Wednesday, December 31, 2003

"The 3 dimensions you scored highest on combine to make you a Numerical Logician. Only 6 out of 1,000 people have this rare combination of abilities."

People, that's 0.6%. YES!!!

I really try my best to not be like other people. I'd rather be as unique as possible.
Yes....yes indeed....I am sexy....this test is all the proof I need.

"Sweet 'n' Sexy

You're not overt about your sexuality, but you're not purposely hiding it either — two traits that naturally draw people to you. You possess an understated zest for life, and a way of approaching the day with a can-do attitude that draws people to you. As a teenager, were you maybe a little on the quiet side? Even if you weren't, it's clear that underneath your occasionally understated statements, you have an undeniable sweetness that attracts people who see that special something burning from within.

Is it the way you carry yourself? That quiet sparkle in your eye? Those who know you intimately can't wait to uncover your sweetness. What's hiding behind that innocent smile? A little devil perhaps? A tattoo in a seductive spot saved only for your lover? Possibly, but you're so good, you'll never tell. Or will you?"
Bwa hahahaha.....*singing* "What a wicked game to play, you never felt this way. What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you." Great song.

My inner rock star is...

"Oooh, you're smooth! The rock star part of you is all charm, and all Chris Isaak. That slow smile and sensual nature are absolutely intoxicating, especially to the ladies. They can't get enough of you and that dreamy smile. Maybe it's because you and Chris tap into every girl's fantasy of smooching at the soda shop with James Dean after school. Then again it could also be your perfect balance of cool-guy-about-town and the sensitive boyfriend you could bring home to Mom. Either way, you're a heartthrob who's put style, talent, and innate charm to work for him. Congratulations, you're dreamy. Show off your inner Isaak."
I don't really flirt that much. At least, I don't think I do that much.

"Were you just winking at us? We couldn't quite tell... In fact, we think it's pretty safe to say that you're a Subtle Flirt — you're a master of the flirting game. You know how to attract attention from anyone, any time. A quick smile, a little game of look-away-and-look-back-again — before long you have the object of your affection wrapped around your little finger. One of the best things about your approach is that it's discreet. You can always act innocent if something gets taken out of context or misunderstood. Just make sure you're not too subtle, or you may end up playing the game all by yourself."
Tee hee hee...under the covers...

"Andy, you're looking for a Frisky Fling!

You're ready for an adventurous, free-spirited affair to remember. And if it comes in the form of someone who shakes up your world a bit, helps you expand your horizons, then decides to stay for awhile — all the better.

It's not that you don't want a serious relationship. It's just that you might rather get there with someone who's equally committed to having fun for now. Ever wanted to drive up the coast or across your town in a red convertible? Interested in staying at a restaurant so late the chef himself joins you at the table for a late night cappuccino? Or are you really more into a no-strings-attached companion?

For some people, a good fling starts with someone you can spend the whole day in bed with — whether you're under the covers or playing cards in your PJs. But for others a fling is just a light-hearted approach to finding a different way to spend quality time with someone new."

Tuesday, December 30, 2003

My standards are like a stoner hippie. Too high.

I've discussed my standards to people, and they are all amazed that I find anyone attractive. My standards are ridiculously high. I'm not sure what caused this. And I figure it must have something to do with high school. Some of the trash I dated in high school was horrible. Today, only one person out of my exes is still date-able by my extreme standards. Ha, extreme...

But really, I cannot figure out what the source of this flaw is.

What makes my standards "extreme?" I know exactly what I want. To a precise measurement.

I know what music they should listen to. I know what hair style they should have. I know their level of intelligence. I know exactly how dependent they should be. I know what little habits they should not have. I know what clothes they should wear. I know what shows they should like.

I don't know the exact age I want, but I know the range. I don't know the exact height I want, but I do have a range I want. I don't know when or where I'll meet her, if I haven't met her already.

Maybe I'm not elaborating enough...but if that's the case, I have a link to add me to AIM to the right under "click these links." IM me and I'll answer any questions. Most questions....depending...

