Tuesday, January 20, 2004

If there's anything I hate more than anything else in the world, it's kids who make up new philosophies that completely suck ass. Or they think that you can put any two non-related words together to sound metaphorical. If I were to start talking about the half-full void that is my life, people would be like, "Woah, that's deep." But in reality, it's a bunch of crap. Anyone can pull crap out fo their ass. So I guess that makes it....not unique. There you go. I just rained on someone else's parade. I don't mind it.

Classes went well. Or at least as well as they're gonna be. Got an old man teacher for philosophy, and his voice puts me to sleep. I gots a foreign woman for my math class. I don't understand her too well, but I think if I sit closer to the front I might be able to figure out the words. Tomorrow, I have Government, Computer Science, and then History. I have a one hour lunch break, so that's not as bad as today was. Going from 11 to 2 straight sucks because you get hungry real quick. Stomach starts growling and people next to you just give you an awkward face. It doesn't bother me. Who am I kidding? It does bother me. What, you people have never been hungry before? Cram it up your ass!

Got my music playing. I feel real good.

You know what else I hate? I hate it when people jump on the music bandwagon. The whole pop scene. I'm not targeting any one music group or artist, I just hate it when people change their taste in music so they can like a popular song. One person I know once said, "Yea, she kinda has a weird voice, but you have to adjust to her." No! No! No! One should not adjust their taste to accomadate someone's art. If everyone did that, there would be no unique opinion. Everyone would say, "Yea, it isn't that good, but I'm adjusting to it."

Do not, and I repeat, do not hand me off information that should be gven directly to me. Also, if I'm with you, and you are on the phone with someone who knows me, do not give me the phone to say "Hi." I hate being told stuff through a medium. I guess I've listed a lot of things that I hate. Well, I've got more. I'll save them for another time.

I'm going to bed soon. If I go to sleep now, I can get almost 9 hours. But that's too much. It's time for me to shapen up.

"The opinion of the uneducated should be ignored!!!"
- Someone I know.