Monday, January 19, 2004

Well, I'm finally back in my dorm, and things are good. The break was fine. I got a lot of relaxation and I saw some old faces. That's what matters to me. I don't care that I didn't go anywhere exciting. I'm happy enough.

I'm watching The Graduate, and it's at the part where Mrs. Robinson is stripping for Ben. He did her. Simon and Garfunkel kick in. Greatness. This movie is so great.

The Mavs won both of the games in their back to back road trip. I'm very pleased by that. But I must say, I do not approve of any deal involving Antawn Jamison and Rasheed Wallace. If the Mavs have to part with someone, I'd rather it be Walker. The Big Three are not movable, and Jamison has been very consistent in all these games. He's also a better fit in that he likes to play close to the goal. Walker likes to jack up 3's, so that gives us 4 people at one time who can spot up at the arc. That's a bit too much.

Philadelphia lost, and that makes me happy. McNabb is overrated, and those interceptions proved it. They can't get to the Super Bowl, so crap on them.

I like it when people pose questions to me so I can answer them on this Blog. If it's not too personal, I'll answer it fully. Tagboard to the right, so drop 'em there.

I swear, if I ever get engaged, and a friend of mine talks about my past love lives to her, I'll kill him. Right there. With a fork if necessary. There are things that should never be mentioned, and not being able to keep one's mouth shut is a sign that I should end that misery. As long as someone doesn't insult me in front of company, I am fine. I have the ability to make one seem like royalty in front of their friends. I can also make that same person look like a unique bastard.

Ben took Elaine to a strip joint. She cried. And I almost felt bad for her. He kissed her though, and she didn't exactly push away.

I know what I want. I have this great big conveyer belt in front of me. I'm just waiting for the right moment to grab the precious item. It's hit and miss. But there's always another chance. There's always another treasure.

I am the claw in that stuffed toy machine. You put in your quarters, and you position the claw right above the prize you seek. You press the button and watch the claw touch the toy. You wait for it to pull up, and it seems like an eternity. Will it hold on? Will it hold it all the way to the chute? I don't know. Will I?

Ben just said, "I like you. Do you believe me?" So honest. So caring. The question alone...I don't know how to explain it. The curiosity for one's emotions. Elaine now knows about the affair. Simon and Garfunkel again. So great.

Ok. I'm out. I hope my wishes happen. It'd make me happy.