Tuesday, October 28, 2003

You want an easy way to piss me off? Ask me about a Mavs game after a loss. I just want to hit something...

Yea, so what? We'll see who's laughing come May.

This weekend, I'm going to play some Bball. And I'm going to play like never before. I'm going to make my opponents wish they never challenged me. It's on. The weather will be a little cold, just the way I like it. The courts will be a little empty, another thing that I like. It's gonna be right outside my dorm, so I've got the home court advantage. I'm going into this weekend after having a decent week. If I wake up frustrated Saturday morning, someone is going to get it. And I mean get it good. If I wake up pissed, I'll make people hurt.

I'll probably walk out of that door of the cage more banged up than anyone else, but not without a win. Blood dripping down my lip, knees, arms, wherever, it doesn't matter. I'm going to walk out with a smile. I'll make sure to that. I've improved too much to let it go to waste this one chance. Well, it's not one chance. It's just one of a few.

I need a good nickname. I mean one of those nicknames that ballers earn. I'll even settle to be known on a first name basis. When you say Dirk, Peja, or Vlade, you know who they're talking about. I could be the next "Andy." I really don't like my real first name that much.