Friday, January 30, 2004

Have this one hour break in between two pairs of classes. I planned it that way on purpose, so I could at least have a chance to eat lunch or something. The cafe down stairs stopped serving my favorite pies. So I'm stuck with these generic brands and they really aren't as good. In about 20 minutes, it's back off to the horse track. Got a T.A. session for history, and I actually did the reading for it.

I really can't handle being in libraries for too long. After 30 minutes or so, I get this anxiety feeling. Feel like I have to burn something. It must be that I'm surrounded by paper and more paper. I usually try to leave around that time. Thoe other night I had to go to the physics and math library here on campus because I haven't purchased my book for my matrices class. Spent an hour there, but it didn't feel like an ordinary library. It felt like a room full of knowledge. Like a room telling me all the secrets of science and its unknowns. I felt like a real college student.

This building I am going to next has real old-fashioned architecture. I love it. It makes me think of the late 1800s and how college students felt back then. The room I am in has the generic desk found in every cartoon, the chalkboards on more than one wall, and the very plain windows. Nothing at all is fancy in the room. It's so plain, I like it.

I still need to go get basketball shoes. I miss it, and my body misses it as well. I have a mini hoop and ball in the dorm room, but it's just not the same. I want to go to the gym and do my shooting drills. Last spring semester, every other day I would go to the outdoor courts and shoot at least 150 shots. I'd also try at least 30 from the college 3 point arc. I haven't done that at all this semester, and I really want to. I need to know if I've improved, and what to improve next. One week my mid-range jumper is falling through, but my post moves will suck. Then the next week, my post-ups will be perfect, and my 3 point shots will suck. I'm waiting for the day when I'm solid at all spots on the court. I don't think it's too far away.

Friday. Friday is a good day. Two more classes left. I think I can make it.

Thursday, January 29, 2004

Just saw this on someone's blog. I'm wonderin' if it describes me. Please forgive the grammar, I didn't type it.

Number 2
No matter what, every one will love you because your ruler is the Moon and every one loves the Moon, huh!! Well, you are a person who daydreams a lot. You have very low-self confidence; you need back up for every move in your life. You are very much unpredictable means you do change according to time and circumstances. Selfish and have a very strong sense of musical, artistic talent, and verbal communication. Your attitudes are like the Moon comes to Gloom and fade away so everybody can expect changes in you. You can be a next Mahatma Gandhi who does peace love or you can be a Hitler who wants to destroy the mankind and peace. I mean in the community and your own home. If you really have a deep thought about your own, believe in God, you can feel the difference, which will make you stronger! Most of the time your words are a kind of would be happening. True! You can predict the situation. You will become poets, writers, or any artistic business people! You are not strong in love, so you will be there and here till you get marry. If you are a girl, you will be a responsible woman in the whole family. If you are a man, you will involve in fights and arguments in the family or vice-versa. You are gentle, intuitive with a broad vision, a power behind the scenes, well balanced people!!!

Bah. I hate bad grammar.
San Antonio lost to Saramento. Makes me a bit happy. Now Spurs are 0 - 7 against the Elite (l337). Peja the Mad Man doing his thing.

The last post was just a joke. Trying to make him either mad or make him confess. Either way, I am happy with what he does. I think he has fun makin' people mad. I've decided to turn the tables.

Don't know what to talk about. Thinking about getting a laptop. With my computer science courses and writing courses, it would help when I'm away from the dorm. Other than that, I don't have much use for it. So I dunno. My desktop is so great I don't think I can break away from it. I built it too, so I have sort of an attachment to it.

Friend from the past emailed me about two days ago or so. I replied just to be polite, but I don't know if I really want to catch up. I'm the type of person that moves on when I'm moved on from. I don't think any of us are to blame, but I offered, and I got a 'no.' I'll be friends once, but not twice. That's just weird to me.

I'm out.

Wednesday, January 28, 2004

My roommate is in love with this chic from UD!!! I'm so happy for him. It's great. True love. Almost brings a tear to my eyes. Almost. Gee, I'm so envious....
By the which, I really do believe in that quote I used. "The opinion of the uneducated should be ignored!" I mean it in the sense that, if you talk to me about 'playing French Horn is easy' and you have never even picked up an instrument, I'm going to ignore you. I always give my opinions about issues I know and comprehend. You will never hear me talk about politics, because I don't care for it, and I don't keep up with it. My opinions would be worthless. I'm not going to say anything about ice skating, because I don't know the first thing about it. I will only give thoughts about subjects in my field of knowledge.

Knowing how to produce a sound out of a French Horn does not qualify an individual as being educated on 'playing French Horn.' I mean educated as in, you can write 5 pages easy about the topic. I could write 5 pages about playing the Horn. It'll be boring to you all, but I can do it.

I'm from Texas, but I type it 'you all.' When I say it, it does sound like 'y'all.' But that's probably because I slur my words when I'm sober, and I talk perfectly when I've had a drink or two. It's weird. I have witnesses too.
Alright, Andy's in a pissed off mood. The Mavs lost tonight, and that makes me furious. I didn't actually get to see the game either, because Fox Sports down here would rather show "The Best Damn Sports Show Period" which it ain't. Once again, I damn Fox and its ties to any legitimate sport.

Around the Horn was very funny today. It was hilarious to see Woody Paige muss up Mariotti's hair. Great stuff.

Went to my four classes, slept through most of my Computer Science class. It was just too damn boring. Although, I did my best to conceal my nodding off. The other classes went well enough.

Speaking of one of my classes, psychology, I sat a seat away from this chic who wasn't bad looking at all. After class, I introduced myself and got her name, and then she disappeared. Women, this is what I'm talking about. I tried putting forth the effort, and I don't get much in return. I mean, c'mon, I'm perfect. How many more times do I have to say it. Women should throw themselves at my feet for a chance at this. OK, maybe I'm exaggerating. It'd be nice though. Still, ladies, no more effort on my side. You want some, come get some. Otherwise, I'm going to find my seat in the corner where I can sleep without being disturbed. I'm not anti-social, I just hate people.

Man, we got a bunch of dumbasses here on my floor. Yelling in the middle of the night. I don't know what benefits them from doing this. It doesn't make them cool or anything, just extremely stupid.

I think I'm getting tired of getting on AIM. I know I know, I don't IM people first. Yea well, I'd just rather not disturb someone during an important task. And I'm not going to IM someone so they can throw the away sign on then. I'm not for it. I dunno. Just venting I guess.

I was thinking about using a separate blog for my sports opinion, so my current readers don't have to be subjected to it if they don't wish. What do you guys think? I need probably 50% voter turn out.

Tuesday, January 27, 2004


I just finally got to see highlights of the Mavs game. Unfortunately, Fox Sports doesn't provide Mavs game, because they'd rather torture us with Spurs games. I didn't watch that one either though. But yea, with the scored tied at 116, Mavs wth the ball, 1.6 secs left, they inbound the ball to Walker who takes one dribble and one step back, jumps and releases. The ball is at least 17 feet in the air, and it falls through to give Dallas the 118 - 116 victory. Amazing. And I now curse Fox Sports for not letting me enjoy such a great game. Dirk lit it up for 43 points, and it was insane. He made eight 3's and it was all effortless. Amazing. I'm in such a state of shock. But, that's nine straight wins. I am happy.

I really hate people. I don't even have to know them to hate them. I'm sure everyone knows at least one person who's face annoys you. The presence of such a person just heats your blood and you want to do some physical damage. For me, I know of many faces like that. I'm on a campus with over 50,000 people, so the odds are better that I see someone I want to punch in the face. Walking to class, or walking through my hallway, it's all the same.

Only had one class today. It went well enough, except for the extremely loud construction going on about 20 feet from the room. The walls are defintely not sound-proof.

Also went to the local sports store to see about some new basketball shoes. Found my T-Macs on sale. My old pair have been worn out all the way. I also saw some of those trendy Nike Shox, but I decided against following the crowd. It's just not me. You can keep your Abercrombie, your long uncombed hair, and your Linkin Park CDs. I don't want any part of something you do.

