Monday, March 01, 2004

To the one with a letter for a name (D), but all may read:

The 'ass' is starting to piss me off more than ever. No idea or concept of what courtesy is. I've been rather nice lately, and that's about to stop. No more letting him think he's right when he's wrong. No more letting do something that annoys me.

Last night, went to bed, and the main overhead light was on for the 'ass.' I let it go, rolled over, and just tried to sleep. Even with two make-up tests the next day.

Tonight, light on. He's going to sleep first. Turns off the light. All lights are off. Left in the dark, and I'm pissed. No asking "is this ok" and what not. NO CONCEPT of what COURTESY is. True bastard. I don't know why I put up with it, but it eases my frustration knowing there's only three months left. If that. It's more like two and a half.

This is exactly why I want out of the dorms. I seem to be the last male of my generation who understands what it's like to be a truly nice person WITH manners. Complete, all around, gentleman. I am ashamed of the males close to my age, and this explains why I generally hang out with people eight years older than me. I'm anti-social, but it only applies to people my age. Males my age. I like chics my age. Well, most. Alright, some. I can't stand the 'gimme' chics who want stuff all the time. I'll get you stuff, but only when I think it's deserving.

Oh man, if I really like a chic, all of my finances go to gifts for her. It's a big weakness of mine.

What girl wouldn't want that, grouped together with manners, smarts (to an extent), and actual taste?

You might ask, "actual taste?" People would kill for my speakers. I can only wear long sleeve shirts from one particular store. I will never buy a computer, because I like to know my computers inside-out. I don't down Everclear, I make my drinks and enjoy each flavor. I can appreciate a damn good Midori Sour. I know how to make Martinis. I aim for higher than Coors, or Bud. Even if I can't drink anymore. I actually think, "Will this towel look good in my bathroom?" When I'm shopping for clothes I think, "What will this go best with?" I actually look forward to creating my home. Yes, as I've said many times, I'm absolutely straight. I'm probably the most straight guy you will ever meet.

My goals are up there. I'm a safe bet. I don't drink, I don't smoke, no drugs here. I watch my language when surrounded with people who might be offended. Includes children and women. I understand that some nights, it's just not the right night. I provide everything a chic would want. Too bad I'm quiet. The word will never get out.

By the which, I am not asking you (D) to talk to him. I just wanted to vent a bit.