Thursday, May 13, 2004

Almost done with finals. Gonna update with a new attitude soon! For real this time!

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Took out the tagboard and sitemeter thing. For some reason when I try to view it with IE it doesn't show all of the page. It stops right below the tagboard. Fixed it now though. Better. I'll post more soon, just gotta sleep first.


Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I have a paper due in two days. 5 pages. Comparison between the autobiography of Malcolm X and NSC-68. Won't be fun. But 5 pages isn't much.

Thinking about skipping all of my classes today so I can work exclusively on it. But I don't think I'll skip history. Or psychology.

Am worried about the Mavs. But the next three games determine a lot. Who has the will to make it to the next round? I sure hope the Mavs pul it together and start giving Dirk 30 shots. KS took 30 shots, made 13, and no one said anything about that. Of course, it also helped that Cassell went for 40. It's nice to have someone at your side.

Dark and cloudy outside. I want to play ball. So I hope the weather clears up.

Alright, time to start working.

Thursday, April 15, 2004

Things going well, at least as well as they can. I'm happy about basketball, and it's really been the high point for this week or so.

I ate way too much tonight. Had a Monte Cristo from Bennigan's. I feel like I just swallowed 50 bags of skittles whole, then washed them down with a gallon of water. That's how full I feel.

It was funny though. They served this red stuff with some appetizer, they were onions or something. Well, E couldn't figure out what it was. I took a couple of tastes, and said, "It's ketchup mixed with Jack Daniels." He thought about it and agreed with me. It's funny what I remember from my drinking days.

Haven't had a drink in 8 months. Don't miss it. Well, I do miss it a little, but not enough for me to act on it.

Mavs - Sac, first round. Yes! Total greatness.

Monday, April 12, 2004

My hair is so soft. Yes!

Tuesday, April 06, 2004

In case you missed what I said on Monday at 1:03AM, I declared that both UCONN Men and Women's basketball teams would win the championship. I said "Trust me, I gamble, and I'm good at it." Unfortunately, I didn't bet. I should have...

Didn't post for Tuesday night because I got back late from my brother's. Fun stuff. Plenty of yelling. All in good fun yelling though.

Weird dreams again. This time some mythical creature was converting regular animals to it's form. I didn't understand it. I also saw young adult cats playing with small birds, a turtle on its back, and an airport located on a swamp. Really, don't know what it all meant.

Government test tomorrow, and I still have to study. Great. I better jump on it.

Monday, April 05, 2004

Which would you rather have?

As much as I love basketball, I can't choose against it in this case.