I'm full of hate tonight. It'll be gone once I sleep. I'm a lover, not a fighter. Ha! I should leave my door open tomorrow and pump out some Marvin Gaye. Maybe I can lure some fun into the ol' dorm room. Ha!
Two things to report.

I just heard some guy say to a chic he was with, "Do you want to get some more food somewhere?" Is that the dumbest thing to say or what? I am a guy with more knowledge then most about what to say and what not to say. I know better than to even make a reference that hints such eating habits. Stupid guy.

I just walked up to my dorm, and someone on this floor is tokin' up big time. The stank reaches for about 20 feet or so. Yes, I know what it smells like, but I'm not the type to smoke anything. I also know the smell because at my bro's apartment complex, these hippies lived down the way about 4 doors down. When the breeze came from the North, the smell filled everywhere. Had to close the windows then.

Some two asses just smelled it when they walked down the hallway. I looked through the door peak thing and they were staring at my door. They thought it was coming from this room. They assumed. That's why they're asses. Now I hear a lot of doors opening and closing.

Monday, January 26, 2004

There are things out there that happen, and it's out of our control. We can't control when we are happy, when we are sad, or when we are just kinda "bleh." We are forced to accept these things.

When I don't want to feel a particular way, I try to relive a memory from my past. When I feel lonely, I think back to the times when I wasn't lonely, and had a special someone. When I'm sad, I try to think about my animals back home. My cats are crazy and my dog is too funny. When I'm happy, I try to figure out what's making me happy so I can use it later.

It's like having a memory box. You can put your current emotions into it and save it for later. When I get a test back, I close my eyes and try to burn the image into my mind. When I talk to a female that is actually listening to me and keeping eye contact, I record it in my mind. Then, when I need it most, I think about it. It helps that I kept track of a year and a half of my life on paper. Now I have nearly 6 months of this blog to remind me of all the peaks and valleys of my emotions.

The other thing I do is assosciate music with a particular event. For instance, when I hear A Perfect Circle - 3 Libras, I remember being at my band's Winter Dance back in 2000. I remember telling a certain someone, "I can sing this song perfectly, and I would do it only for you." I remember dancing with her, going to her house that night and again the following day. I try not to go past that though, as the following parts make me mad.

Here are some lyrics that could help:

"You've seen it all, and all you have seen,
You can always review on your own little screen,
The light and the dark, the big and the small,
Just keep in mind you have no more at all."

Bjork with Thom Yorke - "I Have Seen It All"
I have cried once in the past 6 years. And I think that was because of the sheer disappointment in myself as a leader. October 17th, 2001.

It's not that I think crying isn't manly. I've just forgotten how.

"Legends of the Fall" is a great movie. That's the only way I can put it. The relationships are developed so well, and the audience can truly empathize with every event. After all the tragic deaths, I find the ending to be the most emotional. The fact that Tristan died while fighting a bear. It was a real man's honorable death. Great movie.

Tests me everytime, but the streak is still intact.

Sunday, January 25, 2004

That last post counts as a late night post for Monday. I didn't time it right.
Once again, I'm going to compare the lowly Spurs to the Mavs.

Spurs, 0 - 6 against the Elite in the West.

Mavs, 8 - 3 against the Elite in the West.

I think the Elite consists of four teams. Spurs ain't one of them. I feel that they are one of the teams stranded in the middle of the rest in the West.

I've put together a CD that I feel defines music. Because I am limited to one CD, I have to cut some songs from my list. I really don't want to. But here it is. Drum roll...

1. Dvorak - New World Symphony Mvt. 4
2. Rimsky-Korsakov - Sheherazade Mvt. 2
3. Art Tatum - Humoresque
4. Louis Armstrong - West End Blues
5. Clifford Brown - Daahound
6. John Coltrane - Acknowledgement
7. Radiohead - National Anthem
8. Radiohead - Bulletproof...I Wish I Was
9. Nirvana - Man Who Sold The World
10. Beastie Boys - Integalactic Planetary
11. Audioslave - Cochise
12. Massive Attack - Small Time Shot Away
13. Radiohead - Everything In Its Right Place
14. Radiohead - Hunting Bears
Dallas got the win and got their eighth straight win. It's amazing. They really are playing that damn good. I looks like things are clicking a lot more than what was happening a week ago. Walker took good shots and didn't just toss his balls in the air. Yes, I worded it that way on purpose. Nash played very aggressively and it made a big difference. The match-up between the point guards was won by Nash single-handedly. Dirk looked good in the game, but I wish Nellie would have had him play defense against Divac. That always turns into something funny. Technicals would be handed out like bible pamphlets on a college campus. Finley shot exceptionally well and that helped as well. I don't think Jamison got very many shots, but he put forth enough effort. Overall, I was very pleased with this game, and it was exactly what it was meant to be. A high scoring shoot-out.

First full week of classes starts tomorrow. The first few days went smoothly, with the one exception of changing my schedule. Now that it is set in stone, I can stop worrying about what I am going to do. Although, I do need to go to the music department and see about taking some more involved music classes. I really need to touch up my composing and what-not. I haven't touched an instrument in two years, but it feels like forever.

Got me some more Coltrane. I love his CD "A Love Supreme." The whole idea that Coltrane played as if he were talking to God just makes me want to play jazz even more. I try to picture Coltrane face to face with God and just expressing his thoughts with his sax. Then, I imagine myself with a French Horn playing for God. I'm not good enough, but I plan to get better.

Index finger just popped, and it didn't hurt. Last summer my index finger got jammed pretty bad while I was playing ball. Ever since then, whenever I tried to pop it, it hurts like hell. So I stopped popping that knuckle. Now the pain is gone. All that's left to heal is my knees, but that's going to require some gym work. Gotta strengthen those tendons. Maybe put on 10 - 15 pounds, and I'll be twice as good as I am now.

Saturday, January 24, 2004

I can't believe it. After I wrote that last post, I quit watching the Spurs game. I go to just now, and I find out they lost by 2. It's exactly what I wished for. I hope this is the beginning to their downward spiral. People, they really aren't that good. I have them finishing out of the top 4 when playoff time comes. There are 5 'elite' teams in the west (4 if you ask me) and someone has to take the 5th seed or lower. I'm going to go ahead and hand it to the Spurs. What are my prediction for seedings, you ask?

1. Sacramento (I don't think they'll lose enough games to be caught up on.)
2. Dallas (A win over Sacramento tomorrow will prove they have started clicking.)
3. Minnesota (They have a lead in the midwest, and I only see one team challenging that.)
4. Lakers (More injuries to come. Their hole is getting bigger as we speak.)
5. Denver (Sleeper to make some win streaks and grab the 5th spot.)
6. Spurs (I don't see them dropping below the 6th seed. Unless they really do lose the rest of their games.)
7. Houston (Yao will lead them to the playoffs this year.)
8. Memphis (Another team has to make it, and they are the best of the rest.)

I especially like these match-ups. Dallas - Houston first round, no team really has a real road trip. I like Minnesota - Spurs because whoever comes out of it will face Dallas in the second round. That being said, I'd rather see San Antonio win. Minnesota can be scary. Lakers - Denver really fits with the whole Kobe case. Imagine the 'boo's when they played in Denver. Sacramento - Memphis is an easy win for Sacramento.

In the second round, I want Dallas - San Antonio. It'll be sweet revenge for last year. Dallas in a sweep. Sacramento - Lakers. Classic match-up, with Sacramento winning in game 7. It will set the 2002 playoffs right.

In the conference finals, I want Dallas - Sacramento. High-scoring entertaining basketball. The ratings would shoot through the roof. And it heightens the rivalry. I would like to see Dallas win, but I am happy either way. Who am I kidding, I'd be miserable if Dallas were to lose.

Don't even mention NBA finals. Whoever comes out of the east is a lamb for the slaughter. It's true. The top two teams are on 2 game losing streaks as of this night. They aren't that good. In fact, those top two teams won't make it out of the first round. You heard it here folks. If I'm right come May, I want rose petals at my feet and a million dollars.
I'm watching the San Antonio Spurs against the New Orleans Hornets, just to check out the competition. And I must say, these announcers suck!

