Monday, February 23, 2004

What to say, what to say....

I'm a bit happier today, although I have two tests Wednesday. Whatever happy feelings were on the way, well, they're turning around right now. I don't like tests at all. Luckily these are tests in Government and Psychology. I should do fine, or at least well enough. I think I'll spend most of tomorrow studying. Well, bro said he might visit after my classes, so I'll take that into consideration as well.

You're absolutely right. A hot chic or two. It's exactly what I need. Now I just have to put forth some effort, at least more than usual. My confidence wave is on the rise again, so soon enough. I am in college. This is supposed to be the time when I just go wacky crazy.

Still thinking about what to do in this college thing. I was thinking maybe I should double major in Computer Science and Music Composition. Those two combined are pretty promising for my future.

It's weird though. The two things I would love to do are A.) be a music producer or B.) be a music talent scout. Sis-in-law used to work for Warner-Electra-Atlantic. She doesn't anymore, so there goes my easy way in. I am in Austin, live music capital of world, nation, something. But the music here isn't in the group of genres I am well-knowledged in. Alternative, Jazz, and Rock. That's it. Don't give me folk, country or such. If there's anything I hate, it's a single guy with a guitar singing love songs. Totally makes me want to punch them in the face. The only exceptions are those who model themselves after James Taylor. Even then, get something original.

I still want to scream. I used to punch things, walls or doors, but because I busted my right middle knuckle, I can't anymore. Busted a vein or something. I'll bust it again by punching stuff. I've got all sorts of problems.

Radiohead - How I made My Millions

Quite possibly the most beautiful song I have ever heard.

I'm out.