Wednesday, January 07, 2004

I like surveys...sometimes. Oh, I found another award to give. The award for "Band who should have called it quits after their first single" goes to...

3 Doors Down!!!

Their new stuff sucks ass. And I have to hear it doubly. They should have broken up right after Kryptonite. Every song afterwards has lost them credibility in my eyes, where it counts. On with the survey...

What is your favorite..
gum: Right now, Extra Spearmint.
restaurant: I like Sports City Cafe the most.
drink: Body Slam. It's this red energy drink that has a picture of a devil on the label.
season: Winter. I prefer cold weather.
type of weather: I just answered that. What are you, a dumbass?
emotion: Sadness? No wait, happiness.
thing to do on a half day: Half-day? What?
late-night activity: Putting new stuff on this blog.
sport: Basketball.
city: Hmm...I'll have to say Austin on this one. Although I did love New York.
store: Banana Republic. Cologne and shirts, yea!

When was the last time you..
cried: Mid October of 2002. Before that, December of '96.
played a sport: About a week ago, basketball.
laughed: Earlier tonight. Watched Underworld, and when some people got blown up, I laughed.

hugged someone: Other than family...about a week ago.
kissed someone: Woah, let's not get carried away here.
felt depressed:'s been a while. Maybe three months ago, I dunno.
felt elated: After I saw my score on the final for Microeconomics.
felt overworked: Right after my History final.
faked sick: Early 2000.
lied: Don't remember. Maybe two days ago.

What was the last..
word you said: Dumbass.
thing you ate: Extra long cheese coney from Sonic.
song you listened to: Radiohead - Worrywort.
thing you drank: Sprite.
place you went to: Sonic. Before that, Albertsons.
movie you saw: At a theater, Lord of the Rings: RotK
movie you rented: Underworld.
concert you attended: UT Jazz Combo sometime in November I think.

Who was the last person you..
hugged: I hate using names.
cried over: LOL. No one. For real, honestly. I prefer dumping to being dumped.
kissed: Once again, I hate using names. And I hate her now anyway.
danced with: I don't dance.
shared a secret with: Probably Dee.
had a sleepover with: LOL. Besides my roommate, one time...Dee was at my dorm. Don't know if it counts, 'cause she was there more for my roomie. "It's OK, we're fully clothed. Well, at least I have pants on..."

called: I don't call anyone. Ever.
went to a movie with: Erik and his work buddies.
saw: Besides family, Erik.
were angry with: Besides family, that dork with the long pink hair.
couldn't take your eyes off of: Hmm...there was a chic at Albertsons who looked a bit like one of my ex-es, although that usually is a horrible pick up line.

obsessed over: I don't want to use names. I've said three times. Don't you listen?

Have you ever..
danced in the rain: Many times.
kissed someone: Yes. Of course.
done drugs: Does alcohol count? Other than liquor, no.
drank alcohol: Oh, shouldn't this question be above the previous.
slept around: Not around, per se.
partied 'til the sun came up: Yes. More than once.
had a movie marathon: Does three in a row count?
gone too far on a dare: No. Not far enough.
spun until you were immensely dizzy: I wouldn't use the word immensely.
taken a survey quite like this before: Yes. Ass.