Monday, September 29, 2003

History sucks. In my opinion, there is no subject as crappy as history. I always go into that class with the intention of staying awake all 50 minutes, but it never happens. He starts talking to the students about their hometowns, and my eyes go shut.

Jazz Appreciation is so great. We spent the first 11 minutes of class listening to Art Blakey. That let me clear my head and get relaxed. That class goes by to fast though.

Microeconomics kinda sucks. We do the same examples all the time. She's a grad student, and it's her first time teaching. She needs to be more strict. These guys next to me keep drumming on the table really loud, and it really pisses me off. Not only that, but everyone in that class (excluding me) talks all the time. I don't talk because I really couldn't get along with anyone in there.

So yea, I wear my headphones to and from Jazz. It lets me ignore all the stupid talk floating in the hallways. Why is it that everyone walking in front of me walks extremely slow? And then there's the people who stop in the middle of the hallway and talk to their friends. Don't they realize that other people have to use the hallway? Do they not see it?

Going back home on the 10th. Got a wedding to go to, some basketball to play, and some sleeping to catch up on. Gotta get a haircut too while I'm there. I always try to keep my visits low profile. It's not that I think everyone I know will want to do something. I don't know that many people who I could hang out with. But I just like to stay home, stay indoors, and just relax. If people knew I were home, and they just wanted to hang out over at my house, then I would be fine with that.

It's almost October 1st. Time goes by quickly. I think I have four tests coming up, including one tomorrow. Only two of them should really be hard. I also forgot that I have to do a concert report....I need to jump on that.

Saturday, September 27, 2003

So yea, I'm talking to Emily*, and she tells me that guys "with no balls" are the biggest turn-off for most women. Guys "with no balls," what's wrong with you?

Males are born with two things called testicles. They are the source of any macho thing we do. If a guy does something really painful, even if it's stupid, then that man has balls. If a guy walks up to a chic who is obviously out of his league and asks for her number, then that man has balls.

So, let's say a guy tells a friend that he is interested in a certain someone. Then he instructs that friend to tell her. This is called the "drop a good word for me" technique. It lets the man inform the woman through a medium that he finds her attractive. If she accepts this word and talks to the man, then the guy wins. If she avoids him like the plague, the guy doesn't lose. Why? Because the rejection was not directly to his face and he avoids embarassment. He can shrug it off by saying something like "Oh well." The guy who uses this technique does not have any balls.

According to Emily, this is very unattractive. Also, she states, "the unattractiveness is when a guy tells everyone he likes you except you and that's how he expects you to find out...nothing's going to happen out of THAT." So what's a solution?

Be a man and step up to the plate. Tell a girl "Look, I find you attractive." You really gotta put your balls out there. If you're afraid of getting hurt, then you should go play a game of chess and call it a day. Otherwise, say to yourself, "My balls are on the table. I'm a man."

Emily also states, "if the possibility of rejection scares you away from telling a person directly, you're not cut out for something to happen."

Strong words...

* All names have been changed to keep privacy
I forgot to mention a couple of results from one game of dating poker.

When the guy wins, he is forced to leave the table for a couple of rounds. This is the whole process of dating that takes him out. This also gives the losers another chance to redeem themselves. If a guy who has all aces is constantly at the table, he's being a bastard, and a bouncer has to get rid of him. No one likes a greedy bastard.

When a loser runs out of chips, it usually results in that person going home to mom and crying for a month or two. In real extreme cases, they usually figure out that they are destined to be single and quit, or they turn homo.

If a guy gets married, he is retiring from the game. This makes all his poker buddies real happy.

By the which, there were many contributions to this idea from the very beautiful Anh (apply lips to bottom), who is so evil for making me think. Thank you Anh. Now where's my brain medicine?

Roommate Quote Number Three
"Stop! Don't come in!" (Tee hee hee)
I should really explain the "guys embarassing themselves" in my whole "girls don't have to do the work" entry.

