Saw Hellboy. Not bad. Could be better. Worth 8 bucks? I'll have to say, "no." But I saw it for free. Ha!
OOh, gonna get some Mavs highlights on Sportscenter. I might just stay up a bit longer.
If a diamond can make a girl shiver with pleasure, I need to learn how to crap out diamonds. Then I can be king of all that is good.
Actually fixed up my hair today. Turned out nicely. I think I need to add spikes to it again though. If I don't, it looks flat. I don't want to look flat. I want to look good. "Let's start looking good."
I've decided that for today, I don't want a relationship. Tune in tomorrow to see if it changes!
Well, the highlights came and left. I'm done.
What if I start using white text? I could hide messages. But now everyone will know. Hmm...