Complete homers. Everytime something happens, they raise their voice and chant "Duncan." They throw around stats that make San Antonio sound perfect. They throw around stats that make N.O. look like crap. Guys, at least try to make the game interesting. Even if S.A. is up by 18, try to not say "Oh, this game is over" with the second half to go. Retards. Everytime the ball doesn't go in for N.O., the announcers start talking about the awesome defense of the Spurs. They'll say it even if no one was around the ball when the shot was taken. It's horrible. And then they ask stupid rhetorical questions like, "Do you think playing alongside Tim Duncan is great?" And that brings me to my next point.

Tim Duncan is overrated. Fundamentally sound, yes. The best in the league, no. The best center in the league, no. The best power forward, no. So he averages over 20 points a game and 10 rebounds a game. If I was his size, I should be doing the same thing. Have you seen him take a three point shot? Of course not. Yea, he can post, but that's also due to his size. Talented, a bit. But not to be put in the same category as Magic, Jordan, or Bird.

I hope the Spurs lose the rest of their games. That would expose them for the talent frauds they are.

Just saw this on the news. I hate protesters. Why do people try to force their beliefs on others? Does having a large group of people make it right? If they don't get their way, what do they do when they get home? Do they cry? I understand the need for some protests. It let's people be heard and what not. Don't block my streets, don't block the way to my destination. The protests that involve those things are more detrimental to society. And instead of just saying, "Don't do this because it's wrong" give us a reasonable solution. For example, if you don't like people using gasoline because it hurts nature, instead of whining your ass off in front of gas stations, hit the labs and make an engine that is just as efficient but doesn't harm the environment. Oh, you can't build a perpetual motion machine? Then get out of my face. Don't impede the progress of society, rather improve it by compromising.

By the way, as soon as the announcers started praising Hedo Turkoglu, he got injured. Those damn announcers screw up everything. Please Spurs announcers, don't mention the Mavericks. You might jinx them, too. Instead, keep talking about the Spurs.
People, on my way up to the dorm, this chic in the elevator started a very small conversation. This is the type of initiation I need. A chic says "hi" and I'll do the rest. Of course, it didn't continue once I got to my floor. But she was about 2 inches taller than me and about 40 pounds heavier. Whether she is a 1 or a 10 doesn't matter, so long as there is a nice gesture.

Mavs beat the Bulls, so now the streak is at 7. I'm very happy about that. Next is Sacramento in Dallas on Sunday. I'm looking forward to it.

But yea, just got back from playing some NCAA 2004 at my bro's. Good stuff. The hours awake count is now at 19 hours. People, if you are my age and can't stay up 17 hours, you are in bad shape. I like sleep. I love sleep. But I can't enjoy what's really out there if I am asleep.

People, over to the right is a link to AmorYMiel. Go there, leave a message. There's some sweet recipes on there in past posts, and some crazy pictures. Support my fellow bloggers!

More people. I want more people. I should do a publicity stunt. I could try to convince Donnie Nelson to get me a ten day contract. Then during the Mavs garbage minutes at the end of a game, they could toss me in to play point. Everyone who sees it would say, "Who the hell is that? Why is he playing with the Mavs?" Total spotlight for me, spotlight for the Mavs, everyone can buy an "FBombAndy" jersey, and everyone would be happy.

My hair is so nice. One chic said, "It really does feel like feathers." With the new copper red highlights, I got it goin' on. Ooo Yea!

It's late, I need sleep. My hair is so perfect, that I rarely get bed head. For real. Ladies, spend a night with me and find out for yourself. I mean it. You don't have to play a thing. Isn't that a great deal. Free overnight stay in Austin and you get to touch my hair, all for free. It's too good to pass up.


Thursday, January 22, 2004

People, you see the latest message on the tagboard? That's what I'm talking about. I'm glad someone appreciates my ass. :D

But yes, I am in a better mood. I didn't get the French Horn class I wanted, but I did get into Intro to Psychology. Some have told me I should be the next Dr. Phil, only thinner, with more hair on my head (the best hair any woman could run fingers through, that's a guarantee), and better looking. I could make a bunch of money. And then I'd be prepared for my high school reunion. Yea!!

Top 5 Vocalist Of All Time
1.) Frank Sinatra
2.) Chet Baker
3.) Tony Bennett
4.) Chris Cornell (The range, the emotion, it's all there.)
5.) Thom Yorke (Obvious Radiohead bias, but on The Bends and some of OK Computer, his voice is soooo soft and angelic.)

This list will keep changing the more I think about it though. I'm sure I'll consider taking one down to add Dean Martin, or Elton John (Yellow Brick Road is so great), or David Bowie, or Johnny Cash, or Stevie Wonder. I'll keep thinking...
All the way, I am a Mavs fan. But my second favorite player outside that organization is Peja Stojakavic. His shot is so smooth and I love it when he wins those 3 point contest. When I am playing ball, and I am 18 feet or out, I try to make my game mimic his. When I'm 15 feet and in, I mimic my favorite player outside the Mavs, T-Mac. When he drives on someone to dunk it in their face, I have to throw something to the ground and jump up and down. Greatness.

Sacramento won, but it was close. Vlade actually shaved his stubble, so I almost didn't recognize him.

Dallas beat the crap out of the 25% Lakers. Very lopsided, even though it was tied at 65 in the 3rd. Dallas ended the 3rd quarter with a 20 to 2 run. Walker played very well and earned some free throws. Although, his FT percentage is still disappointing. Jamison did really well, as did Finley. Nowitski was off though, and that upsets me. I want him to shoot 50% or higher every night. And he should take more shots. Nash had some exceptional passes, but I didn't see him score much. It was a nice blowout win, and it makes me happy. The series with the Lakers is tied 2-2. All that's left is one game with Minnesota (with a win the series would be 3-1 Mavs), two with the Spurs (two wins would be a 4-0 sweep), and 3 with Sacramento (which we lead 1-0). Those games could be important in determining playoff seeding and confidence during the actual playoffs. It will be interesting come May.

Wednesday, January 21, 2004

All of the F-Bombs and S-Bombs and such will be replaced by the word 'ass' in the following post:

I'm so 'ass'ing retarded. I wrote a post, and I 'ass'ing forgot to post it. Closed the browser, and now the 'ass' hits the fan. I can't believe this 'ass.'

The basics are, I want to drop my PHL course and add a 2 hour French Horn class. I could use a bit of relief from regular books and boring professors. I would be at 14 hours, which isn't too bad.

And I can't remember any of that post. So much 'ass.' I don't even remember what I was typing.

Got my first class at 11. I should head to bed sometime within the hour.

Today, Lakers at Mavs. Game to watch. Hell yea!

I've got a tagboard and a comment feature. No one's using it. I guess I'll just take it away...
So, I have been to all of my classes now. I had better analyze what I am getting myself into. I'll talk about the dream later.

History 315K. The professor appears to be young and it would seem he connects with the students. He uses metaphors that are better related to today. The seats are comfortable, and I am worried that I might sleep in there a lot.

C S 307. This teacher is a complete N-E-R-D. I was waiting for one of them Police Chief Wiggum laughs. But the syllabus indicates it's everything I've learned in E E 322C, just that it's Java instead of C++. If I can pick the new language up, I should be fine. He said 10 to 15 hours of work will be done outside of class. I think for me it'll be 4 - 8 hours. I have a great mind for programming. Most people will plot out their path and then go through it step by step. I just take the problem, find the solution, and let my brain conduct my fingers on the keyboard. When I'm writing code, I just zone out and start putting instructions. It's weird.

GOV 310L. It seems like it's going to be fun. The professor likes to joke around, and it seems like it is going to be my easiest class. I'm not too worried about sleeping in there, because it is in the first two hours that I've been awake. If I wake up at 9, I can stay fully awake until 11. After that I start to nod off.

M 340L. I hate math. I hate it so much. But so far it looks easy. As long as I don't have to do triple integrals or such, I think I'll be fine. Oh, but I just know they are going to throw vectors at me.

PHL 313K. I would like to think I am very logical. So I figure I'll do alright in this class. I'm worried about falling asleep though, because the professor is an old man with a soft voice. Nothing to keep you up with. As long as I don't focus too hard on it, I should do fine.

