Sunday, October 19, 2003

So yea, I watched the Cowboys beat the S out of Detroit. That really made my day. Until I remembered that I have a History test tomorrow. Talk about sucking...

I was thinking about my current relationship status (single) when it hit me. If I still lived in Dallas, there is no way I would be single right now. There would be no free time, because there would be dates every night. My calender would be booked. "Why?" you might ask. Mainly because in Dallas, I know the market, and I know how to advertise myself. Here in Austin, the expectations of guys are completely different. I'm not exactly sure what is expected out of me. And I really don't feel like learning. When I walk through campus, I walk as though I am taken, and I am not available to even talk to anyone. It's a horrible thing to do.

It really clicked with me after I started thinking harder about the wedding I just attended. There were many chics there, and I felt that a few held interest in me. But I did not make a move, because I live in Austin. I call Austin home. I know that if I were to hook up with someone who lives in Dallas, I would have to endure a long distance relationship. That just doesn't work with me. I have the patience, and I can have the trust. But I can't make trips back to Dallas every weekend. Even if all the resources were there, I would not want to. It would take a miracle to convince me to. 210 miles isn't that far. But it's far enough for me.

If I lived in Dallas, then everything would be in it's right place.* I would be able to date those chics I saw at the wedding. I could meet female friends of my friends back in Dallas. It would be so easy. There are a few friends from high school that I still talk to that I wouldn't mind dating. But, as long as I live in Austin, they are off limits to me. They might make a move, but I will not be able to accept. It might be one of those story book "the one"** type things, but that doesn't matter, because I will not do the long distance thing. For all I know, I'm missing out on something good.

All I can say is "oh well." I've got my thing down here in Austin. Yea, I wish some people I knew went to UT also. But hey, they want to stay at UTA, or UTD, or UNT, or wherever. I can accept that. I might not like it. But I have to deal with it. I alone decided to go far off. It might look more like I left them. That could be the case. And sometimes I think about transferring over there. We could have alot of fun again if I were to rejoin my group.

Anyway, ladies in Dallas, I'm sorry I won't date you. It's probably nothing personal. Well, it could be. But the main reason I can't is because I don't live there. Move to Austin, we'll talk. If I come back to Dallas, we'll talk. Otherwise, I apologize.

* Nice Radiohead reference.
** I really hate that bull S. There is no such thing as "the one." There have to be at least 10 people in the same state who could be "the one", so I guess it's not "the one." It's more like "one of the few." I've been called "the one" twice, and I don't talk to them anymore, so I guess I'm not "the one." Statistically, if you want to end a relationship with me, call me "the one." It hasn't failed yet.