Friday, March 19, 2004

How weird. Blogger changed. Oh well. They could have at least told me before they did it.

But yea, it was just Friday, and I'm feeling decent. Stupid hospital called me up, asking about my appointment, and they tell me that it's for Tuesday (I didn't set the appointment, the hematologist did). I already have another doctor's appointment that day, so I gotta make sure they don't have some time conflict. This is gona suck, because the place is far north too.

Talking more about getting an apartment. This could be good. Something about E wanting to move in with us as well. It'll be weird, but I guess itcould be fun also. I wonder how my sis-in-law likes it though.

Haircut tomorrow morning. I might try to get my hair lightened up a bit. I need to shave.

Tomorrow afternoon I'll be back in Austin. Only saw two of my school friends, and one other outside that circle. There were a few people I would have liked to have visited, but I'll just have to clean out my little black book later. It's getting around that time where I go through my list of friends and check off the good ones and 'x' out the bad ones. Don't bother asking which you are. If you have to ask, then you should know the answer.

Still have a little bit of work to do on this computer, so I'm gonna do that right now. I'll try to post Sunday, because I doubt I will get a chance tomorrow. Oooh, gonna get my shoes tomorrow, gonna have me some fun, I'm gonna be realy happy. I mean, new shoes, haircut, a good clean shave, I'm going to be so hot. Hahahaha...