The problem is that it might be too much book work. I should drop one of the three harder classes and put in something extremely easy. Last semester I had two easy classes, and it helped. If I can just get one music class or such, I think I'll do fine. I should try to see if there is anything open.
Odd, I had a weird dream, and I want to tell every detail, but I have one more class to go to. After 2pm I am free to do as I please. I really want to go to the gym, but I would have to do a bit of laundry first. It looks like I'll just have to wait until tomorrow or something.

Really weird dream. Most people would consider it a nightmare. But my dreams don't scare me. Even if there are animal skeletons looking at me and crawling towards me to save them. Blood dripping everywhere, even though there is nothing to produce the red substance. Nothing but a pile of bones. I don't get it. But it doesn't matter that I don't understand it. It's just my imagination running outside the box. I don't know what could place these images inside my head. Oh well. I'll explain it when I get back.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

I'm not entertaining. I don't do magic tricks. I can't preform miracles. I don't have many entertaining talents, like acting or such.

I can sing. But not many have heard it. I tend to only do that when I'm alone. I can play some musical instruments, but I haven't touched one in almost 2 years.

I don't know. I can talk, but I quit after a while. I can answer your questions, but I can only go as far as you let me. I have no control over my entertainment value. It's determined by those around me.

To the one with a letter for a name, or so it would sound:

I do not feel like I am qualified to teach someone a lesson of life. Especially one involving females. A man can write a book that shares all knowledge of the female mind, but he may not be able to use it to charm a female. I could write a book containing the secrets of non-verbal communication, but I wouldn't be able to do one of my own experiments. It takes more than knowledge to execute something.

This is why I can't teach a certain someone a certain something. I might appear to be a good person for the job, but I am not. If my black book was filled from cover to cover, maybe. But I don't know what possibly could lead someone to believe I would be best suited for the task at hand. Seriously.

If I thought I could do the job and do it well, I would. I really like helping people, and I would at least like to have some impact on a certain someone's life. But I know when something is out of my field of knowledge. I know when I just don't have it.

...I'm still perfect though. Remember, my definition of perfect.
If there's anything I hate more than anything else in the world, it's kids who make up new philosophies that completely suck ass. Or they think that you can put any two non-related words together to sound metaphorical. If I were to start talking about the half-full void that is my life, people would be like, "Woah, that's deep." But in reality, it's a bunch of crap. Anyone can pull crap out fo their ass. So I guess that makes it....not unique. There you go. I just rained on someone else's parade. I don't mind it.

Classes went well. Or at least as well as they're gonna be. Got an old man teacher for philosophy, and his voice puts me to sleep. I gots a foreign woman for my math class. I don't understand her too well, but I think if I sit closer to the front I might be able to figure out the words. Tomorrow, I have Government, Computer Science, and then History. I have a one hour lunch break, so that's not as bad as today was. Going from 11 to 2 straight sucks because you get hungry real quick. Stomach starts growling and people next to you just give you an awkward face. It doesn't bother me. Who am I kidding? It does bother me. What, you people have never been hungry before? Cram it up your ass!

Got my music playing. I feel real good.

You know what else I hate? I hate it when people jump on the music bandwagon. The whole pop scene. I'm not targeting any one music group or artist, I just hate it when people change their taste in music so they can like a popular song. One person I know once said, "Yea, she kinda has a weird voice, but you have to adjust to her." No! No! No! One should not adjust their taste to accomadate someone's art. If everyone did that, there would be no unique opinion. Everyone would say, "Yea, it isn't that good, but I'm adjusting to it."

Do not, and I repeat, do not hand me off information that should be gven directly to me. Also, if I'm with you, and you are on the phone with someone who knows me, do not give me the phone to say "Hi." I hate being told stuff through a medium. I guess I've listed a lot of things that I hate. Well, I've got more. I'll save them for another time.

I'm going to bed soon. If I go to sleep now, I can get almost 9 hours. But that's too much. It's time for me to shapen up.

"The opinion of the uneducated should be ignored!!!"
- Someone I know.

Monday, January 19, 2004

Listening to Art Tatum. So great. Fast but lyrical piano melodies.

Classes start later today. I'm ready though. My first class isn't until 11, so I can get enough sleep to make the day. But I should go to bed within the next two hours or so. Some philosophy class. Something about logic and sets or such. It shouldn't be too hard. I understand logic well enough.

After that I head out to my math class. It's all about matrices. I should be able to do fairly well in there. It's Calculus that throws me off. But that's the last class, and I'm done by 2pm. Most people would kill to have a schedule like that. They can kiss my ass. I signed up when it was my time.

I feel ready for this semester. I feel as though everything is easier, and I haven't even set foot inside a classroom. Yet, I know I will have trouble sleeping tonight. It always happens no matter how much you prepare. You lay in bed thinking about what is going to happen in 8 or so hours. You can plan out every little detail, but it doesn't make a difference.

I wish I had a music class. I feel that music is just my thing. It's the one thing that I do well. Well, I do a lot of things well. But music is something I don't have to put effort into. I can just put an instrument to my lips, and a very soft tone comes out. Everyone has a different sound on an instrument. When I first started playing French Horn, my instructor had me play a couple of notes for him. The first thing he noticed is that my tone was very soft and round. It was calming, and it didn't biet the ears one bit. When most people start out on a brass instrument, they want to blow as hard as they can to produce the loudest sound the can. I don't think that way. I want people to hear one of my solos and think, "That is the prettiet thing I have ever heard." I want them to want to listen to me.

The same thing happened when I picked up the trumpet. I didn't play loud, but I didn't sound like anyone else in the band. I did not have the range of some of the trumpet players, but I had the tone they wanted. They didn't understand how I was doing it. They just heard it happen.

I'm like that with my voice. I want people to want to hear it. I don't have that happen too often though. I'm quiet. I don't like to talk. I can talk, and I can talk about a great deal of things. I just choose not to. I've never made anyone happy by talking to them. I have only made people happy by listening to them.

Music. It trains my ears. I learn to pick up the slightest detail and figure out why it is. Then I try to understand its purpose. I put the pieces together and form a giant group of groups. It's like something the president could try to do. Know everyone in every state. Also, their names and occupations. It's impossible, you might think.

Well, yea. I'm not talking about that many details. Maybe just a couple thousand. But each bit gets attention. And I think that's why people are happy when I listen to them. The attention...
Well, I'm finally back in my dorm, and things are good. The break was fine. I got a lot of relaxation and I saw some old faces. That's what matters to me. I don't care that I didn't go anywhere exciting. I'm happy enough.

I'm watching The Graduate, and it's at the part where Mrs. Robinson is stripping for Ben. He did her. Simon and Garfunkel kick in. Greatness. This movie is so great.

The Mavs won both of the games in their back to back road trip. I'm very pleased by that. But I must say, I do not approve of any deal involving Antawn Jamison and Rasheed Wallace. If the Mavs have to part with someone, I'd rather it be Walker. The Big Three are not movable, and Jamison has been very consistent in all these games. He's also a better fit in that he likes to play close to the goal. Walker likes to jack up 3's, so that gives us 4 people at one time who can spot up at the arc. That's a bit too much.

Philadelphia lost, and that makes me happy. McNabb is overrated, and those interceptions proved it. They can't get to the Super Bowl, so crap on them.

I like it when people pose questions to me so I can answer them on this Blog. If it's not too personal, I'll answer it fully. Tagboard to the right, so drop 'em there.

I swear, if I ever get engaged, and a friend of mine talks about my past love lives to her, I'll kill him. Right there. With a fork if necessary. There are things that should never be mentioned, and not being able to keep one's mouth shut is a sign that I should end that misery. As long as someone doesn't insult me in front of company, I am fine. I have the ability to make one seem like royalty in front of their friends. I can also make that same person look like a unique bastard.

Ben took Elaine to a strip joint. She cried. And I almost felt bad for her. He kissed her though, and she didn't exactly push away.

I know what I want. I have this great big conveyer belt in front of me. I'm just waiting for the right moment to grab the precious item. It's hit and miss. But there's always another chance. There's always another treasure.

I am the claw in that stuffed toy machine. You put in your quarters, and you position the claw right above the prize you seek. You press the button and watch the claw touch the toy. You wait for it to pull up, and it seems like an eternity. Will it hold on? Will it hold it all the way to the chute? I don't know. Will I?