Monday, December 29, 2003

I listen, that's what I do. I don't want to talk because after every word that's gotten me into trouble, why would I want to talk? If you've talked to me for the past four years or so, I'm sure you get what I mean. I have a way of saying the wrong things at the wrong time. Or would that be the wrong things at the right time? I don't know, but they are the wrong things to say.

Everyday, I try my best to improve my listening skills. I have a feeling I might eventually make a living off of it. This is why I pay close attention to music and such. Every time I listen to music, I try to dive deeper into it. I try to pick out things that I did not notice before. I try to pay more attention to the little things. This is why I'm so particular with the music that I listen to.

Those have needed me to listen to them in the past few years will agree that I am one of the best listeners you will ever know. I believe this too. I mean, even when people talk about the most boring topic, I still listen and offer input. Tonight I did not do as much of that. I felt more like not talking. So that required me not to offer as much input.

By the which, How bout them Cowboys?!!?

And those Mavs better fix their game and hit a long win streak. People...

Dallas is 1-2 against the Lakers. Dallas is 2-0 against the Spurs, who are overrated. 1-1 against Minnesota. 1-0 against Sacramento. For comparison...

San Antonio is 0-3 against the Lakers, 0-2 against the Mavs, and they haven't played any of the other elite teams. San Antonio should enjoy this win streak, because it won't last.

My ranking of the NBA Western Conference...Lakers one....Sacramento two....Dallas three....Minnesota four....San Antonio five.

I know, I know. Dallas just got a win in Sacramento, one of the best at defending their home, but they didn't have Peja. In a seven game series though, I believe we could take them down.

Sunday, December 28, 2003

The people have spoken! Well, one person has spoken...

But yes, I need topics. I do not have the creativity to do this alone. I know when I need help and I'm not embarrassed to ask for it.
Amazing...these tests...crazy...

"Andy, your greatest social strength is to be a Listener

You're the embodiment of tender loving care. You genuinely enjoy listening to others talk about how they feel, and you're skilled at using your insight to help them find solutions to their problems.

When you connect with people who have skills that complement yours, powerful networks can be formed."
5 factor IPIP personality

"You are the kind of person others depend on. You're competent, self-disciplined, and able to carry through with any plan you create. You've just got it together. You're also good at weighing the pros and cons of any situation and making sound, well-informed decisions. Compared to others who are conscientious, you are unusually driven to succeed. Only 5.5% of all test takers have this unique combination of personality strengths."
Emotional IQ test....another dead on result.

"So, where are you most emotionally smart? Your test results show that your strongest suit is perception — your ability to pick up on what others are feeling.

Because of this, you are unusually good at reading people's verbal and non-verbal cues. You're especially aware of the subtleties of people's actions, and can feel out the vibe of a situation better than many. That gives you and edge many wish they had. People with high perception skills like yours, however, tend to rely on them to the exclusion of others. As a result, they sometimes have underdeveloped abilities in other realms of critical emotional intelligence like managing emotions, empathy, and being expressive."
This carrer personality test at tests are being accurate with me, and that weirds me out.

"That means that based on the standard measure of personality traits, you have a quiet determination and sharp mind — you're very focused and buckle down when it comes to work. You are the type of person one looks to in a crisis. While others may provide emotional support in a situation, your clear and logical thinking allows you to solve the problem at hand.

You are adaptable and can work independently or on a team. You are a careful thinker and get all the details before making any decisions. You don't jump to conclusions and stick with the facts provided. In other words, you're the go-to person for the real story, not the spin or gossip. While others may view you as a bit stubborn at times, they begrudgingly respect your ethics and straightforward approach."
So yea, the Christmas season is over. And now begins the countdown to the new year. Along with New Year's Eve come many resolutions. Wouldn't it be cool if I listed my resolutions for the next year? How original!!!!....Yea....

One, starting on January 1st, I will take time out of my day to help those in need. And by those in need, I mean those I want to help. And by those I want to help, I mean chics. And by chics, I mean hot supermodels.

