Sunday, January 11, 2004

By the which, I just want to say that if any of my friends that I haven't seen recently has a new personality, I'm going to kick your ass. More specifically, if you should become more egotistical or cocky, I will punch you in the face. Just a warning to the people I know.

Only goes for guys. I could never hit a chic. I mean that, too. I'm a lover, not a fighter. (How many times has that been said?)

Had a conversation with a friend. I have to discuss one topic that is very important to me.

I don't care what anyone else says, it is wrong to date a friend's ex.

Also, do not date a chic who is currently involved with someone else. That is wrong as well.

These two things are burned into the part of my brain that contains my morals. These two rules prevent me from pursuing many desirious females, but I do not dare think of breaking these rules. Doing so would break me. My mind would disintegrate, and everyone could find me in a mental institution.