Saturday, January 10, 2004

I was just talking to a friend of mine, and I realized something else about my vision of a perfect chic.

I want her to play basketball...

She doesn't have to be perfect at it. She doesn't have to be good at it. I'd prefer she wasn't better than me. But as long as she tells me, "Hey! Let's go play some ball."

The first thing I'd do is give her the ball. Then I'd have her post me up. That includes a lot of "backing down." For those who aren't basketball savvy, that means 'using one's buttocks and hips to push back the defender and gain position close to the basket.' How fun would that be for me?!?!

Her- "Andy, what is that?..."


I love using returns. I use extra spaces between my individual thoughts. It helps individualize them.

I'm watching this mexican station, and there's this really hot chic singing. Keep in mind I don't speak spanish, but I understand it really well. Well, after the song, she sits down, and the host announces that someone is backstage. He comes out with flowers, and proposes to her. She freaks out but says yes in the end. This makes me want things not pretty.

And then I appreciate the fact that marriage is the furthest thing in my head. Serious relationships are not for me right now. Maybe next year. Maybe next decade. But for my age, this is the time to look. Window shopping.

And now they are doing a duet...the guy can't sing. This is funny. The music is horrible. The crowd loves it. How sickening. I understand music, and this sir, is not music.

I can play the French Horn and the Trumpet at the same time. It's quite a sight. I tried playing "Mary Had A Little Lamb," but it sounded kind of bad. Fun times. I miss my French Horn.