Ben just said, "I like you. Do you believe me?" So honest. So caring. The question alone...I don't know how to explain it. The curiosity for one's emotions. Elaine now knows about the affair. Simon and Garfunkel again. So great.

Ok. I'm out. I hope my wishes happen. It'd make me happy.

Friday, January 16, 2004

Friday. I leave today. Around 7 or 8. In the evening. Gonna head to my dorm first and unpack a bit. I'm looking forward to it. I don't think there will be a Saturday post. But I'll be sure to post the next day. It all depends on sleeping plans.

I don't know what to say. I quit for now. I'll be back Sunday. I just don't have interesting things to discuss, and the things that are interesting, well, they can't be talked about in this public format.

Going...going....gone!!! I'm on vacation. For a whole 36 or so hours.

Thursday, January 15, 2004

Spurs lost again. To the Timberwolves. I believe they are now 0 - 6 against the Elite in the West. Spurs don't have enough offense to contend with the power teams. Mavs won a nail-biter. I was really worried. In the first overtime, the first three shots were 3's if I remember correctly. I didn't like Finley's last shot in regulation. Once again, the Mavs had a sizable lead going into the fourth and started to give things up. Playing overtime games like these will wear them out before they even make it to the playoffs. Still, gut-check wins like these might propel them into a winning streak. I think Nellie has realized that reducing the shots of Walker forces him to create assists. Two consecutive triple-doubles in points, rebounds, and assists. As long as he gets ten in two of those columns, I think the Mavs should win.

Changed my commenting feature. The one I was using had servers down, and that must mean it isn't a very good product. So I'm trying HaloScan. If these servers don't go down, then I'll stick with it.

I'm bored. But I don't know what else to write. At least, I don't know what else to write that won't incriminate myself.

Some things got discussed last night, and I don't feel so worried about it now. With a little communication, anything can be solved. Too bad I'm not one to talk. All I do is listen. I can carry a conversation, but only if I have to.

Ha ha! I was just looking over some logs of conversations from the past, and what I thought was proven.

While I was dating this one chic, her best friend had "it" for me. Flattering, well, just a bit. But it totally would have been a good excuse out of that hell hole of a relationship. I know when things aren't good for me, and I know when to quit. She was not up to my standards after getting to know her, so I left. I don't want a chic who believes that every relationship is perfect. It means that she hasn't accepted the truth or she thinks she is perfect. Let's get things straight. I'm perfect. I'll say it until the day I die.

Plus she spread nasty rumors about me after the break-up. That's not the best way to win me back. She left cards of care in my locker and at my doorstep. I should really look into a restraining order. Saying things like, "When you call me, not if" only makes me want to not call you. Ladies, if you want me to call you, just say, "Andy, you're so perfect, I want to hear your voice some more. Please fulfill my fantasy by calling me."

Either way. It's almost 3AM, and I'm still bored. Think I'll watch some FLCL and then hit the hay. Today (Thursday) is my last full day in big D-town. Hair cut, shopping for clothes and shoes, and maybe some B-ball are in order for today.

Wednesday, January 14, 2004

The Spurs lost today. Not just to an Eastern Conference team, but a really bad one. And that's even after Atlanta committed 8 turnovers in the fourth. Sad. But, I hope this will open the eyes of the non-believers.

Got some medical results today. Something about my blood being too thick. Doc wants me to see a hematologist. They've seen it in me before and concluded that it was just normal for me, but I guess they want to be sure. I've done some research, and this thick blood could lead up to a stroke or heart attack. I'm too young to start thinking about that.

Sat around all day. I like that. I have to relax as much as possible. I wasn't able to drop my government class and add Intro to Psychology. This means that I'm gonna be doin' lots of writing. It's fine. I could use a writing tune-up.

Write more in a bit. Something important is being brought to my attention...

Tuesday, January 13, 2004

The devil didn't always have this reputation. He was once an angel at the side of God.

I, too was once an "angel" of some sort. But even the most perfect creature has a breaking point. When the sign says, "Do Not Feed," take it seriously.

I sit here, and I cannot focus on any one particular subject or event. Today, I already feel as though I'm going to be in a bad mood. It will probably last a while, too.

The thoughts surrounding me include the previous situation between friends and friends of friends. They include the "missed opportunities" of my high school "career." By that, I mean the chics who were potentials for me, but I did not know. Of course, this thing started months ago, but it got brought up this morning. She was good....real good. Pretty much fit my version of a perfect chic, except I don't think she played basketball.

Also, I have to think about this semester. I'm ready, but I have to change my sleeping habits a bit. I have to understand why I feel like a better person. If I don't know the exact change, then I can't reach the full potential of the change. There's just so many situations and questions. It's building up.

Building up. It turns into a big bomb. Best to avoid the blast. Have a feeling it'll happen in less than 2 weeks. Total isolation.

On a brighter note, the Mavs won just hours ago! And I did a survey.
How bout a survey....haven't done one in a while.

Nicknames: None. None that I know of.
Pets: Got two cats and shared ownership of a dog.
Height: 5'8
Eye Color: Brown
Birthplace: Dallas
Scars: Approx. 30 on arms. 7 on legs. 2 on face. They're all small though.
Hometown: Mesquite
Current residence: Austin

Had the drink Calypso Breeze? No.
Been in love? I believe not. But maybe.
Been to Africa? No.
Been toilet-papering? No.
Been Toilet-Papered? No.


2 doors or 4 (on a car): 2.
Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper? Dr. Pepper.
Coffee or Ice Cream? Ice Cream.
Blanket or stuffed animal? Blanket.
Shampoo or Conditioner? Both.
Dumper or Dumpee? Dumper.
Bridges or tunnels? Tunnels.
One pillow or two? Two.
Adidas or Nike? Adidas.
Nike or Reebok? Nike.
Adidas or Reebok? Adidas.


Salad dressing: Ranch.
Color of socks: Black.
Memory: I was a drum major for the band, and in between two songs, some chics in the stands behind me shouted, "We love you, Andy!" Still makes me smile.

Toothpaste:Crest, Tartar Control, Regular Flavor.
Food: Pizza.
Day of the Week: Thursday.
Perfume/Cologne: Banana Republic Classic.
Word/Phrase: F-Bomb.
Subject in school: Physics.
Color: Blue.
Least favorite subject: History.
Sport to watch: Basketball, duh.
Shape of ice: ???? Cube?
Song: Radiohead - How To Disappear Completely.
Rap Song: Ghostface Killah - Apollo Kids
Fast Food Restaurant: Wendy's.
Teacher: Mr. Hemby. No doubt.

Are you over your last "crush"?: "Crush?" I'd say so.
What do you think of Britney Spears?: Her knees are funny looking.
When was your last Hospital Check in? A year ago.
Do you drink: Not anymore.
What color is your bedroom's carpet: Light Brown.
What are your thoughts on the use of Scantrons in school: Nice.
What are your true feelings towards the opposite sex? I like 'em.
What do you think of Ouija Boards? Gag. Funny.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? I'll end up married, kid, nice job in an office.
What type of car do you wish you were driving? 1968 Mustang GT.
Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away: Fermin. Crazy bear mascot.

Monday, January 12, 2004

Well. the Mavs won tonight in a very dramatic game, yet I feel so bitter.

The Mavs shots the lights out from beyond the arc. It was amazing. 3 out of their first 4 shots were 3's. Of those three, 2 went down. The complete opposite of what happened with Detroit. When they needed stops, they played good defense and got the ball back. Overtime victory. When the Knicks got those 6 points in 6 seconds, I thought to myself, "20 point lead, and now they are going to lose." Yes, I know. I completely lost faith. But they were tired, and I caught a picture of Dirk holding his stomach. They pulled through, and I am hoping that a win in the toughest arena, MSG, will finally set them on the right path. The next game is Wed. against AI and the 76ers in Dallas. If Nash's back feels better by then, I expect a total ass whipping.

I spent last night in Arlington. It was a very good evening, and I feel that it served me well. When I left this afternoon, I felt better about finally communicating with some of my friends. The past was described in minutes, and jokes were made. So far, the highlight of the past few weeks. I leave Friday, and I am hoping to see these guys one more time. But who knows...