Two, I will make sure that those around me are having a good time. I will not put my wants first. Oh wait, I already do that. Bleh...

Three, I will call people and IM people first! Yea right, I'm just kidding. You got me. I lied. Which leads to my fourth...

Four, I will do a better job of making my lies look like truth. (Let's see who gets this one...)

Five, from now on, I will throw golf balls at the people on my floor who are annoying. Don't talk on your cell phone to your woman in front of my door at 3AM!!! I mean it. Golf balls. And I have quite an arm.

Six, I will make the lives of women around me better by simply being there. The radiance given off by me is more than enough.

Seven, I will not rub it into people's faces that they are not perfect like me. Bastards...

I think I'll stop there. Seven is a good number, and I don't feel like going on. Not all of the previously mentioned resolutions are for real. Maybe not any. But the point is...

At least I didn't put the general "lose weight" resolution. I make my goals reasonable. And reachable. And physically possible.

So, chug that champagne down when the ball drops. Get wasted! Wake up the next morning with a complete stranger! It's more fun that way. Then you can tell your future kids about how you met your spouse first thing on New Year's Day. But we both know the'll make up something about dating for years. It'll make the illegitimate child feel better. Bastard...

I like that word...

Wednesday, December 24, 2003

How frighteningly accurate...

You are Spearmint.
You are quick-witted and sharp. You pay close
attention to details and you can tell what your
friends are feeling. You are always the first
to understand a joke and you are valued for
your insight and advice. However, you
sometimes isolate yourself from other people,
afraid to share your own feelings.
Most Compatible With: Cinnamon

Which Tic-Tac Flavor Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
I was thinking about this idea...

I could list people I know with alternate aliases. For each person, I would write a paragraph describing this person and their relationship to me. When a person contacts me, I give them their alias.

No wait...that's gay....nevermind.

Totally bored...I don't know what to write about. Oh well. When I get bored, I go to sleep.

I wish perfection really existed...
To those who try to call me, but can't get a hold of me.

I did change my number back in August. I didn't call everyone and let them know. I told a few people and told them to spread it around. So if you are reading this and you don't have my number, email me or something. I'll give it to you unless I don't like you.

Yes, the "I don't like you" that means, "You're a whore. Stay away from me."
Females...females everywhere.

I don't know what to put after that. All I know is that my hands are cold, and it's taking me forever to type.

"Just let me try, and I will be good to you
Just let me try, and I will be there for you
I'll show you why, it's so much more than good enough."
Sarah McLachlan - Good Enough

This is the anthem of all relationships involving me. Friendships, more, it doesn't matter. It still applies. You can ask any of my ex-es....any friend of mine, past or present. They will tell you the same thing. Well, maybe. I'm sure there's one or two bitter people out there who have nothing but expletives for me. But a majority will tell you that I can be one of the nicest people. I can help, big or small problems. When my name is called, I show up.

I had this one friend in high school. She was nice and all. She asked for my advice a lot. Even so, she would do the opposite, which usually led to more problems. I knew her weaknesses, and I cautioned her about certain activities. She did them anyway. Now, I have no idea where she is. I do not know how she is doing. All I know is that she is a troubled person. I found this out because she called me once about a year ago. And I tried my best to prevent her future. It sucks.

By the which...I forgot to mention...

Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Lemme check something...

"For some, it's because I don't like you."

By "I don't like you" I mean, "You are a whore, stay away from me." I did not mean this as "I could never make out with you" or in that sense. You know what I mean.

Monday, December 22, 2003

There are many people in my life, and there are many today that I do not talk to on a regular basis. I do feel a bit bad about this, but there are reasons and excuses. I am not the biggest fan of excuses, but I do acknowledge their existence.

For some, it's because I don't make calls. I hate picking up the phone and calling people. I hate the phone. There's a long drawn out story behind it, but I don't feel like going into it. To all who read this, just know that I won't call anyone, and it's best if you call me. I'll answer my phone as long as I'm not in a situation where answering it would be rude.

