Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Having to keep up with the Mavs game through ESPN. Really sucks that I don't actually get to watch it. Oh well, better than nothing.

I'm going to break all the light bulbs in my room. It's too damn bright in here. Well, just the light bulbs in the ceiling. Maybe I can figure out how to make them pop once someone throws the switch. Although, I don't want glass flying everywhere. I know about the prank where you put the light bulbs in the freezer over night and then screw them back in. Once someone flips the switch, the things bust. Too messy. I just want the filaments to burn out. I'll figure out something. It sucks that I'm probably not tall enough to reach them anyway. I'll just get some help. Easy enough.

I just went down stairs to get me some Doritos and some drink, and weird stuff happened. At the fridge where they have the powerade, this chic was there thinking about what she wanted to drink. Wasn't there for long. I grabbed the door and held it open for her, because she had been holding the door open with her ass. Once she noticed the door wasn't touching her ass, she turned around and giggled at me. I was just kinda like, "Wha...?" And then she walked all fast away smiling. I totally didn't understand what it was about. Maybe my cute looks had her hoping. Maybe I was closer to her ass than I thought. It could have been that my hair didn't have any gel or stuff in it, so it had its natural shine and healthiness. I don't know. It was cute. If she had said something in addition to giggling, I defintely would have made a play. But unfortunately, I've already forgotten what she looks like, well, at least her body figure. I remember she had blonde hair. Beh.

Once I came back to the dorm I checked my face for any food or something. Nothing. So I guess it was just good looks. Ha!