Wednesday, February 25, 2004

Spent last night in the ER. Really sucked. Had to have the IV input and what not. Blood drawn, blood pressure, played 20 questions with the nurses. Got a ride in an ambulance. They were really nice to me. My friends and family here in Austin showed up a bit after I made it to the hospital. It really made me feel tons better. Had to wear that gown with the back showing. That sucked.

Stress, frustration, it finally all oveflowed. Now I'm taking two medications for the next week or so. Missed two midterms today as well. I'm trying to contact my professors to schedule a make-up exam. Still no word from them. One class tomorrow, and it's not 'til after noon. So I'll be able to rest.

Diet is changed again. Doctor wanted me to start with jello and water, and slowly build my way up. Only thing I've eaten today is chicken soup without the chicken. Snacking on some cheddar goldfish. Drinking water like it's....water.

So yea. I just gotta relax even more. That's going to be something else, because I already relax all the time.

Otherwise, nothing new. I'm done though. I've learned. And knowing is half the battle.

Still early, I may write more. Don't know yet.