So why am I bitter?

I'd hate to describe the situation, because the participating parties read this blog and it is obvious who the references would be about. But know this. I feel wanted, and I feel bad about being wanted. Yes, at the same time. I do not mean wanted sexually or of that kind, just as company. But, the blossom of one friendship could lead to the dissolution of another. I am being torn at the seams, much like Thom Yorke sings/asks in "We Suck Young Blood."

It sucks. One side argues out of childish emotions. The other doesn't argue. And I am someone who prides himself on maturity. I wish the two sides would find a resolution, but with the 'ass' comes the stubbornness.

I do not wish to part with either group. I'm having fun. As in, I am enjoying the conversations and what not. Don't try to take any hidden meanings out of this. In fact, take this with a grain of salt. I just need to vent a bit.

And I need a post for today...

Sunday, January 11, 2004

By the which, I just want to say that if any of my friends that I haven't seen recently has a new personality, I'm going to kick your ass. More specifically, if you should become more egotistical or cocky, I will punch you in the face. Just a warning to the people I know.

Only goes for guys. I could never hit a chic. I mean that, too. I'm a lover, not a fighter. (How many times has that been said?)

Had a conversation with a friend. I have to discuss one topic that is very important to me.

I don't care what anyone else says, it is wrong to date a friend's ex.

Also, do not date a chic who is currently involved with someone else. That is wrong as well.

These two things are burned into the part of my brain that contains my morals. These two rules prevent me from pursuing many desirious females, but I do not dare think of breaking these rules. Doing so would break me. My mind would disintegrate, and everyone could find me in a mental institution.

Saturday, January 10, 2004

The Spurs. Once again, I am forced to criticize them and make people aware of this facade they are putting up.

They beat the Pacers, 89 - 88 in overtime. The same Pacers team that beat the Mavs last night. What gives?

It's this easy. The Pacers were worn out from last night, and the Spurs aren't that good. The Spurs are the equivalent of a tired Eastern Conference team. If the order of opponents had been reversed for the Pacers, the Spurs would have lost last night, and the Mavs would have killed the Pacers. People, I'm telling you. Spurs will probably get the 3 or 4 seed, but they will be knocked out in the first round. I guarentee it.
I was just talking to a friend of mine, and I realized something else about my vision of a perfect chic.

I want her to play basketball...

She doesn't have to be perfect at it. She doesn't have to be good at it. I'd prefer she wasn't better than me. But as long as she tells me, "Hey! Let's go play some ball."

The first thing I'd do is give her the ball. Then I'd have her post me up. That includes a lot of "backing down." For those who aren't basketball savvy, that means 'using one's buttocks and hips to push back the defender and gain position close to the basket.' How fun would that be for me?!?!

Her- "Andy, what is that?..."


I love using returns. I use extra spaces between my individual thoughts. It helps individualize them.

I'm watching this mexican station, and there's this really hot chic singing. Keep in mind I don't speak spanish, but I understand it really well. Well, after the song, she sits down, and the host announces that someone is backstage. He comes out with flowers, and proposes to her. She freaks out but says yes in the end. This makes me want things not pretty.

And then I appreciate the fact that marriage is the furthest thing in my head. Serious relationships are not for me right now. Maybe next year. Maybe next decade. But for my age, this is the time to look. Window shopping.

And now they are doing a duet...the guy can't sing. This is funny. The music is horrible. The crowd loves it. How sickening. I understand music, and this sir, is not music.

I can play the French Horn and the Trumpet at the same time. It's quite a sight. I tried playing "Mary Had A Little Lamb," but it sounded kind of bad. Fun times. I miss my French Horn.

Friday, January 09, 2004

The Mavs lost. What can I say? The star of tonight was Shawn Bradley. Honestly. I've never seen him play that well. It made me believe that they should have been setting him up for 3's. None of the others played well. It sucked. An Eastern Conference team beat us. It's embarassing. If we don't get a win streak soon, we'll be a lower seed in the playoffs, and that will mean outs in the first round. "Mad props" to Bradley though. Amazing.

There was one Oreo left, and my mother told me to finish it. She said it wouldn't kill me. But here I am with a sharp pain in my stomach. My tombstone will read, "Because you'll never know which Oreo will be your last."

I explained more of my "devil" fantasy to my mother. For those of you who don't know, I want to get one of those devil costumes they sell during Halloween. Also, a plastic pitchfork. The stunts I've created are hilarious. I really want to walk into a church with the costume on and yell for help. When they come close, I would poke them with the fork. I'd say something clever, like, "The devil made me do it." Another calls for me to hide near a stop sign at an intersection. When a car stops, I would run in front of it real quick like. The driver will be stunned, now knowing what to believe.

The number one shen...shenana...bah, I hate spelling. The number one stunt would be for me to jump on to the stage of a christian rock concert. I would jump up and down and do some head banging. Then I would run off into the fog.

I have nothing against religious types, or a specific religion. I just figure it will be funnier if such people were the audience. There's no harm really. Unless they tackle me. That wouldn't be funny.

Went to the old doctor. Had some blood drawn. Went to the mall, bought some clothes. Had some McDonald's. Everything caught up to me, and I took a small nap. It's not often I take a nap.

I just took a look at Shawn Bradley's statistics for tonight's game.
19 mins. 6 for 6 Field Goals, 1 rebound, 2 assists, 1 steal, 1 block, 0 (zero) turnovers, 12 points.
Amazing, I'm stunned. Oh wait, NO FOULS!!!

If the Praying Mantis can do this every night, we'll be the number one seed.

I'm gonna talk more later. Gotta collect some more thoughts.

Thursday, January 08, 2004

What an interesting scenario...

I'm going to be an uncle. This will take place some time in May. It is a boy, so I'm that much happier. I'm not ready to start thinking of helping my brother screen possible dates during a girl's teenage years. Because it is a boy, I will be able to share the things I love most with him when he is old enough to appreciate them. Things such as sports, specifically basketball, music, and I cannot wait until I am able to drive him wherever and point out females to him. My dad did such things with me, except for music thankfully, and I turned out OK. Of course, I'm not the father, but I have a feeling I will be a more involved uncle. I can hear it now. "Let's go visit Uncle Andy!" Greatness.

But what makes this such an interesting scenario is the timeline of events for May. A baby is due. My cousin is graduating from high school. And the events conflict quite a bit. One will take place in Austin. One will take place in El Paso.

This baby has already granted me one favor.

I do not like my cousin much. In the recent years, I have been forced to "hang around" with him whenever my family went to El Paso. He is two years younger than me, but the maturity gap is much wider. Whereas he would find more fun in putting firecrackers in his mouth and spitting them out one moment before they explode, I would rather have a mixed drink and tell interesting anecdotes to my friends. I know I know, this is a bit of an exaggeration. Well, not the firecracker thing. I can imagine it as clear as day. But we are two completely different people, and we act two different ways.

Once he pissed me off. So I punched him. Good times. I'm not really a violent person. I try to avoid confrontations as much as possible. But he really needed it.

He does such immature things, like neglecting to do house chores "because." I scold him for it, and my family labels me as the bad guy. They say I'm too bossy. All I'm trying to do is make him realize that it is time to grow up and become an adult. But you can't yell at a daisy to make it bloom. And he is so brittle. Like a daisy. What a coincidence...

Mavericks play in about...19 hours. They better win. They have a 4 game series against Eastern Conference opponents. If they lose just one, I'm going to lose it.

"Grrr" as in angry? I don't like the sound of that one bit. By the which, in one week, give or take one day, I will be back in Austin. I cannot wait to start this new semester. I have a feeling that things will pick up when I get back. I feel like a totally different person. I do not know why. Maybe it's the extra peanut butter in my PB&J sandwiches. Could be my hair. I need a hair cut. I think I'll do that next thursday. I don't know what color I shoud add in. I've had dark blonde and dark red. Both looked really good. Decisions decisions.

One last bit of post. I thank Lora (link to the right, AmorYmiel) for the quote. It makes sense in my head, and I now think that the dream was just a vision of the one thing I want. Perfection. My definition of perfection. It's in the archives people. For you lazy bastards, it's November 10th's post. Do I have to do the work?

