Saturday, December 13, 2003

Maybe I should explain my choice of songs...

3 Libras because of the lyrics "you don't see me." I change frequently, and I sort of don't let most people get to know 'me.' Maybe it's a defense mechanism or whatever. That and the violins at the beginning. Real sweet soundin'.

How To Disappear Completely because the title says it all. I know how to disappear. People don't hear from me months at a time. I don't always want it to happen, but it does. I can do it easily to annoying people. Just like 'poof' I'm gone.

I Might Be Wrong because just that. I might be wrong, about a lot of things. That and the part where he sings "What would I do, what would I do, if I did not have you." I don't know who the "you" is, but it must be someone good. Actually, "you" has changed a lot over the past. Maybe a bunch of chics. I can't keep track of them all.

Go With The Flow because, I always go with the flow. I hate confrontations, and I try to avoid them. Real laid back and I just relax.

Gravity just because its about overcoming an addiction. I stopped drinking, but I was never really addicted. I might have been an alcoholic my junior year in high school, but I dunno. I didn't drink 'til I was drunk. But it was a stress reliever.

Knife Prty because it's a misunderstood love song. Sure he's talking about knives and cutting, but that's too literal. It's more about a man and a woman finding a new plateau of love. And he says "I could float here forever." Who couldn't float in love forever?
( I really like the solo singing he does in the break. Then it goes into this simulated screaming. I love it. It's just so high pitched and it blends into the song so well. I guess it's just that it is way beyond anything normal. It's so close to being the climax. And then it keeps going higher. And it ends with him singing "Now kiss me.")

Scatterbrain because, that's me. I can't remember crap. Everything I do remember, it's all scattered around chronologically. Little parts here and there, it makes no sense.
( I love the part where he sings "Your voice is rapping on my window sill." The emotion put into it is just greatness. I could say that about some people's voices, but I don't hear them enough. Yes, more chics.)

Stinkfist because he sings "Show me that you love me and that we belong together." For a small part in my high school career, this was something I kept thinking to myself. And yes, it was directed towards an individual. But hey, she didn't show me. And now this song is my reminder. "Don't be fooled. Tool rocks."

Rose because "I rose, I roared, I will, I am." It's everything you have to say with as few words as possible. Any question can be answered with one of those pairs of words. Well, maybe not EVERY question, but most. I really like the ending to this song. More violins.

Gasoline because "Burning gasoline. Yea. Burning gasoline." No, it's not about pyromania. It's about driving in a car just because. No point, just drivin'.

Digital Bath because "I feel like more." I always feel like more than what I am. Sometimes that can hurt. Especially during finals. I might feel real smart, then the test comes, and I forget everything. Don't feel too smart then.
( My favorite lyric, "You breathed, then you stopped. I breathed, and dried you off." I take it as 'She takes a breath, I take a breath, then I dry her off.')

Passenger because the story is so great. A guy and a chic in a car going for a drive, and they do the dirty in the car. C'mon. That's greatness. Well, let me be more specific. It's the chic driving and the guy is the passenger. "Roll the windows down, this cool night air is curious, let the whole world look in, who cares who sees anything." If a chic said that to me, what can I do? Yea yea, male fantasy. Whatever.

The next four songs were "Songs that take me away to a different place" and they are just that. There is no other reason why I picked them. But they are my four favorite songs to take me away.