For some, it's because I only get on AIM at night. I do not feel like IMing during the day because it is best suited for practicing my B-ball skills. Usually I am in the driveway dribbling around and working on moves. Once it's around 10, then I'll stop and get on. Don't look for me any earlier unless I am really bored. I only have about 15 people on my list, and about 10 don't even get on much. So gay.

For some, it's because I don't like you. This is generally directed towards females. If I'm not talking to you often, then it's probably because things are awkward. I try to keep everything nice and smooth, so there's a better chance that you did it. If I did it, I'll apologize. Now, this doesn't apply to all females, because I know of a handful of exceptions. If you aren't sure if you are an exception, try calling me or IMing me. I'll let you know.

And for most, it's because I graduated, and you were just a high school friend. That's all. Yea, it's nice to keep in touch and all, but you're bound to lose contact with most of your friends from high school after graduation. It's statistics.

To all those I do talk to regularly, umm....what do I say? Thank you? You're welcome? Either would be very....stupid. But, at least you get the way I am.

Friday, December 19, 2003

In FLCL, they're watching some show or movie.


-I am a runaway bullet train after all.

-Brother, you can't die now. Wha?...What are these pidgeons doing here? Ohhh... Ahhhhhhh! Get these stupid birds off..."

Wow. Greatness. THAT is funny. Runaway bullet train....

Tuesday, December 16, 2003

By the way, I will be home tomorrow. Not sure who all reads this, but I guess I should announce my arrival. I don't want people saying "What do you mean you're leaving? When did you get here? Why didn't we hang out?"

I plan to get me a jobby job, and stay indoors as much as possible. Except for this Friday. I'm going to see that Lord of the Rings Part III at the IMAX theater. Awesome stuff.

Yes, as I said, I will be home soon, so I don't know how much I'll be postin' on this thing. It'll pick up for sure next semester. People, you heard it here first. My roommate and I have agreed to workout everyday next semester. I am going to eat jars of peanut butter and take protein supplements so that all my shirts are way to tight. OK, maybe not supplements. But still, I told him that I am up for it as long as my schedule allows. If he says "I don't know" then you guys are to make fun of him constantly.

Anywho, I should start packing.

A woman's self-help book....still weirds me out.
Everyone, this song is one of my favorites yet it is so depressing. Especially if you know the movie it is a part of.
(Bjork is against the left, Thom indented)

I've seen it all
I have seen the trees
I've seen the willow leaves dancing in the breeze

I've seen a man killed by his best friend friend
And lives that were over before they were spent

Together: I've seen what I was and I know what I'll be, I've seen it all - there is no more to see

You haven't seen elephants, kings or peru

I'm happy to say i had better to do

What about china? Have you seen the great wall?

All walls are great if the roof doesn't fall
And the man you will marry? the home you will share?

To be honest I really don't care
Castles on the mountain, I don't care.

You've never been to niagara falls?

I have seen water, It's water, That's all

The eiffel tower and the empire state?

My pulse was as high on my very first date

Your grandson's hand as he plays with your hair?

To be honest, I really don't care

Together: I've seen it all
I've seen the dark, I've seen the brightness in one little spark
I've seen what I choose and I've seen what i need
And that is enough
To want more would be greed
I've seen what i was and i know what i'll be i've seen it all - there is no more to see!

You've seen it all and all you have seen
You can't always review on your own little screen
The light and the dark
The big and the small
Just keep in mind - you need no more at all

Together: You've seen what you were and you know what you'll be
You've seen it all - there is no more to see

-Bjork with Thom Yorke "I've Seen It All"

Sunday, December 14, 2003

"FBombAndy: yea, I sound like a parent
D: it's so cliche
D: haha no
D: you sound like a woman's self-help book"

What a quote....I'm speechless. Shocked. Depressed.

Saturday, December 13, 2003

Maybe I should explain my choice of songs...

