Wednesday, January 07, 2004

It's the middle of the afternoon, and I'm actually posting. There has to be a good reason, right?

I had this dream last night that freaked me out both during the dream and after I awoke. There were many questions unanswered, and many of the participating characters were familiar faces. In fact, only one person I did not recognize, being that I had never met her in reality. She was just a figment of my imagination. Or dream. Whatever.

This is the correct order.

Part I

I was walking in a store. The lighting was dim and had a red tint to it. The walls were lined with shelves that were probably 15 feet tall. On those shelves were many different toys in their plastic cases. The aisles were long, and it felt as though there were black light posters everywhere. While I walked through one of the side aisles, I bumped into some female friends of mine back from high school. They were happy about something. When I approached them, a new face turned to me and was a few inches from mine. The others said loudly, "She's the one you met in Florida! She's the new transfer!" All I could think was, "What?" The new girl hugged me with a huge smile and said "I love you!" It wasn't with the tone someone uses when saying it to a significant other, rather it was with the tone used when thanking someone for a gift. I didn't know how to react, so I just stood there.

Part II

I was with three or four of my close guy friends. We were walking down some street. The sidewalks were very clean, and the architecture of the surrounding buildings seemed very futuristic. On the opposite corner of the street was the new girl. I did not know whether I should go to her and say hi or not. She did "love" me, after all. Even so, I cannot run up to someone I don't recognize, even if such affection exists. I kept walking with my guy friends, when we notice a library with glass windows as its wall. We looked in and noticed that a fight had just started. No one was at the main desk in the room, so we assumed that there were no supervisors. The fight escalated into a huge brawl with girls jumping on each other's backs and what-not. About 30 seconds into the fight, we saw a big lady with brown curly hair throw her hands up and shout some words. Everyone stopped. It was amazing really. The fact that someone had that much control over such a large group of people. Must have been a school...

Part III

I forgot about this part. During one of the other three parts, I had a flashback. It started as though I was looking at an old photo. Then the view zoomed into the picutre until the white border was no more. It was me next to this short blonde I knew and talked to my sophomore year. Somehow, by looking at the picture I knew that I wasn't feeling well that day. I started to lean over to my right, and from my view it looked as though I would rest my head on the blonde's shoulder. I misjudged the distance, and my head landed in her lap. She put her hand on my forehead and just smiled while my eyes were glazed over and my mouth was drooling. That's what told me I was sick. In the background, there was a parade or something, but I know for sure there was a sunset. A very dark sunset. The type you would see in the country, a land in the absence of city lights.

Part IV

I was back in high school about to walk through my former school's fine arts hallway. On my way to the band hall, I saw more familiar faces of people that were two years below me. I met up with a friend of mine, and I told him how "In two years, I'll be able to buy us liquor." Right now, I am about 1 year and 8 months from achieving this. Once I got in, I walked to my old band locker, where a small black case was waiting. I figured it was holding a mellophone, or something of that size. I fumbled with the lock and got really pissed because I couldn't remember my combination. After a little observation, I figured out that the case I was holding was not my own. In fact, this case held a baritone. I finally found my instrument and proceeded to find a seat. The odd thing was that the seats were turned around, facing away from the director. Everyone else that was sitting stuck with it though, looking away from the director. When she called for One-A, a sequence of notes I still had memorized, no one played, not even I. In the background coming out of the speakers was Radiohead's How To Disappear Completely. I assumed that this was just a listening test to get the ears warmed up. When I looked approx. 20 degrees to my right, coming to the chairs was the girl. She was carrying a clarinet. She did not make eye contact with me, but she was smiling about something. My gut told me that she was smiling because of me.

I woke up. Oddly enough, the song that was playing the moment I became concious was Radiohead's How To Disappear Completely. I tried to go back to sleep, to see if by some chance I could enter the same dream and get some answers. Unfortunately, I could not fall asleep. It was 1:30 anyway, so it was best I got ready for the day.

The girl...

She was about 5 foot 7 inches. She had light tan skin with wavy medium brown hair dropping a few inches beyond her shoulders. She was cute in regular street clothes, but she had the physical features to look stunning in a nice formal dress. She seemed to be everything I wanted in a chic.

I don't know why Florida. The only logic I can find behind it is that I was there on a band trip about 3 years ago. I was 16 at the time, so by the statement about "being able to buy liquor" I must have meant tobacco, or I believed that 18 was the legal age to buy alcohol. Being 16 makes everything fit. Florida, people at high school two years below me, the band hall, and the friends I was with. But why would I dream this now? That makes no sense. But how often do dreams make sense?

I'm wondering if my psychology friends can find some logic in these visions...