Tuesday, February 10, 2004

So yea, tomorrow again with the four classes. It's fine though, I really don't mind. I'm done by three anyway, so I still have the entire day. Which I must spend doing matrices homework and some program. The program is due friday, but becuase I won't be here, I should probably try to turn it in early. Which means I have to do it earlier than friday.

I hope it's not raining tomorrow. I like the weather and all, but I don't want a heavy downpour. I just want a little windy drizzle type of day. No, I don't sit in the dark when there's a storm and play eerie music. I just like that kind of weather. Does a number on some of my bones though. 'Specially the cold.

I have to say that for the mean time, I am rather happy. Nothing is really bumming me out, and I am not looking forward to anything tragic. I still have to go see some hematologist. I need to get that done. But other than that, nothing is really wrong right now.

I've been seeing all the pink and red papers advertising V-day and special movies. It should make me all mad, but instead it makes me think about being with that special someone. It is a nice feeling. What's really odd, now that I've been reflecting on my past, is that my major relationships occur at evenly spaced intervals. The beginnings are all one year and four months apart. Following that pattern, I am set for another major relationship sometime this month. Or at least meeting the chic.

Notice how I've said 'major' relationships. I don't count ones that didn't last over a week. I don't count ones where I still talk to the ex. These 'major' relationships have all shaped my love life in some way. Learning from a mistake, a regret, or completely uncharacteristic actions, they are all a part of it. They have made me a better boyfriend. I mean it. I have really learned from the past. And they loved me back then too, so just imagine how their heads would roll to be with me now....wow that's very....my ego running on high, sorry.

Oh, great, now I remember what I hate about V-day. I'm going to end up spilling my guts everywhere on my past. Not this year. I won't let it happen. Wait....did it happen last year? I don't remember. I just remember having a 5 pound bucket of those hearts. Went through them pretty quick too. Lots of football too. Good times.

Think I'm gonna burn some CDs and be done with it. Night.