Wednesday, January 21, 2004

So, I have been to all of my classes now. I had better analyze what I am getting myself into. I'll talk about the dream later.

History 315K. The professor appears to be young and it would seem he connects with the students. He uses metaphors that are better related to today. The seats are comfortable, and I am worried that I might sleep in there a lot.

C S 307. This teacher is a complete N-E-R-D. I was waiting for one of them Police Chief Wiggum laughs. But the syllabus indicates it's everything I've learned in E E 322C, just that it's Java instead of C++. If I can pick the new language up, I should be fine. He said 10 to 15 hours of work will be done outside of class. I think for me it'll be 4 - 8 hours. I have a great mind for programming. Most people will plot out their path and then go through it step by step. I just take the problem, find the solution, and let my brain conduct my fingers on the keyboard. When I'm writing code, I just zone out and start putting instructions. It's weird.

GOV 310L. It seems like it's going to be fun. The professor likes to joke around, and it seems like it is going to be my easiest class. I'm not too worried about sleeping in there, because it is in the first two hours that I've been awake. If I wake up at 9, I can stay fully awake until 11. After that I start to nod off.

M 340L. I hate math. I hate it so much. But so far it looks easy. As long as I don't have to do triple integrals or such, I think I'll be fine. Oh, but I just know they are going to throw vectors at me.

PHL 313K. I would like to think I am very logical. So I figure I'll do alright in this class. I'm worried about falling asleep though, because the professor is an old man with a soft voice. Nothing to keep you up with. As long as I don't focus too hard on it, I should do fine.

The problem is that it might be too much book work. I should drop one of the three harder classes and put in something extremely easy. Last semester I had two easy classes, and it helped. If I can just get one music class or such, I think I'll do fine. I should try to see if there is anything open.