Tuesday, January 27, 2004


I just finally got to see highlights of the Mavs game. Unfortunately, Fox Sports doesn't provide Mavs game, because they'd rather torture us with Spurs games. I didn't watch that one either though. But yea, with the scored tied at 116, Mavs wth the ball, 1.6 secs left, they inbound the ball to Walker who takes one dribble and one step back, jumps and releases. The ball is at least 17 feet in the air, and it falls through to give Dallas the 118 - 116 victory. Amazing. And I now curse Fox Sports for not letting me enjoy such a great game. Dirk lit it up for 43 points, and it was insane. He made eight 3's and it was all effortless. Amazing. I'm in such a state of shock. But, that's nine straight wins. I am happy.

I really hate people. I don't even have to know them to hate them. I'm sure everyone knows at least one person who's face annoys you. The presence of such a person just heats your blood and you want to do some physical damage. For me, I know of many faces like that. I'm on a campus with over 50,000 people, so the odds are better that I see someone I want to punch in the face. Walking to class, or walking through my hallway, it's all the same.

Only had one class today. It went well enough, except for the extremely loud construction going on about 20 feet from the room. The walls are defintely not sound-proof.

Also went to the local sports store to see about some new basketball shoes. Found my T-Macs on sale. My old pair have been worn out all the way. I also saw some of those trendy Nike Shox, but I decided against following the crowd. It's just not me. You can keep your Abercrombie, your long uncombed hair, and your Linkin Park CDs. I don't want any part of something you do.

I'm full of hate tonight. It'll be gone once I sleep. I'm a lover, not a fighter. Ha! I should leave my door open tomorrow and pump out some Marvin Gaye. Maybe I can lure some fun into the ol' dorm room. Ha!