Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Alright, Andy's in a pissed off mood. The Mavs lost tonight, and that makes me furious. I didn't actually get to see the game either, because Fox Sports down here would rather show "The Best Damn Sports Show Period" which it ain't. Once again, I damn Fox and its ties to any legitimate sport.

Around the Horn was very funny today. It was hilarious to see Woody Paige muss up Mariotti's hair. Great stuff.

Went to my four classes, slept through most of my Computer Science class. It was just too damn boring. Although, I did my best to conceal my nodding off. The other classes went well enough.

Speaking of one of my classes, psychology, I sat a seat away from this chic who wasn't bad looking at all. After class, I introduced myself and got her name, and then she disappeared. Women, this is what I'm talking about. I tried putting forth the effort, and I don't get much in return. I mean, c'mon, I'm perfect. How many more times do I have to say it. Women should throw themselves at my feet for a chance at this. OK, maybe I'm exaggerating. It'd be nice though. Still, ladies, no more effort on my side. You want some, come get some. Otherwise, I'm going to find my seat in the corner where I can sleep without being disturbed. I'm not anti-social, I just hate people.

Man, we got a bunch of dumbasses here on my floor. Yelling in the middle of the night. I don't know what benefits them from doing this. It doesn't make them cool or anything, just extremely stupid.

I think I'm getting tired of getting on AIM. I know I know, I don't IM people first. Yea well, I'd just rather not disturb someone during an important task. And I'm not going to IM someone so they can throw the away sign on then. I'm not for it. I dunno. Just venting I guess.

I was thinking about using a separate blog for my sports opinion, so my current readers don't have to be subjected to it if they don't wish. What do you guys think? I need probably 50% voter turn out.