Saturday, January 03, 2004

I should be a bit more mean. I wouldn't want anyone to take advantage of how nice I am. If you piss me off, I'm gonna let you know.

Why did Dallas have to lose? Did anyone else see the two fouls that weren't called in the last 25 secs? Howard had his arms swatted and Jamison got knocked down by someone going for a rebound. Then Nash tried to foul whoever the guy was, and the refs looked the other way to allow an easy dunk. Ridiculous! I hate those refs! And the announcing crew blew worse than a Tijuana crack whore! Everybody on that floor who wasn't with the Mavericks Organization can kiss my ass!

Cuban should give me tickets on the floor so I can yell at the refs all game. I'd do it too. All game long. I'd walk along the court to whoever ref was pissing me off the most and yell right into his ear. Go ahead and eject me. It'll just make people wonder why I picked you. Bastard.

Ok guys, use the comment link below or the tag board and help me think of things to write about. I'll address any problems or situations whether they involve you or not. Just throw things out there. And if I pick your idea, you might get a prize!!!