Thursday, January 08, 2004


They played pretty well tonight. I laughed at Danny Fortson's "half court lob to no one." It was strikingly similar to his "full court lob to no one." Tony Delk played well enough to earn more playing time in the future. Dirk had two rebounds and three points on one offensive possession. That's great production.


I've received these four letters many a time. Sometimes with more r's. But I usually interpret it as one of two meanings. First, it's a sign of frustration with a guy's behavior. Usually it comes after a silent treatment or when a guy avoids a specific topic. Second, it has a more primal meaning. I like that more. ;)


Brunette, eh? I like brunettes. I like blondes. I like chics. It's better if they like me in return. A funny comic strip, "Get Fuzzy" has Bucky the cat saying, "Man, I'm so in touch women slap me as I walk by." Greatness. THAT is funny.

I don't think I've done anything offensive enough to deserve a slap. Probably because I'm such a gentleman. The things I do deserve kisses and such. (Ladies...hint hint.)

I'm not going to dive too deep into this one. I'm just going to appreciate the fact that it happened. If I meet the chic though, I'm going to put forth all my effort to charm her. The chic in the dream was too perfect. So I believe that if she really exists, I must sieze the opportunity. I mean, there's a bunch of people on this planet, so one is bound to be just like the dream chic. If I don't meet her, oh well. You can't lose something that never existed.