Thursday, March 04, 2004

11:36, I could be going to bed, but I've decided to stay up a bit longer and play some games. It'll help me relieve some stress.

I wonder if anyone will ever understand just how much I hate Incubus/3 Doors Down/Nickelback/Good Charlotte and such. I hate it when people even compare Incubus to A Perfect Circle. They sound nothing alike! Nothing! Nickelback has the singer that whines the lyrics, doesn't sing. Good Charlotte talks out things that teens want to hear. 3 Doors Down is just crap.

I better get another good dream.

You know what sucks? Today I posed questions to myself, such as "Which would you rather have standing next to you as you wait for the bus, as a girlfriend, Girl A or Girl B?" Maybe that's not the best wording. "Which former potential girlfriend would you rather have with you at this moment" is better. Girl A was an ex of mine that I really had strong feelings for, and it was mutual. Things went sour, I ended things in not the greatest manner. I almost regret that. Girl B is this chic who had a thing for me which I found out after graduation. By the which, she was near perfect for me. Smart, yet dingy. Really pretty (notice I didn't say she was hot or cute. Hot is for girls, cute is for people you wouldn't date. This was actually, 'pretty'). About my height. Everything I want. Just too late for me to act on it, seeing as how she was still in high school back home while I started my first year in Austin. No, it wasn't a 4 year difference either. I am very specific about what age range I'll consider.

It sucked because it made me realize things. Things, such as 'I need that someone special' but 'I don't want that someone special yet.' It sucks when you don't want what you need. Like immunizations, or doctor's appointments. Knowing my luck and misfortune as of late, I'm bound to make a bad decision. It's really weird, 'cause usually Lady Luck is on my side. I guess it's become exclusive to gambling purposes.

But as I waited for the bus this morning, I wondered which would be best to have by my side at that moment. Hard decision. But it passed the time, and made me smile a bit.

I like to do a ton of those "what if" questions. I like playing out scenarios in my head.

I want questions, so I can answer them.