accurate. Fell out of an airplane, landed on some house and went right through. Dream went black. I woke up when my alarm went off. When I was shot to death, the dream continued into the future where doctors had fixed me up. It was just weird.

But this dream actually disturbed me. For the following 3 days, I was constantly thinking about it. It really freaked me out. But I can live with one bad dream per 12 years. That's fine.

Most of my other dreams are pretty sweet. Swimsuit supermodels begging me to date them and what not. OK ok, not really. But maybe tonight will be the night. I can hope.

By the way, I've learned that if I realize I am dreaming, I can control my actions and the setting. Can anyone else do this? I haven't found anyone else that can. And I don't mean once. I can do this about every other dream. It's weird too.