Monday, February 09, 2004

Just read something like "Max Kellerman hasn't been hosting Around the Horn because his ESPN contract is expired." I hope things get signed quick, because Tony Reali can only cut it for so long. I don't mind a week vacation, get that contract resigned.

Assumptions. They can be quite the social killer. People hear one piece of information, and somehow they are able to generate a thousand more involving what was heard. It could be anything from one's diseases being determined by a cramp in the right foot, or one's workload because they go to a demanding school. I know that if I have a foot cramp, I just walk it off, and no doctor tells me, "Andy, you're getting foot cramps because you have lung cancer." Don't know why I said that...

The point is, people have to stop making assumptions. Even if they're right. Instead of guessing the correct response, ask some questions and know for sure.

Why do we make assumptions? Because there are such things as stupid questions. For instance, asking me, "Hey, are you going to take a shower today?" is stupid. I take showers everyday, sometimes twice, once three times. Now, assuming I use Albertson's brand shampoo is stupid. Asking me what shampoo I use, is not. So would people rather ask a question and not sound stupid, or assume and look stupid?

I'm going home on Friday. Should I assume my parents will be waiting for me? No. That's stupid because I have a key to the house, and they might have errands to run. Should I assume they have plans for the night, so I shouldn't ask to do anything? No. It is tons better for me to just ask if they're free. What's the harm in that?

Same goes for calling people and IM'ing people. Don't assume they don't want to talk to you. Let them know what's up. Odd coming from me, considering I never IM people first. That's because if someone IMs me, I'll drop whatever I'm doing and talk to them (by talk I mean listen). However, because I am a listener and I keep my problems to myself, there is no need for me to call someone and say, "Hey, can I listen to you for a while?"

One thing though. Away messages are taken literally. This is why I freak when someone responds when they're away. I understand though that it is necessary to put away when avoiding specific people. So if you have an away message up, I'm not assuming you're away. It's the fact presented to me in a case where I cannot second guess. I don't like lies.

OK, not sure if all that made sense, I sorta just pounded out of the keyboard in 10 or so mins. Either way. Class tomorow at 10. I'm out.