The analogy I just came up with not too long ago is the best way I can describe this. But first, let's check out a statistic I'm going to create. What do you think is the ratio of guys being rejected to girls being rejected? I'm going to say a bajillion to 1. If a guy walks into a club, asks 10 girls for their numbers, he might get 2 or 3. If a girl goes into a club and asks 10 guys for their numbers, she will get all 10. This sort of has to do with supply and demand. Guys have a lot of demand for females, but supply is limited. Females, very little demand for guys (because "they're all pigs"). By the way, we are not all pigs. Note: Supply of guys is through the roof.

So, let's think of this whole world of dating from a guy's POV as a poker game. Guys are holding the cards, they have their poker chips, and there are other people playing against him. The cards represent his traits and characteristics that women find desirable. The poker chips represent his emotional capacity. The jackpot is the girl the guys are chasing after. The other guys playing against him are the guys going after the same girl. A guy wins, he gets the girl.

So, a chic walks by, and a bunch of guys ante up. These cards in their hands are already pre-dealt to them by the Almighty himself. If you have all Aces, you're a bastard. If you have a pair of twos, I'm sorry. So, they take turns adding bets. Then they call and throw it all down. Guy with the best hand wins, he gets all the chips, which are added to his "ego" pile along with the jackpot. The losers get to cry for a while, go to their jobs, raise some more money to get some more chips (Not real money, just something to ease his pain).

Now, if you're smart, you'll know when to fold, and you'll know when to bluff. Bluffing includes throwing more chips into the pot. If you bluff, it's the equivalent of telling her your feelings. The other guys might be caught off guard, and they might fold. This can increase your chances of "winning." On the other hand, they might see right through your bluff, they might throw their chips on the table and you could lose tons o' chips. It's best to fold when this chic is way out of your league. Then you don't lose any chips.

I've been out of the game for a while now, I love to gamble, and I'm getting that itch. Past year or two, I've been building my pile of chips.

Roommate Quote Number Two
"You know what else is a little damp?" (Very suggestive).

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

On my web site, it says, "I forgot to mention that one of the main things I look for is a good singing voice. There's just something about meeting up with your woman after a hard day, and having her sing you something real slow and soothing." Somehow, this put the wrong image into my roommate's head. He imagined that I would walk in the door all sweaty after working out, and then my woman's eyes would see mine, and then she would burst into some aria. That's not at all what I was trying to say or describe. I definitely mean a song like something Mazzy Star would do, or Sarah McLachlan. I don't need some Charlotte Church or crap. How would that make me feel better?

Here is a small excerpt from one of Mazzy Star's good songs.

"I look to you when I see nothing,
I look to you to see the truth."

How can that not work for a guy?

I didn't get to play basketball because the weather was getting bad. That could be why my knee was hurting, the whole change in pressure or whatever. It's still humid outside. Kinda sucks. I'll probably try to play basketball tomorrow. Friday I get to go home for the weekend. I really want it to be kept quiet. I don't want to go out much while I'm there.

From now on, I'm going to post a quote from my roommate with every entry on this thing. Here goes with the first one.

"You're rubbing off on me." (But he took that the most wrong way possible.)
About to go play some basketball. I think I'm going to work on my outside shot. My post moves are good enough for right now. On my way back up to my dorm just minutes ago, my knee got some sharp pains. So we'll get to see if I blow a knee or what in an hour or two.

Friday, September 05, 2003

You know, being on the bus, sitting in class, and lounging in my room has got me thinking. Why don't chics ever initiate contact with guys? It always has to be the guy who gets to embarass himself with a stupid one liner. If a chic so much as said "hi" to a guy, all of the work would be done. Yes there's the "I'm looking right at you" and what not, but that can be very misleading. She could be looking at someone behind you, and that can lead to a very awkward situation. Girls, just say "hi" and you can double the potential boyfriends available to you.

I really hate those moments when you see someone, but after closely looking, you realize it's not them. Like seeing an old flame, but it's only someone that slightly resembles them. You almost walk up to them and say "What are YOU doing here?!" Seconds before doing so, you stop yourself, rub your eyes, and walk away. It can really mess up the rest of your day.

Am I the only one who has died in their dreams? My roommate says he never has. Just wondering...