Thursday, February 05, 2004

Updated the profile link on the right. Just added a little more information, that's all.

I updated my personal CD also. Well, the CD I'm creating for my future nephew that is. I took a listen to it andit makes a lot more sense this time around. Here's the playlist:

1. Dvorak - New World Symphony Mvt. 4
2. Rimsky-Korsakov - Sheherezade Mvt. 2
3. Art Tatum - Humoresque
4. Louis Armstrong - West End Blues
5. Clifford Brown - Daahound
6. OutKast - My Favorite Things
7. Radiohead - Life in a Glasshouse [Full version] (I think it's on the Knives Out single.)
8. Radiohead - Bulletproof...I Wish I Was
9. Nirvana - Man Who Sold The World [Unplugged]
10. Beastie Boys - Intergalactic Planetary
11. Audioslave - Cochise
12. A Perfect Circle - Gravity
13. Massive Attack - Small Time Shot Away
14. Radiohead - I Will
15. Radiohead - Motion Picture Soundtrack
16. A Perfect Circle - Over

This playlist provides a smoother transition from classical to jazz to alternative. The ending song, "Over" fits really well. It was the last track on their first CD, and it makes perfect sense if you turn it all the way up. First 5 tracks are the same as the first prototype. I only kept one Radiohead song from the first as well. I'm really pleased with this.

I spent about an hour doing programming so I could understand Java a bit better. I can say this...C++ doesn't care if the letter is capitalized or not! I like that way more. What would you rather type, "printf(words here)" or "System.out.print(words here)?" Oh, if "System" isn't capitalized, it won't compile. Totally stupid.

"He" is in quotation marks because I wasn't sure if I was allowed to type Sid or not. Too late now I guess.

Also, I've come to the conclusion that I am on a campus with 50,000 more students, half of which must be female. I'm sure I can find another chic. One of my cousins had a motto that went, "If you ask 10 chics for their number, and you get one, it was a good night." So true.

4 classes again for today. Done by 3 though. Gonna go to my bro's and play some more football. Come back around midnight, put something on this blog, and play games for 4 hours. Relaxation time.

Oh, I'm giving a week's notice. I will be in Dallas on the 13th, and I will come back to Austin late V-day. Want to visit the family, and see how the animals are doing. Real quick visit. Maybe I'll make plans for the afternoon of V-day. Beh, probably not. I've got a haircut appointment sometime that day, I'm guessing at 2. Ladies, after I get my haircut, your jaws will drop when I walk down the street. Oh yea, that' what I'm saying.