Tuesday, December 30, 2003

My standards are like a stoner hippie. Too high.

I've discussed my standards to people, and they are all amazed that I find anyone attractive. My standards are ridiculously high. I'm not sure what caused this. And I figure it must have something to do with high school. Some of the trash I dated in high school was horrible. Today, only one person out of my exes is still date-able by my extreme standards. Ha, extreme...

But really, I cannot figure out what the source of this flaw is.

What makes my standards "extreme?" I know exactly what I want. To a precise measurement.

I know what music they should listen to. I know what hair style they should have. I know their level of intelligence. I know exactly how dependent they should be. I know what little habits they should not have. I know what clothes they should wear. I know what shows they should like.

I don't know the exact age I want, but I know the range. I don't know the exact height I want, but I do have a range I want. I don't know when or where I'll meet her, if I haven't met her already.

Maybe I'm not elaborating enough...but if that's the case, I have a link to add me to AIM to the right under "click these links." IM me and I'll answer any questions. Most questions....depending...