Tuesday, March 02, 2004

This past week, well, it qualifies as a front runner for worst week of my life.

The previous champion is my Spring Break of 2003. For my week of vacation, I got to go to El Paso and get stressed out by my family.

What happened this past week, you ask?

ER visit, two missed tests, stuck to oatmeal and bananas with nothing but water, rough sunday night, two make-up tests on Monday, and what happened today.

Let's set the base. Doctor appointment at 3, and I like to arrive at least one hour early. I found out that the place is a good 3 or 4 miles away from my dorm. There's a bus that takes me right to the intersection I need to be at.

20 minutes before I decide it's time to leave, it starts raining. I wait for it to lighten up, and it does eventually. 12:40. I get to the bus stop at 12:55. I check the time table, and it shows up every 20 minutes, one at 1:07 and one at 1:27. I wait until 1:30, and no bus. I really have to use the bathroom too. I walk back to another bus I know of, the number one, and it will take me about...8 blocks away from the place. I have to run to catch up to it, because there are two lined up, and they are far ahead of me. Heart beating pretty fast. Get off the bus, now I REALLY have to use the bathroom. I run across 4 lanes of traffic and make it to a decent bathroom. 8 blocks of walking, and I make it to the intersection. As soon as I arrive, the bus I was originally waiting for showed up. I stand for 10 minutes waiting for the walk sign to light up, and cussing up a storm because of that damn bus. I make it to the place, get bombarded by paperwork, and surrounded by old people. I'm 19, and the average age was 55. End up calling my parents to get more information I need to write. Finally get called up, find out I lost 8 pounds in two months, which isn't good, and wait in the room for 10 minutes. The only bright note was that the doctor's assistant was really cute. She was really nice. But it's very difficult and awkward to compliment someone when you're describing your digestive system to them. She was probably 7 - 10 years older than me too. Doctor come in, asks these crazy questions, I figure he was trying to play psychiatrist or something. Didn't work, not with me. He listened, but he wasn't interested. Told me to set up another appointment. He left. Cute chic came back in, explained some new medicine for me to try out. Set up another appointment for Thursday and the Monday after Spring Break. When I walked out of the place, the rain stopped. Still had to walk though. I missed ATH. This ate up 4 hours today.

That makes three appointments in 3 weeks, two this Thursday. One is going to involve a ton of bloodwork, so that'll be fun. Woo-hoo...