Oh, wait, I do.

They played pretty well tonight. I laughed at Danny Fortson's "half court lob to no one." It was strikingly similar to his "full court lob to no one." Tony Delk played well enough to earn more playing time in the future. Dirk had two rebounds and three points on one offensive possession. That's great production.


I've received these four letters many a time. Sometimes with more r's. But I usually interpret it as one of two meanings. First, it's a sign of frustration with a guy's behavior. Usually it comes after a silent treatment or when a guy avoids a specific topic. Second, it has a more primal meaning. I like that more. ;)


Brunette, eh? I like brunettes. I like blondes. I like chics. It's better if they like me in return. A funny comic strip, "Get Fuzzy" has Bucky the cat saying, "Man, I'm so in touch women slap me as I walk by." Greatness. THAT is funny.

I don't think I've done anything offensive enough to deserve a slap. Probably because I'm such a gentleman. The things I do deserve kisses and such. (Ladies...hint hint.)

I'm not going to dive too deep into this one. I'm just going to appreciate the fact that it happened. If I meet the chic though, I'm going to put forth all my effort to charm her. The chic in the dream was too perfect. So I believe that if she really exists, I must sieze the opportunity. I mean, there's a bunch of people on this planet, so one is bound to be just like the dream chic. If I don't meet her, oh well. You can't lose something that never existed.

Wednesday, January 07, 2004

It's the middle of the afternoon, and I'm actually posting. There has to be a good reason, right?

I had this dream last night that freaked me out both during the dream and after I awoke. There were many questions unanswered, and many of the participating characters were familiar faces. In fact, only one person I did not recognize, being that I had never met her in reality. She was just a figment of my imagination. Or dream. Whatever.

This is the correct order.

Part I

I was walking in a store. The lighting was dim and had a red tint to it. The walls were lined with shelves that were probably 15 feet tall. On those shelves were many different toys in their plastic cases. The aisles were long, and it felt as though there were black light posters everywhere. While I walked through one of the side aisles, I bumped into some female friends of mine back from high school. They were happy about something. When I approached them, a new face turned to me and was a few inches from mine. The others said loudly, "She's the one you met in Florida! She's the new transfer!" All I could think was, "What?" The new girl hugged me with a huge smile and said "I love you!" It wasn't with the tone someone uses when saying it to a significant other, rather it was with the tone used when thanking someone for a gift. I didn't know how to react, so I just stood there.

Part II

I was with three or four of my close guy friends. We were walking down some street. The sidewalks were very clean, and the architecture of the surrounding buildings seemed very futuristic. On the opposite corner of the street was the new girl. I did not know whether I should go to her and say hi or not. She did "love" me, after all. Even so, I cannot run up to someone I don't recognize, even if such affection exists. I kept walking with my guy friends, when we notice a library with glass windows as its wall. We looked in and noticed that a fight had just started. No one was at the main desk in the room, so we assumed that there were no supervisors. The fight escalated into a huge brawl with girls jumping on each other's backs and what-not. About 30 seconds into the fight, we saw a big lady with brown curly hair throw her hands up and shout some words. Everyone stopped. It was amazing really. The fact that someone had that much control over such a large group of people. Must have been a school...

Part III

I forgot about this part. During one of the other three parts, I had a flashback. It started as though I was looking at an old photo. Then the view zoomed into the picutre until the white border was no more. It was me next to this short blonde I knew and talked to my sophomore year. Somehow, by looking at the picture I knew that I wasn't feeling well that day. I started to lean over to my right, and from my view it looked as though I would rest my head on the blonde's shoulder. I misjudged the distance, and my head landed in her lap. She put her hand on my forehead and just smiled while my eyes were glazed over and my mouth was drooling. That's what told me I was sick. In the background, there was a parade or something, but I know for sure there was a sunset. A very dark sunset. The type you would see in the country, a land in the absence of city lights.

Part IV

I was back in high school about to walk through my former school's fine arts hallway. On my way to the band hall, I saw more familiar faces of people that were two years below me. I met up with a friend of mine, and I told him how "In two years, I'll be able to buy us liquor." Right now, I am about 1 year and 8 months from achieving this. Once I got in, I walked to my old band locker, where a small black case was waiting. I figured it was holding a mellophone, or something of that size. I fumbled with the lock and got really pissed because I couldn't remember my combination. After a little observation, I figured out that the case I was holding was not my own. In fact, this case held a baritone. I finally found my instrument and proceeded to find a seat. The odd thing was that the seats were turned around, facing away from the director. Everyone else that was sitting stuck with it though, looking away from the director. When she called for One-A, a sequence of notes I still had memorized, no one played, not even I. In the background coming out of the speakers was Radiohead's How To Disappear Completely. I assumed that this was just a listening test to get the ears warmed up. When I looked approx. 20 degrees to my right, coming to the chairs was the girl. She was carrying a clarinet. She did not make eye contact with me, but she was smiling about something. My gut told me that she was smiling because of me.

I woke up. Oddly enough, the song that was playing the moment I became concious was Radiohead's How To Disappear Completely. I tried to go back to sleep, to see if by some chance I could enter the same dream and get some answers. Unfortunately, I could not fall asleep. It was 1:30 anyway, so it was best I got ready for the day.

The girl...

She was about 5 foot 7 inches. She had light tan skin with wavy medium brown hair dropping a few inches beyond her shoulders. She was cute in regular street clothes, but she had the physical features to look stunning in a nice formal dress. She seemed to be everything I wanted in a chic.

I don't know why Florida. The only logic I can find behind it is that I was there on a band trip about 3 years ago. I was 16 at the time, so by the statement about "being able to buy liquor" I must have meant tobacco, or I believed that 18 was the legal age to buy alcohol. Being 16 makes everything fit. Florida, people at high school two years below me, the band hall, and the friends I was with. But why would I dream this now? That makes no sense. But how often do dreams make sense?

I'm wondering if my psychology friends can find some logic in these visions...
I like surveys...sometimes. Oh, I found another award to give. The award for "Band who should have called it quits after their first single" goes to...

3 Doors Down!!!

Their new stuff sucks ass. And I have to hear it doubly. They should have broken up right after Kryptonite. Every song afterwards has lost them credibility in my eyes, where it counts. On with the survey...

What is your favorite..
gum: Right now, Extra Spearmint.
restaurant: I like Sports City Cafe the most.
drink: Body Slam. It's this red energy drink that has a picture of a devil on the label.
season: Winter. I prefer cold weather.
type of weather: I just answered that. What are you, a dumbass?
emotion: Sadness? No wait, happiness.
thing to do on a half day: Half-day? What?
late-night activity: Putting new stuff on this blog.
sport: Basketball.
city: Hmm...I'll have to say Austin on this one. Although I did love New York.
store: Banana Republic. Cologne and shirts, yea!

When was the last time you..
cried: Mid October of 2002. Before that, December of '96.
played a sport: About a week ago, basketball.
laughed: Earlier tonight. Watched Underworld, and when some people got blown up, I laughed.

hugged someone: Other than family...about a week ago.
kissed someone: Woah, let's not get carried away here.
felt depressed:'s been a while. Maybe three months ago, I dunno.
felt elated: After I saw my score on the final for Microeconomics.
felt overworked: Right after my History final.
faked sick: Early 2000.
lied: Don't remember. Maybe two days ago.

What was the last..
word you said: Dumbass.
thing you ate: Extra long cheese coney from Sonic.
song you listened to: Radiohead - Worrywort.
thing you drank: Sprite.
place you went to: Sonic. Before that, Albertsons.
movie you saw: At a theater, Lord of the Rings: RotK
movie you rented: Underworld.
concert you attended: UT Jazz Combo sometime in November I think.

