Sunday, November 23, 2003

Let's start this off with a fictional story...

This guy Andy walks into a bar. He sits down next to this gorgeous chic. Super hot! Yum-yum! They start talking, and things are going really well. They make plans to see each other again. Weeks and weeks of dating lead to a romantic dinner cooked by Andy at Andy's apartment.

So the girl says "I love you." Andy says it back. (Fictional story. Keep that in mind.) Now she wants Andy to meet her parents. That goes well. Now Andy proposes. She freaks out. "Woah! Slow down now! I'm not ready to get married, I think we should take some time off." Bam! Bad day, with horrible luck, right?

Maybe not.

Being in love is can be really great. You have someone to call your companion. Someone with whom you relate. You have enough attachment to think about one another often, but enough freedom to have those nights to yourself. There's an understanding. In a sense, some people like being in love, or love being in love.

Marriage is the statement to the world "This is my missing half. He/She completes me, and I love him/her for that." It's a huge proclamation. And someone might not be ready to surrender that freedom from before. When you get married, it's one and only one.

So, this must mean that there are people out there who love being in love, but don't want to go that extra distance to be serious. It's sort of like, when you have cake in front of you. You know it's really good. The anticipation is overwhelming. And then, you put a small piece on your fork. It's right by your lips. The smell enters your nose, and its pure heaven. When you put it in your mouth, that's it. It's over. You have experienced it. There's nothing left. Whether the cake is good or not, it doesn't matter. The anticipation is so great and it beats out actually eating the cake.

So, a person in love is feeling that anticipation of something greater. It's so close, and they feel it too. This is the pinnacle, and they know it. If they move on to the next step, it's a step downward, not alot downward, but just enough. It's all relative. And so they choose to cherish the moment now, and forfeit any possible rewards.

Have you ever seen a really good movie, so good that you didn't want it to end? If you don't see the ending, does it really end? How do you know? It's like the thing about a tree falling in the woods. Does it make a sound? So yea, you don't see the end, and you leave. You are still on all the emotional highs. If you were to see it again from the beginning, it'd feel just the same. But if you see the ending, that's it. It's over. You'll never be able to watch that movie with the same excitement, because you know what it leads to.

The same applies to relationships. If you're not ready to let it go, the anticipation, then you have to leave. There are many reasons to not let go, but you have to know when to hold on. If you play poker and up the ante everytime, but fold at the last moment, then you never win. You get the climax, but never anything after.

I don't know how else to explain. If you're not ready, then don't go on. But you have to be ready eventually.


Wednesday, November 19, 2003

What it is: The ability to use one's emotional life as a means to understand oneself and others. Children with this type of intelligence control their own feelings and moods and often observe and listen. They do best when working alone.

Encourage your child to think about how new experiences make him feel and offer him plenty of chances to explore topics on his own. To involve an intrapersonal learner in a science project, ask him to describe his experiences and emotions. A camera, drawing pad, and blank journal can help your child record and think about his observations."

All material from:


Is that me or what? I've never heard a better description. Of course, this was written about children, and I'm a bit further than that...

Sunday, November 16, 2003

Man, this is going to be one pissed off Andy for a while. Didn't want to see the Cowboys lose, but oh well. I'll get over it eventually. And didn't those Longhorns pull one out of their A? I thought it was great though. Almost made me soil my shorts.

But anyway, on to the next topic. Have you ever heard or said, "Wow, you two make a good couple?" Isn't it odd that only some couples seem like they fit together really well? You'd figure that it would be said more often, especially when two people get married. So what's up with "natural couples?"

After hearing that previously mentioned phrase once and saying it a few times, I became determined to figure out what causes two people to come off as a natural couple. After analyzing each situation, it comes down to a few things.

First, the score for each half of the couple on the "looks" scale must be near equal. If the chic is super hot and the guy looks like the hunchback, obviously it doesn't look natural. But if they are both moderately attractive, then it works out just fine.

Second, both types must complement each other. You can't have a skater dude and a goth chic. It just doesn't look right. But, if you have a real preppy chic with the standard preppy jock, it looks fine. Two people that don't have a specified group usually match up well. I would go so far as to say that band nerds should probably stick with other band nerds, but it doesn't work. Well, sometimes it does, but it shouldn't. Of all the band relationships I've seen, only one or two have actually lasted and worked.

