Wednesday, January 07, 2004

I tell you what, there's people on my hall that listen to techno/dance music.

You know, I went through that fad also. About 4 years ago. Listening to ATB and such, but after long it got boring and lost its appeal. Now I have to hear more of it from dumbasses who have blown their ears out by having the volume set to "11." I think they are trying to make me go deaf as well. Considering that my best sense is hearing (to an extent) it really pisses me off. People, get away from the generic beats and crummy keyboards. Find some real music.

Also, it's understandable why someone would pump their stereo up all the way for rap or rock music. It is not understandable to do so for country. No one wants to hear Tim McGraw down the hallway. Country music does not support high decibel levels. Keep it in your headphones. Also, if I hear someone playing music I like, but it's coming from 40 feet down the hall, turn it down. I like my music, and I'm glad you like it to, but I'll listen to my music when I want, not when you want. Also, if you're a complete dork in my opinion, and I catch you listening to my music, I'm gonna get pissed off. Why? Because I hate it when people do anything I usually do, and I hate it more if I don't think you're worthy enough to even think of filling my shoes.

Guys, long hair should be left for girls, and girls alone. Stop the whole "let your hair grow because natural hair is beautiful" thing. Those asses need to be taken to a military barber shop so they can feel ugly. Cause they are.

I mean it, these guys suck. There's this one guy on my floor who is over 6 feet tall and probably weighs 100 pounds, shoulder length hair with highlights (at one time, pink highlights) and he just pisses me off. Why? Because his appearance disgusts me. His voice is annoying. He skateboards in the hallway at 2AM!!! One of these days I'm going to steal his skateboard, slam the door shut, and take it apart piece by piece. For a grand finale, I'll throw all the pieces to the four corners of the world. If he buys another, I'll do the same again, because then I know he can at least afford a decent hair cut if he can buy another skateboard.

And if you think I'm pissed now, just wait until later tonight. I'm sure I'll find more reasons.