Who was the last person you..
hugged: I hate using names.
cried over: LOL. No one. For real, honestly. I prefer dumping to being dumped.
kissed: Once again, I hate using names. And I hate her now anyway.
danced with: I don't dance.
shared a secret with: Probably Dee.
had a sleepover with: LOL. Besides my roommate, one time...Dee was at my dorm. Don't know if it counts, 'cause she was there more for my roomie. "It's OK, we're fully clothed. Well, at least I have pants on..."

called: I don't call anyone. Ever.
went to a movie with: Erik and his work buddies.
saw: Besides family, Erik.
were angry with: Besides family, that dork with the long pink hair.
couldn't take your eyes off of: Hmm...there was a chic at Albertsons who looked a bit like one of my ex-es, although that usually is a horrible pick up line.

obsessed over: I don't want to use names. I've said three times. Don't you listen?

Have you ever..
danced in the rain: Many times.
kissed someone: Yes. Of course.
done drugs: Does alcohol count? Other than liquor, no.
drank alcohol: Oh, shouldn't this question be above the previous.
slept around: Not around, per se.
partied 'til the sun came up: Yes. More than once.
had a movie marathon: Does three in a row count?
gone too far on a dare: No. Not far enough.
spun until you were immensely dizzy: I wouldn't use the word immensely.
taken a survey quite like this before: Yes. Ass.
I tell you what, there's people on my hall that listen to techno/dance music.

You know, I went through that fad also. About 4 years ago. Listening to ATB and such, but after long it got boring and lost its appeal. Now I have to hear more of it from dumbasses who have blown their ears out by having the volume set to "11." I think they are trying to make me go deaf as well. Considering that my best sense is hearing (to an extent) it really pisses me off. People, get away from the generic beats and crummy keyboards. Find some real music.

Also, it's understandable why someone would pump their stereo up all the way for rap or rock music. It is not understandable to do so for country. No one wants to hear Tim McGraw down the hallway. Country music does not support high decibel levels. Keep it in your headphones. Also, if I hear someone playing music I like, but it's coming from 40 feet down the hall, turn it down. I like my music, and I'm glad you like it to, but I'll listen to my music when I want, not when you want. Also, if you're a complete dork in my opinion, and I catch you listening to my music, I'm gonna get pissed off. Why? Because I hate it when people do anything I usually do, and I hate it more if I don't think you're worthy enough to even think of filling my shoes.

Guys, long hair should be left for girls, and girls alone. Stop the whole "let your hair grow because natural hair is beautiful" thing. Those asses need to be taken to a military barber shop so they can feel ugly. Cause they are.

I mean it, these guys suck. There's this one guy on my floor who is over 6 feet tall and probably weighs 100 pounds, shoulder length hair with highlights (at one time, pink highlights) and he just pisses me off. Why? Because his appearance disgusts me. His voice is annoying. He skateboards in the hallway at 2AM!!! One of these days I'm going to steal his skateboard, slam the door shut, and take it apart piece by piece. For a grand finale, I'll throw all the pieces to the four corners of the world. If he buys another, I'll do the same again, because then I know he can at least afford a decent hair cut if he can buy another skateboard.

And if you think I'm pissed now, just wait until later tonight. I'm sure I'll find more reasons.

Monday, January 05, 2004

The Mavericks...

If they don't get their asses in gear, I don't see them making it out of the first round of the playoffs. With the new trend being "losing on the road", the only way they're getting to the finals is if they're the number one seed. And at the rate they're going, that ain't gonna happen. I'm all the way a Mavs fan, but the way they're playing is just embarassing. How do you let Utah, a team with four people injured, bully you into a 14 point loss? And that was well after Nellie had benched the Big Five. They were down by more than 24 at one point. It was pathetic. What's the problem, you ask?

Dirk isn't getting the ball when he's hot. Finley is real streaky on his shots. If you are missing a particular shot, get away from it and save it for another night. Nash is doing a very average point guard job. As far as the stats he should focus on, the only one I believe he should look at is points. I wish they would set him up for some more threes. You can't blame his 4 assists, because those depend on whoever receives the pass. You can't blame rebounds, that's not his job. Walker likes to make big plays, when all you really need is a shot that goes in. Also, he needs to be posting people up. More than likely, he'll have a smaller man playing him one on one, so he should take advantage of this and not drop a deep 3 ball. I like what Jamison has been doing, but I'd rather have him next to the rim than taking a 16 ft jumper. It hurts a bit that Howard is injured, but his replacement Daniels is doing a good job despite the lack of playing time he's received previosly. Fortson...Bradley...these are our big men. When Bradley came in, foul, block, actual production. He even got to the free throw line. But he can't go 2 minutes without turning red. Fortson is too sluggish moving up and down the court to be effective on either end. Fortson, when you get a rebound, hold the ball and give it to one of the backcourt men. Don't try to make any fancy passes, like the "full court lob to no one" you did tonight.

Dirk is the guy on this team. If he's made 3 or 4 shots in a row, keep feeding him the ball. It's as simple as that. If he's getting doubled on, then free him up. There are four other guys on the court, so force the defense to man up. I mean, the Big Five can't be matched person for person on any team.

I can't really get any more specific right now, but if I watch some more footage, maybe.

Sunday, January 04, 2004

Most overrated band...this one is too easy. The award goes to....

The Strokes!!!

There's a reason the instruments are covering up the vocals in their newest CD. It totally bites my ass.

Most overrated basketball team. This one goes to...

San Antonio Spurs!!!
(Who didn't see that one coming?)

Most overrated musical artist. This means one single person...


Did anyone else catch his cover of "Creep" on Conan O'Brien during his New Year's Eve thing? It sucked. He forgot the lyrics midway into it. Bastard.

Most overrated college quarter back in Division 1A...

Jason White!!!

Was it just me that noticed how bad he sucked in both the Conference game and the recent Sugar Bowl? They should take the Heisman away from him. I don't care if his hand was broken. If it hurt that bad, he should have been on the bench.

I'll think of some more later...
More and more things are starting to bug me. It's the new year, so I'm gonna start ranting and raving about the small things

All right, who wants to step up and realy piss me off?!

I just watched the Cowboys lose, and the whole bit where Carolina didn't have one penalty, well, there's one reasonable explanation...

The refs were biased. Period. Whenever Carolina was going to have a penalty, they just made something up for the Cowboys so the penalties would offset. The pass interference call in the end zone on Dallas was quite an assload. If any interference was happening, it was on the offense. Mario Edwards was being held down by the receiver. I blame this all on the refs, and if they want a piece of me, then can come get some.

On a brighter note, San Antonio lost, and the Mavericks won. Let's analyze this....

San Antonio lost to the 76ers, a team that didn't even have its star player, Allen Iverson. The Mavericks beat Minnesota, a team in the "Elite 5 of the Western Conference."

Once again, I yell out, "San Antonio is overrated!"

Then I watched some Most Extreme Elimanation Challenge, so that made me feel better. But still, I'm one pissed off Andy.

Well, I'm gonna sleep and dream.

Saturday, January 03, 2004

Oh yea, I was thinking of maybe having some of my friends help me out. I would set up an account for you, and you could post to this very blog. Twice the output, half the input. Yea, whatever.
I should be a bit more mean. I wouldn't want anyone to take advantage of how nice I am. If you piss me off, I'm gonna let you know.

Why did Dallas have to lose? Did anyone else see the two fouls that weren't called in the last 25 secs? Howard had his arms swatted and Jamison got knocked down by someone going for a rebound. Then Nash tried to foul whoever the guy was, and the refs looked the other way to allow an easy dunk. Ridiculous! I hate those refs! And the announcing crew blew worse than a Tijuana crack whore! Everybody on that floor who wasn't with the Mavericks Organization can kiss my ass!

Cuban should give me tickets on the floor so I can yell at the refs all game. I'd do it too. All game long. I'd walk along the court to whoever ref was pissing me off the most and yell right into his ear. Go ahead and eject me. It'll just make people wonder why I picked you. Bastard.

Ok guys, use the comment link below or the tag board and help me think of things to write about. I'll address any problems or situations whether they involve you or not. Just throw things out there. And if I pick your idea, you might get a prize!!!

Thursday, January 01, 2004


...what do you want me to say? All it means is that we have to change the date we write. I know a lot of people for the first month will put last year.

I will say this. It is a chance to start a new way of doing things. Everyone likes to pick special days to start a project. Jan 1st is a great day to start.

I think I'll be a bit more mean. Being nice hasn't gotten me much, at least it wasn't much last year. I should just try to be a different person...