Third, the music each person listens to must overlap their significant other's choice of music. A guy who digs punk doesn't seem like a perfect fit for a country girl. Two people that listen to the top 100 station will fit fine. A guy that digs heavy rap metal just shouldn't coexist with girl who listens to classical. But, if a guy listens to everything besides country (like yours truly), then a girl who listens to any music should be just fine.

Fourth, their real life problems should be of the same degree. If a guy is a heavy druggie, he shouldn't be with a religious chic. It doesn't make too much sense. I'd give another example, but I can't think of one right off the bat.

Fifth, and probably most important, the two people should act very clingy and lovey-dovey in the presence of others. It shouldn't be forced, because then it's just a big lie, and as my previous post mentioned, lying gets you a big ticket to limbo. If the hugs and hand holding just happen with no influence, it comes off as very natural. When a couple never seems to argue, it comes off as natural. If it's all get the idea.

I'll throw in a sixth. Each half should not be selfish at all. If everytime they see each other they have a gift or something like that, then it appears very complementing. Oh yea...I mentioned selfishness in my last post as well. I forgot.

Now, it doesn't take all six, maybe just four or five. All of these requisites just happen. They can't be forced, because force gets you nowhere. Meet a couple that has most of these qualities, and watch how long they last. If they are split up, it is probably because of an external cause.

The term "natural couple" can also apply to two people who are just friends. Each of the previously mentioned qualities can be displayed by "just friends" except for the first and fifth. If the remaining four signs are there, it might seem as though they are a couple. These are things that couples have.

Sorry if I keep saying, "so and so are probably a couple, they just haven't come out about it." But I don't apologize for saying "oh, they're a natural couple." That should be taken as a compliment. Maybe it should also be taken as advice to go for it.

Whatever. Get out of my face. Lucky that I even said, "sorry." I usually don't apologize, seeing as how they are just words, and can be faked easily. You can see through an apology by looking at the eyes. It's easy. Every emotion is displayed through the eyes. So an apology shouldn't require words.

I'm going to sleep. Guess what my feelings are when my eyes are closed...

Thursday, November 13, 2003

People hook up all the time, everywhere. It happens every minute in every country. Maybe, down the street from where you live, a guy is on the phone with his soon-to-be woman. But, as it is well put in The Matrix: Revolutions, "Everything that has a beginning, has an end."

As often as people start relationships, they are broken. Cheating, lying, selfishness, or not being compatible, these are all factors of a break-up. It seems very natural though, just as natural as death. Not everyone can stay together forever with their first love. You must go out into the world and you must evaluate all options available. Staying with one person for a long time can be wasteful if you haven't found your best option.

So yea, what about after a break-up? Can they still occupy the same room and not have a grudge? Can they talk like old friends as if nothing ever went wrong? Will they kill each other with spoons?

It seems as though the most logical thing to do, in my opinion, is to ignore the other half of the failed relationship. Pain has been inflicted, and everyone would rather ignore pain than address it. If you ignore something long enough, it goes away, right?

But, how can you ignore someone you have grown close to? I mean, two people make a commitment to be there for each other, and all of the sudden they can deny that the other exists?

Only, they tell themselves that the other doesn't exist. They can't truly believe it. Certain smells, visions, and feelings can make someone remember what happened. Walking down the street and seeing someone with a similar appearance is all it takes to bring back memories of joy, and sadness. And then it starts...

You want to call the other person, just to hear their voice. You want to know how they are doing, and what they are doing. You want to know the most important thing. Are they thinking of you?

People split into two different types at this moment. They either a) pick up the phone, make the call, ask the questions or b) they tell themselves again that the other does not exist. Both require will power, and both are just as difficult. The difference is found in the thought process of the person with questions. People either let their feelings make the decision, or they analyze each move and probable outcomes much like a game of chess.

This is what enters the mind of a person (in this case, I'll use the ex-boyfriend POV) who uses...


"If I call, will she talk to me? Will she tell me that she still has feelings for me, or will she yell out words of hatred? What if I don't call? Will I ever talk to her again? Wait, do I really want to talk to her again? She did do 'this and that.' Do I still have feelings for her?" Now this person balances the scales, and he sees the pros to outweigh the cons. The feeling of love is greater than any amount of physical or emotional pain.