3 Libras because of the lyrics "you don't see me." I change frequently, and I sort of don't let most people get to know 'me.' Maybe it's a defense mechanism or whatever. That and the violins at the beginning. Real sweet soundin'.

How To Disappear Completely because the title says it all. I know how to disappear. People don't hear from me months at a time. I don't always want it to happen, but it does. I can do it easily to annoying people. Just like 'poof' I'm gone.

I Might Be Wrong because just that. I might be wrong, about a lot of things. That and the part where he sings "What would I do, what would I do, if I did not have you." I don't know who the "you" is, but it must be someone good. Actually, "you" has changed a lot over the past. Maybe a bunch of chics. I can't keep track of them all.

Go With The Flow because, I always go with the flow. I hate confrontations, and I try to avoid them. Real laid back and I just relax.

Gravity just because its about overcoming an addiction. I stopped drinking, but I was never really addicted. I might have been an alcoholic my junior year in high school, but I dunno. I didn't drink 'til I was drunk. But it was a stress reliever.

Knife Prty because it's a misunderstood love song. Sure he's talking about knives and cutting, but that's too literal. It's more about a man and a woman finding a new plateau of love. And he says "I could float here forever." Who couldn't float in love forever?
( I really like the solo singing he does in the break. Then it goes into this simulated screaming. I love it. It's just so high pitched and it blends into the song so well. I guess it's just that it is way beyond anything normal. It's so close to being the climax. And then it keeps going higher. And it ends with him singing "Now kiss me.")

Scatterbrain because, that's me. I can't remember crap. Everything I do remember, it's all scattered around chronologically. Little parts here and there, it makes no sense.
( I love the part where he sings "Your voice is rapping on my window sill." The emotion put into it is just greatness. I could say that about some people's voices, but I don't hear them enough. Yes, more chics.)

Stinkfist because he sings "Show me that you love me and that we belong together." For a small part in my high school career, this was something I kept thinking to myself. And yes, it was directed towards an individual. But hey, she didn't show me. And now this song is my reminder. "Don't be fooled. Tool rocks."

Rose because "I rose, I roared, I will, I am." It's everything you have to say with as few words as possible. Any question can be answered with one of those pairs of words. Well, maybe not EVERY question, but most. I really like the ending to this song. More violins.

Gasoline because "Burning gasoline. Yea. Burning gasoline." No, it's not about pyromania. It's about driving in a car just because. No point, just drivin'.

Digital Bath because "I feel like more." I always feel like more than what I am. Sometimes that can hurt. Especially during finals. I might feel real smart, then the test comes, and I forget everything. Don't feel too smart then.
( My favorite lyric, "You breathed, then you stopped. I breathed, and dried you off." I take it as 'She takes a breath, I take a breath, then I dry her off.')

Passenger because the story is so great. A guy and a chic in a car going for a drive, and they do the dirty in the car. C'mon. That's greatness. Well, let me be more specific. It's the chic driving and the guy is the passenger. "Roll the windows down, this cool night air is curious, let the whole world look in, who cares who sees anything." If a chic said that to me, what can I do? Yea yea, male fantasy. Whatever.

The next four songs were "Songs that take me away to a different place" and they are just that. There is no other reason why I picked them. But they are my four favorite songs to take me away.

Wednesday, December 10, 2003

Top songs for "Andy" CD:

Songs that define me:

A Perfect Circle - 3 Libras
Radiohead - How To Disappear Completely
Radiohead - I Might Be Wrong
Queens Of The Stone Age - Go With The Flow

Songs that I relate to:

A Perfect Circle - Gravity
Deftones - Knife Prty
Radiohead - Scatterbrain
Tool - Stinkfist

Songs that push me:

A Perfect Circle - Rose
Audioslave - Gasoline
Deftones - Digital Bath
Deftones - Passenger

Songs that take me away to a different place:

Massive Attack - Butterfly Caught
Massive Attack - Small Time Shot Away
Radiohead - Kid A
Radiohead - Hunting Bears