"Let's say I call, she could ignore everything I say. She could also hang up on me. What's the point of calling? She may have feelings for me, but wouldn't she call me then? What if she's thinking the same exact thing I am? If I call her first, does that make me the bigger person? What if I don't call? No harm if nothing is said. Shouldn't I just keep my words to myself?" And then the person weighs the pros and cons. The pain that the cons represent will eventually outweigh the pros, because now there is doubt in the mind about whether they are a good couple or not, seeing as how they broke-up. Doubt is quite a thing.

The length of time that the couple ignore each other all depends on how long they stick to the same thought process. After long enough, the thinking stops. The smaller feelings are fade, and memories are forgotten. Day by day, the pain dies away, until one morning, you don't feel anything. It takes weeks, months, or even years for some. Time heals all wounds.

Is it better to ignore someone after a break-up, even if it means for the rest of your life?

I don't know. I've seen cases where exes are friends and get along. I've seen cases where exes being in the same room almost always means a fight. I have not experienced both sides for myself either. But then again, it is easy for me to form a grudge against you, and it is easy for it to disappear. I remember every action, and I can forgive very easily.

If someone who has had a break-up at least once talks about their current emotions to a member of the opposite sex, it suggests that the feelings for the ex still remain. Yet, the person spilling their guts could do it as a sign of openness, and as a signal of interest. Boy, does that lead to an awkward moment...ha!

I'm going to sleep.

"Sleep! Yea! That's where I'm a viking!" - Ralph Wiggum
Beer beer beer. I love beer. It can be very tasty, and it can be very relaxing. When I have a hard day, I drink beer. Although, now it has to be an extremely hard day, because I'm really not supposed to drink much at all. So the rare times when I can, it must be for a worthy reason.

After my first final of my first semester, I saw ripples in the floor. The test required so much thinking, I blew a hole. It just so happened to be physics. I really like physics, too. But walking out of that building was harder then it should have been. I went back to my dorm, and just passed out. Now after I take finals, I feel fine. Well, at least for most finals.

Just got a good topic to write about, so I'm going to post this and start it. It deserves a whole section to itself.

Monday, November 10, 2003

So yea, everyone has their past that they never want to bring up again. It's sorta like, "I don't ever want to experience or think about the experience in my past." I didn't kill anyone or anything like that. But I might as well have. It feels like I've been in a mental prison for the past year or so. OK, maybe more like a couple of years. I tried breaking out of it by writing it all down, but that didn't really help. It only made things worse. I mean, I wrote over 100 pages trying to get it all out of me, and with each page, I kept hoping that the next one would be the one to set me free. Then I figured I could keep writing and submit it for publishing after 500 or so pages, but that was just based on high hopes. I stopped about 5 months ago, and I only have about 150 pages.

Well, it doesn't matter too much. I'm about 200 miles away from my past now. I love it. I know, I know. "Andy, what's this 'past' you're talking about?"

Well, as I said earlier, it's nothing I want to talk about. The only necessary information about it that anyone needs to know is that I'm perfect. Well, I'm my definition of perfect.

"But Andy, how do you define perfect?"

Perfect - (adj) see also perfection, perfectly, perfectionist; something that is desirous to many, adapts to remove flaws, in the process of becoming flawless, Andy. Ex: Andy is perfect.

This is going to take further explanation, but right now I don't feel like it.

Roommate quote for this year and next...
"Don't worry, we're both fully clothed...well I have pants on at least."

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Yea, played Bball this past weekend. Don't even really want to get into that. But I will never eat before playing again. I'll also try not to come down with a cold or sinus infection or whatever. Either way.

I hate things. Some things bug me too much, while other things are so small that I don't feel it until it adds up. Some things suck really bad. Some things are just plain annoying. Some things haunt me in the wrong way. Some things just pop up out of nowhere and freak me out. Some things are just too bad to ignore. Once again, I hate some things. If I could change the world, I would.

Then again, maybe some day I will change the world. Have my name printed in all the newspapers, and a picture too. Front page materials for every country. Guess I should keep dreaming...

I love dreaming. I know I enjoy sleeping, but I think what makes it so great are the dreams. People I haven't seen forever show up, and it's just like old times. People that are out of my reach are sitting next to me. People I haven't spoken to in years talk to me in my dreams. The ones I miss, the ones I don't, they are all there.

Sometimes these dreams can seem like good ones, but after sitting down and further analyzing, they can be horrible. They stick in your head all day, and it feels like you'll never get rid of it. Sometimes you don't want to get rid of it. I get those dreams every now and then. Does it happen to everyone? I figure it does.

But yea, gonna take some stuff, and then I'm gonna sleep. Sleep...